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12/14/11 12-12-11 Senate Testimony Documents & Data
12/11/11 Coalition Letter Up to Nearly 10,700 Signatories/Special Session/More Press/Submit Comments Alerts
12/11/11 EPA links fracking to groundwater pollution in Wyoming Press Coverage
12/08/11 Binghamton Hearing WNBF Interview Press Coverage, Audio/Podcasts
12/06/11 Coalition Letter With More Than 10,400 Signatories Requesting Immediate Withdrawal of the RD SGEIS Letters
12/02/11 Withdraw Revised Draft SGEIS Coalition Letter Has Nearly 10,000 signatories/Big Heads Up Alerts
11/28/11 Desperate times could bring about desperate measures in NY Press Coverage
11/24/11 Great Day in Binghamton/Coalition Letter Has more than 4,100 signatories/Beat the Bushes for Holiday Signatories Alerts
11/22/11 DEC Hydrofracking Hearing Press Coverage
11/19/11 Walter Hang's 11/17/11 Marcellus Shale Revised Draft SGEIS Testimony Binghamton, NY Comments
11/18/11 See Photos from the November 17th Binghamton Rally Alerts
11/17/11 Hydrofracking Opposition Press Coverage, Audio/Podcasts
11/16/11 Withdraw Revised Draft SGEIS Coalition Letter Receives Terrific Press Coverage/Thanks Mayor Ryan/See You Thursday in Binghamton Alerts
11/16/11 Binghamton prepares for DEC hydrofracking hearings Press Coverage, Videos
11/16/11 Thousands Want DEC Draft Withdrawn Press Coverage, Videos
11/16/11 Fracking Battle Set For Binghamton Press Coverage
11/15/11 Withdraw Revised Draft SGEIS Coalition Letter Has Nearly 3,000 Signatories/URGENT ALERT: Thursday DEC Hearing in Binghamton Alerts
11/09/11 Withdraw Revised Draft SGEIS Coalition Letter Now Has More Than 2,000 Signatories/Pour it on!!! Alerts
11/04/11 Is Drilling Safe? New Evidence Suggests No Press Coverage, Videos
11/04/11 More than 1,000 signatories in less than one day!!! Alerts
11/03/11 Urgent Action Alert/Sign New Coalition Letter Requesting that Governor Cuomo Withdraw the Revised Draft SGEIS Alerts
11/03/11 Residents fault DEC over claims of gas drilling impact on water wells Press Coverage
11/02/11 Letter to Governor Cuomo Regarding Ferrugia Family Letters
11/01/11 Coalition Letter to Governor Cuomo to Withdraw RD SGEIS Coalition Letters
10/31/11 Ferrugia Contaminated Drinking Water Well, Jamestown, NY Videos
10/30/11 Private Home & Water Well Reportedly Impacted by Hydrofracking Near Andover/Independence, NY Press Coverage, Videos
10/21/11 NYT coverage of mortgage lending and natural gas/oil leasing/Thanks to known and unknown friends for providing key documents Alerts
10/19/11 Rush to Drill for Natural Gas Creates Conflicts With Mortgages Press Coverage
10/17/11 Caution Urged Over Treating Fracking Waste In Niagara Falls Press Coverage
08/31/11 Get Ready For Action/Revised Draft SGEIS About to be Released Alerts
08/30/11 Cuomo Letter: Revised Draft SGEIS Gas Drilling and Wastewater Spreading Letters
07/22/11 Report says natural gas drilling wastewater spread across NY roads including Chenango Press Coverage
07/21/11 Wastewater from gas drilling being used for area road maintenance Press Coverage
07/21/11 Documents Regarding DEC-Approved Gas Drilling Wastewater Spreading for Dust Control, Winter De-icing and Roadbed Stabilization Documents & Data
07/20/11 Marcellus Shale Interactive Map Alerts
07/08/11 Just one more applause for all t Testimonials
07/08/11 I am writing to ask that you reconsider the plan to exempt only the Cuomo Outreach
07/08/11 vote to support the Auburn gas drilling wastewater ban Alerts
07/08/11 I am late to the fight… Cuomo Outreach, Martens Outreach
07/08/11 I have a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and have work Cuomo Outreach
07/08/11 Please do not allow the invasive and d Martens Outreach
07/08/11 Your predecessor approved Marcellus drill cuttings to go into regular household Martens Outreach
07/08/11 New Yorkers deserve a clean environment, to retain their own he Martens Outreach
07/08/11 As I’m sure you’ve read, the New York Times has just published Cuomo Outreach
07/08/11 Thank you so much in your efforts to ensure that Region 2 Enck Outreach
07/08/11 Congratulations on the Auburn victory! Testimonials
07/08/11 Auburn, NY votes to ban acceptance of gas drilling wastewater at its treatment plant Alerts
07/08/11 Auburn council votes against accepting gas drilling water Press Coverage
07/06/11 Anti-drilling protest Press Coverage
07/06/11 A Message for Martens Press Coverage
