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Coalition Letter to Governor Cuomo to Withdraw RD SGEIS

November 2, 2011

Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York
The State Capital
Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo:

We, the undersigned, strongly support safeguarding the environment, public health, natural resources and scenic splendor of New York’s Catskills, Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions. With that goal in mind, we request that you immediately withdraw the Marcellus Shale revised draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (RD SGEIS) in order to resolve the fundamental shortcomings documented herein.

There is a de facto moratorium on horizontal hydrofracturing in New York’s Marcellus Shale pending adoption of a Final SGEIS. The Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) 2009 Draft SGEIS received such withering criticism that Governor Paterson signed Executive Order No. 41 requiring DEC to: “make such revisions to the Draft SGEIS that are necessary to analyze comprehensively the environmental impacts associated with high-volume hydraulic fracturing combined with horizontal drilling, ensure that such impacts are appropriately avoided or mitigated …” On 1/1/11, you signed a “continuation” of that Order.

The RD SGEIS Must Be Withdrawn Due to DEC’s Failure to Fulfill Executive Order No. 41

DEC’s RD SGEIS fails to fulfill the mandate of Executive Order No. 41. First and foremost, it is based on the erroneous assertion that:

“No documented instances of groundwater contamination are recorded in the Department’s files from previous horizontal drilling or hydraulic fracturing projects in New York. No documented incidents of groundwater contamination in public water supply systems were reported by the NYSDOH central office and Rochester district office... References have been made to some reports of private well contamination in Chautauqua County in the 1980s that may be attributed to oil and gas drilling... The reported Chautauqua County incidents, the majority of which occurred in the 1980s and which pre-date the current casing and cementing practices and fresh water aquifer supplementary permit conditions, could not be substantiated because pre-drilling water quality testing was not conducted, improper tests were run which yielded inconclusive results and/or the incidents of alleged well contamination were not officially confirmed.”

This statement is factually incorrect and deliberately misleading. Hundreds of natural gas and oil drilling, hydrofracturing and related problems have reportedly impacted private water wells, homes and the environment in New York. Those problems are documented by DEC as well as health authorities in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties.

Ferrugia’s “Well Documented” Drinking Water Problem “Seemingly Related to Gas Well Development”

For example, DEC is well aware that the Ferrugia family near Jamestown, NY has not been able to drink their well water since 2007 after a gas well was drilled approximately 300 feet from their home. Their water is so polluted that their veterinarian even warned them not to allow their dogs to drink the water. Chautauqua County Health authorities determined: “This is a well documented case showing drinking water impacts that are seemingly related to gas well development.” Yet, DEC has refused to assist this family.

The Ferrugia’s problem directly refutes the RD SGEIS assertions about gas drilling incidents in Chautauqua County because it: a) occurred relatively recently and is on-going; b) was not prevented by DEC regulatory safeguards or gas well drilling and production improvements; c) is documented by pre-drilling and post-drilling drinking water baseline testing and d) was confirmed by local health officials.

See an interview with Mr. David Ferrugia and extensive documents regarding his water well problem at: and

Dave Eddy’s Confirmed Drinking Water Contamination in Andover, NY

The Ferrugias are not the only New Yorkers who reportedly were impacted by inadequate regulation of gas drilling. Mr. Dave Eddy and his family experienced drinking water contamination and gas intrusion into their home, reportedly due to hydrofracturing of nearby gas wells. His water pollution was confirmed by the gas drilling firm. See: and

Recently Reported Natural Gas and Oil Spills Further Document DEC’s Regulatory Shortcomings

DEC's hazardous materials spills database identifies hundreds of on-going failures to clean up oil and gas drilling pollution impacts, including at least 72 recently reported natural gas and oil concerns. See: These problems further document DEC’s regulatory enforcement shortcomings. For example:



POYSA WELL #E1 - 61 BRIGGS HILL ROAD VAN ETTEN, NY, 4/8/2011: EQUIPMENT FAILURE – BRINE – 693 gallons. “Valve on brine tank at closed-in well froze and cracked allowing a release of 16.5 barrels of fairly fresh brine.” Meets Cleanup Standards: NO.


