Call Governor Cuomo TODAY at 518 474 8390 to Kill The Proposed Port Dickinson "Virtual Pipeline" Compressed Gas Truck Transfer Facility
Demand that the Governor: a) immediately stop the proposed project from being built or operated and b) withhold all state approvals for the proposed facility, including Petroleum Bulk Storage and Air Discharge permits or other requisite authorizations.
Become a signatory to our: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals
Check out our latest hard-hitting media coverage:
This TV piece is especially noteworthy: Environmentalists Call on Governor Cuomo to Halt Fenton Natural Gas Compressor Station
Environmental firm opposes Town of Fenton natural gas compressor station
LAWSUIT: Fenton procedures flawed in transfer station approval
Virtual pipeline causes stir in Port Dickinson
Fenton Compressor Station News Conference pics
Greetings Fractivists,
I write to ask you to take additional action to halt climate change hypocrisy in New York. Our goal is to stop Governor Cuomo and other elected officials from voicing support for sustainable energy while repeatedly granting approvals for massive infrastructure projects that perpetuate our state's addiction to fossil fuels.
In short, fake sustainable energy advocacy must no longer be tolerated.
During the last 18 months, our research, organizing and media campaign played a crucial role in killing more than $4.5 billion in fossil fuel infrastructure projects proposed in New York, including the Constitution, Northeast Energy Direct and Northern Access Pipelines as well as the Crestwood/Arlington methane gas storage facility in Reading, NY.
Bravo for your great work. That record of achievement is unmatched anywhere in the nation.
Unfortunately, major efforts are now underway to permit the transport of fracked natural gas through "virtual pipelines" involving compressor stations that fill highly pressurized tanks carried in specially equipped tractor trailers.
One of these facilities recently received local approval by the Town of Fenton, northeast of Binghamton, NY. It would tap the Millennium Pipeline in Port Dickinson and reportedly fill between 50 and 100 compressed gas trucks on a 24/7, 365 day/year basis.
Toxics Targeting just documented a shocking array of compressed gas fires, spills, truck accidents and compressor station hazards. Many of these releases were never cleaned up to state standards according to the Department of Environmental Conservation's own data. Some of these mishaps resulted in community evacuations up to two-miles away.
See: Documented Compressed Gas Fires, Spills and Toxic Discharges in New York State Involving Pipeline Incidents, Delivery Truck Accidents and Compressor Station Problems
The proposed Port Dickinson facility is within one mile of two schools, five churches, two parks, three day care facilities and two interstate highways.
See: One-Mile Sensitive Receptor Map For Proposed Port Dickinson Natural Gas Compressor Station and Truck Distribution Facility
Call Governor Cuomo at 518 474 8390 to Halt The Proposed Port Dickinson "Virtual Pipeline" Compressed Gas Truck Transfer Facility
Demand that the Governor:
a) immediately stop the proposed project from being built or operated and
b) withhold all state approvals for the proposed facility, including Petroleum Bulk Storage and Air Discharge permits or other authorizations.
Become a signatory to our: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals
Write the Governor using our new personalized form letter.
You can learn more about the proposed project at the firm's web site:
Litigation is underway to thwart the proposed facility. Our campaign is providing assistance to key authorities.
Thanks for all your help. Much more soon to come. Keep slugging.
Very best regards,