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Environmental Activism Coalition Letters

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Post date Coalition Letter Title
09/25/17 Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Take Urgent Action to Eliminate Water Quality Impairments That Cause Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms Across New York State
07/19/17 Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Prohibit Issuance of State Permits/Authorizations for Salt Mining Under Cayuga Lake and Require a Transition to Salt Mining Only Under Dry Land
06/05/17 Coalition Sign-on Letter Requesting Enforcement of Dryden's 5/24/17 Letter to Dominion Transmission Inc and the Town's Public Utility Approval Moratorium
07/06/16 Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals
02/05/16 Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo End New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuels
12/15/15 Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Deny All Section 401 Water Quality Certification Applications
09/23/15 Coalition Letter requests that NYSDEC issue a Supplemental Findings Statement to prohibit all types of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing
07/16/15 Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Prohibit the Use of Gelled Propane, LPG and All Other "'Environmentally Friendly' or 'Green' Alternatives" Shale Fracking Methods Pending SEQR Review
05/14/15 Governor Cuomo Final SGEIS Findings Statement Requests
03/11/15 Governor Cuomo: Please disclose how the findings and recommendations of your Dept. of Health's Public Health Review of Shale Fracking will be translated into public policy
06/24/14 Governor Cuomo: Please withdraw the Marcellus Shale Draft SGEIS because it is nearly five years old, lacks any current information and would inadequately protect New York from fracking hazards
10/25/13 Important New Sign-On Coalition Letter Gains Nearly 800 Signatories/Potentially Useful Chats With Giant Green Group Presidents/Beat the Bushes for More Signatories
10/17/13 Governor Cuomo Reportedly Believes His Administration is Doing a "Good Job" on DOH Review/Your Eloquent Missives to the Contrary/Important New Sign-On Letter
10/14/13 Letter to Fracking Panel Members Requests that DOH Review be Put On-Hold and That a Comprehensive Shale Fracking Public Health Impact Study be Undertaken
02/24/13 Coalition Letter Requests That Formal Public Participation and Major Revisions for DOH Review of HVHF Be Adopted