TUSCARORA BRINE APPLICATION – TOWN OF TUSCARORA DIRT ROADS TUSCARORA, NY, 6/21/2010: DELIBERATE – BRINE. “Caller states Town is using brine from gas wells to control dust on dirt roads and are applying it way too heavy causing runoff to ditches and streams. Also concerned about his well and what might be in the brine.” Meets Cleanup Standards: NO.

A total of more than 400 historic natural gas and oil concerns are documented by DEC and local health authorities. These concerns refute DEC’s assertion that gas extraction problems do not exist: and

At Least 16 Additional Reasons Why the RD SGEIS Must be Immediately Withdrawn

In addition to the regulatory enforcement problems noted above, the RD SGEIS must be immediately withdrawn and sent back to the drawing board because it does not resolve key concerns voiced by Region 2 of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), academic researchers, citizens and local officials. It fails to:

1. Afford equal health protection to all New Yorkers living above the Marcellus Shale formation. The RD SGEIS proposes to ban Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing in the New York City and Syracuse watersheds and above State Lands and primary aquifers (at least temporarily). If horizontal hydrofracturing is not allowed in those areas, it cannot be considered “safe” for other areas of New York.

2. Resolve mortgage lending problems associated with gas leasing. The RD SGEIS ignores gas leasing impacts on mortgage lending documented by lenders, including lender reluctance to secure mortgage loans with properties with gas leases; concerns about property valuation and marketability; "set-back" issues regarding the sale of mortgage loans on the "secondary" market and potential voiding of title insurance. See:

3. Assess horizontal hydrofracturing conducted at the same well pad in both Marcellus Shale and underlying Utica Shale. The RD SGEIS does not address this potential practice, but EPA views it as a matter of grave concern. See:

4. Ban gas drilling wastewaters from being discharged into Publicly Owned Treatment Works designed for sanitary waste or adopt strict pretreatment standards. POTWs are not designed, constructed or maintained to remove or break down the high levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), toxic petroleum constituents and radionuclides documented in gas drilling wastewater. EPA reports that shale gas extraction wastewater contaminants may "'pass through' the POTW, causing the POTW to violate its permit, cause 'interference' with the POTW's operation, or contamination of biosolids..." Pennysylvania has banned this practice. EPA has just begun the process of adopting national pretreatment standards for gas drilling wastewaters. See:

5. Ban toxic gas drilling wastewater from being recycled as hydrofracturing or drilling fluid. Gas drilling wastewaters, including "flowback" as well as "brine" or "produced water," are currently exempted from “GA” effluent limitations designed to safeguard drinking water drawn from the ground in New York. The RD SGEIS fails to eliminate this exemption even though gas drilling wastewater is documented to contain up to 413,000 parts per million of TDS, 72,600 parts per billion of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the diesel range as well as benzene up to 660 parts per billion. Those pollutant concentrations would vastly exceed applicable GA effluent limitations. For example, benzene is only allowed at one part per billion in permitted groundwater discharges.

6. Ban land-spreading of toxic gas drilling wastewaters. DEC allows gas drilling brine to be spread on land for dust control, roadbed stabilization and melting ice and snow. EPA recommended: "A program must be implemented to properly manage the elevated radionuclide concentrations in the brine to protect the worker health, public health, and the environment." The practice of gas drilling wastewater spreading must be halted.

