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Rick Karlin

Environmentalists: Algae blooms are a widespread threat

It’s not the first time that Basic Creek Reservoir has experienced an algae bloom, marked by a gooey green-blue tint to the water in the City of Albany’s backup water source.

Albany's backup reservoir experiences algae bloom

WESTERLO — It's not the first time that Basic Creek Reservoir has experienced an algae bloom, marked by a gooey green-blue tint to the water in the city of Albany's backup water source.

Antifrackers unhappy w/Obama’s gas stance

Pete Bianco may an extreme example, but many of the fractivists here at Binghamton University are unhappy with President Barack Obama’s support of natural gas development, which would include hydrofracking.

Assembly anti-frackers are unhappy with Cuomo report

Reaction to a story in this morning’s NY Times that the Cuomo Administration wants to move ahead with hydrofracking in selected Southern Tier and central NY counties and only where the local communities wants gas development, was harsh and swift among several Assembly Democrats who are pretty much opposed to the idea of drilling.

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