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Walter Hang to talk on Capitol Tonight - 9/20/2017 - Twitter Video

Algae blooms are putting drinking water at risk. Auburn's @TerryCuddy and Walter Hang from @ToxicsTargeting discuss solutions

Assembly members call to stop Cayuga Lake salt mining expansion

LANSING, N.Y. -- There's a new call to stop the expansion of salt mining under Cayuga Lake - and to move operations out from under the water.

Activists Scoff at DEC's Ithaca Gun Company Site Cleanup Proposal

ITHACA, N.Y. -- The latest cleanup proposal for the former Ithaca Gun Company site is drawing criticism from local activists.

The DEC hosted an open house to give people a look at their plans for the Ithaca Falls area Tuesday.

Seneca Lake Activists Celebrate Decision to Nix Natural Gas Storage Project

More than 4 trillion gallons of freshwater fill Seneca Lake. It's the main source of drinking water for 100,000 people in the region.

Report Finds Thousands Of Petroleum Spill Sites Left Unchecked - video

A new report from Toxics Targeting and NYPIRG found that oil and gas spills are not being properly cleaned up. The report focused on Exxon Mobil and its corporate predecessors, and looked at incidents dating back more than a century. Researched counted 3,500 spills that did not meet state clean-up standards. And now they want to see the situations properly resolved. With us to explain more are Walter Hang of Toxics Targeting and NYPIRG's Blair Horner.

Report Finds Thousands Of Petroleum Spill Sites Left Unchecked

The New York Public Interest Research Group and Toxics Targeting have released details regarding oil contamination by Exxon Mobil across the state, including a spill reported in the Port of Albany. Nick Reisman reports.


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