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Anti-fracking groups demand details of fracking ban

Binghamton, NY (WBNG Binghamton) Groups that oppose fracking for natural gas are calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) to specifically detail how a ban on fracking in New York state will be carried out.

Celebrating the fracking ban

Binghamton, NY (WBNG Binghamton) Dozens of people against hydraulic fracturing celebrated a win regarding the ban on fracking in New York.

People from various groups across the Southern Tier gathered in front of the State Office building in downtown Binghamton Thursday afternoon to say thanks and to talk about how their hard work has paid off.

What impact can fracking have on our health?

Binghamton, NY (WBNG Binghamton) Do you know what impact fracking has on our health?

That was the question being posed by representatives of environmental groups and citizen organizations.

A press conference was held Tuesday afternoon to call for a halt to the Department of Health's review of fracking hazards.

A call for new fracking data for NYS

Binghamton, NY (WBNG Binghamton) An environmental group is calling on New York to start over on the SGEIS, a DEC document outlining permit regulations for natural gas drilling using hydraulic fracturing.

It has yet to be finalized.

Push for public comment on fracking review

Binghamton, NY (WBNG Binghamton) A coalition letter against Hydraulic Fracturing is circulating the area and asks for public participation on the Department of Health's review.

The letter to Governor Cuomo wants to see the "DOH's Review of the Public Health Impact on High Volume, Hydraulic Fracturing" put on hold until there is opportunity for public feedback.

Lamb Stands Up Against Southern Tier Fracking

Binghamton, NY (WBNG Binghamton) As New York waits for word on if and where fracking will occur, the Democratic candidate for the U.S. 22nd district Congressional seat speaks out against it.

Local leaders and environmental groups joined Dan Lamb at a rally in opposition to the potential to allow drilling for shale gas.

Dan Lamb says there needs to be more federal safeguards in place and studies done before fracking comes to counties in the Southern Tier.

Trying to Stop Possible Isolated Drilling

Some anti-fracking environmental leaders are reaching out to Governor Andrew Cuomo's top campaign contributors to say unless drilling is safe everywhere, it is not safe anywhere.

Discussion of the possibility of sporadic drilling in the Southern Tier started on June 13, when the New York Times reported that the Cuomo Administration is pursuing a plan to allow drilling in communities that want it.

In an effort to take action before this possible proposal takes hold, local anti-fracking leaders have sent letters to Governor Cuomo's 1,000 biggest campaign contributors.

Group Calls On Cuomo To Slow Down On Fracking

Binghamton, NY (WBNG Bingamton) Local leaders and members of a statewide coalition raise the alert about any possible hydrofracking demonstration project.

The coalition has received more than 2,300 signatures on a letter to the Governor.

They're concerned about any potential planning to site a a natural gas drilling test using hydraulic fracturing somewhere in the Southern Tier.

Drilling Protest On Campus

Dickinson, NY (WBNG Binghamton) People against hydrofracking head to a school campus to get their voices heard.
On Friday morning, New York Residents Against Gas Drilling (NYRAD) were loud about their message on the Broome BOCES campus.

They say they wanted Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and State Senator Tom Libous to hear them as the leaders drove on their way to a breakfast at BOCES.

Thousands Want DEC Draft Withdrawn

(WBNG Binghamton) With the DEC hearing in Binghamton this week there's a call to scrap the DEC's revised draft supplemental generic environmental impact statement.

While others will call to press forward with natural gas drilling in New York's shale areas.


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