7. Resolve inadequate DEC staffing problems. The infamous memo that caused DEC Commissioner Grannis to be fired noted: "Many of our programs are hanging by a thread. The public would be shocked to learn how thin we are in many areas;" The memo further noted: "While the risks to human health have already increased due to cuts to certain environmental quality programs, and especially to enforcement activities related to pollution sources, further cuts would result in unacceptable risks to New Yorkers and unacceptable liability for New York State government (emphasis added)." Governor Cuomo cut DEC’s budget in 2011. See:

8. Identify New York areas prone to higher seismic activity and propose measures to prevent earthquakes potentially associated with horizontal hydrofracturing. EPA reported that: "The dSGEIS notes that the State of New York is fairly active seismically. EPA recommends that NYSDEC limit the number of wells in areas of higher seismic activity, or require additional protective measures and monitoring." See:

9. Adopt comprehensive radionuclide standards to safeguard gas drilling workers, public health and the environment. EPA notes that "radionuclide concentrations specified in the DSGEIS represent elevated radionuclide concentrations and need to be handled, managed, and disposed of appropriately to avoid unnecessary exposure to workers, the public, and the environment." EPA also determined that "such concentrations are considered elevated and may pose unacceptable human health risk mainly via external exposure, inhalation of radon and thoron decay products, and to some degree via inadvertent ingestion."

10. Resolve EPA concerns about inadequate protection of Ecosystems and Wildlife. EPA reported: "This section [7.4] is incomplete, and does not account for the changes in the ecosystems in New York State since the preparation of the 1992 GEIS. For example, more animals and plants are on federal and state endangered species lists, habitats of all kinds are more fragmented, invasive species have impacted existing animal and plant populations, and climate change has impacted plant and animal ranges and migrations.”

11. Assess "cumulative impacts" on a comprehensive basis. EPA notes that it is "concerned that cumulative and indirect impacts need to be more thoroughly discussed in the dSGEIS. Even with its generic format, the EIS should discuss the impacts that may result from past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects as well as those impacts associated with drilling and hydrofracturing that may occur later in time and/or further from the immediate project site."

12. Update the 1992 GEIS. EPA notes that it is "concerned that over the past 17 years since the 1992 GElS was written, the 'existing' environment and conditions in New York State have changed sufficiently that using the information from that report as a baseline for the dSGEIS will not take into account the cumulative impacts from habitat fragmentation, population increase, and climate change that may have occurred during that time."

13. Require compliance with a critical EPA policy change regarding air quality assessment. Shortly after the draft SGEIS was released on 9/30/09, EPA adopted a major new policy regarding New Source Review (NSR) and Title V permitting programs pursuant to the Clean Air Act. This reversed the EPA policy in effect when the draft SGEIS was prepared. The new policy changes the requirements for "source aggregation" for air permitting programs. According to a DEC Powerpoint slide: "Since level of aggregation must be case by case, SGEIS cannot provide definitive answers (emphasis added)." See: and

14. Eliminate DEC’s current hazardous waste regulatory exemption for gas drilling wastes and impose strict liability for cleaning up gas drilling pollution hazards.

15. Require the New York State Department of Health to share co-lead agency status with DEC and assess health impacts on a comprehensive basis.

16. Require immediate disclosure of uncontrolled gas drilling pollution releases, establish a dedicated fund to remediate gas drilling hazards and require gas drilling firms to provide financial surety for remediating problems by posting bonds or providing insurance coverage.


The RD SGEIS fails to provide a meaningful plan to safeguard New York from the irreparable harm that could be caused by the vast industrialization associated with Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing. Unless and until DEC resolves its regulatory enforcement problems and addresses the additional concerns documented herein, New York’s de facto moratorium on horizontal hydrofracturing in Marcellus Shale must not be lifted.

We trust that you will find our request self-explanatory. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to your prompt reply.

