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FOIL Request for all City of Ithaca records involving the Former Tompkins County Public Library demolition and redevelopment

November 21, 2018
Records Access Officer
City of Ithaca
108 East Green Street
Ithaca, NY 14850

Re: Demolition and Redevelopment of the Former Tompkins County Public Library at 310-314 North Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY


I write pursuant to the New York Freedom of Information Law (Article 6, Public Officers Law) to request information available from the City of Ithaca regarding the demolition and redevelopment of the above-referenced site, including letters, Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment Reports, analytical test results, Microbac 2014 Pre-Demolition Asbestos, Lead Paint, and PCB Survey Report, permit applications, permits, contracts, written authorizations, correspondence, emails, Structural Conditions Assessments, documents, phone logs, maps, photographs, videos, notes and all other records involving this matter with Travis Hyde Properties and/or Ex Libris, LLC.
As I am sure you know, Section 89 (3) of the Freedom of Information law requires that you make the information I have requested available or furnish a written denial within five business days. If you do choose to deny access, I would like to know specifically what is being denied and the legal basis, under section 87(2), for such a denial.

If the information can be provided in digital format at a cost of less than $100.00, please fulfill my request without delay.

If the cost of providing the information will exceed $100.00, please contact me before fulfilling my request.

I would like to request a waiver of all copying fees since the information will be used solely to educate the public

Thank you for your attention. I await your earliest reply.

Yours truly,

Walter Hang