Very truly yours,

Total Signatory Count: 22948

Bonnie Jones
835 State Highway 205
Oneonta, NY
Nancy Bahns
120 Cherry Hill Rd.
Syracuse, New York
Lisey Good
19 Lake Street
Cooperstown, NY
Christen Jennings
43 Horvath Drive
Ithaca, New York
Steven Cornelius
Earl Callahan
1412 County Rt 29
New Berlin, NY
carol richardson
1892 seneca street
romulus, NY
James Hufnagel
225 Ontario Street
Wilson, New York
39 Rexford st
scott sears
355 pennsylvania ave
trumansburg, NY
Emme Hones
2504 State Route 79
Trumansburg, NY
Gillian Haines-Sharp
108 E. Yates St
Ithaca, NY
Otto Onasch
262 Hamilton Drive
Delhi, NY
Theresa Brockman
525 Rainbow Blvd., Apt. 1
Niagara Falls, NY
Anrielle George
1559B Slaterville Rd
Ithaca, NY
Bernard Volpi
296 Buckhorn Lake
Unadilla, NY
Peter Harrity
6709 Glen Haven Rd.
Homer, NY
richard didoanto
261 s applegate rd.
ithaca, ny
Anne Salisbury
606 Crescent Beach Road
Branchport, NY
ERIKA Baker-Heinegg
60 Plains Drive
Oneonta, NY
Aaron Fumarola
907 Alfred Lane
Homer, New York
Katharine Adams
236 east 13 th street apt 14
Dr Rev Professor Ellen Sokolow
PO Box 274
Franklin, New York
Corinne Frantz
1 Strawberry Lane
Ithaca, NY
Jesse Kline
165 Van Anden Street
Auburn, New York
Lucillle Wiggin
80 Chestnut St
Oneonta, NY
Simeon Warner
274 Floral Ave
Ithaca, NY
Karen Melamed Smith
3995 County Road 2
Burdett, NY
Margaret Davidson RN
20 Faulkner Road
Hancock, NY
Michelle Landers
110 Maplewood Drive
Ithaca, New York
Alison Simione
712 S Plain ST
Ithaca, NY
Carrie Cohen
45 Bald Hill School Rd.
Brooktondale, NY
Hillary LaDuke
851 county hwy 26
fly creek, ny
Joshua Harben
5885 Route 79
Trumansburg, NY
Carol Cannaveno
52 German Cross Road
Ithaca, NY
Diana Johnson
1089 County Hwy. 1
Andes, New York
Kathleen Pellegrini
31 Reid St.
Fort Plain, New York
Reeve Parker
123 N. Quarry Street
Ithaca, NY
176 Cattown Rd
Fly Creek, NY
Arnold Bradshaw
548 E Enfield Center Road
Ithaca, NY
Peter Heitzman
POB 335
Oneida, NY
Maria Zimmer
488 Thorpe Hill Rd., Sidney NY 13838
Sidney, NY
Mike Ulrichs
270 Boces Dr
Sidney Center, NY
David Gallahan, PhD
511 Spencer Rd
Ithaca, NY
Gina Newlin
127 Whitetail Drive
Ithaca , NY
Emma Antolos
750 Porta Rosa Circle
St. Augustine, Florida
Don Spano
193 Ed Herman rd
Schenevus, NY
Diane McNamara
4125 Cliff Street
Niagara Falls, New York
Eric Feinstein
214 Van Ostrand Road
Newfield, New York
Jeffner Allen
1839 West Danby Rd
Newfield, NY
Wright Salisbury
9531 Crystal Beach Rd. Rd.
Hammondsport, NY
Miranda Phillips
402 Utica St.
Ithaca, NY
Kurt Seitz
577 State Hwy 165
Cherry Valley, NY
Harry DeLano
807 bird Ave.
Buffalo, NY
Nicholas Hotto
56 chestnut street
binghamton, NY
Maureen Richter
PO Box 592, 260 Bob Wilson Road
Oneonta, NY
gary richter
po box 592
oneonta, ny
Deborah Poe
35 Birch Trail
Carmel, NY
william miller
154 wilson road
lansing, ny
Daryl Hill
167 Calkins Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Eleanor Hartquist
833 Whalen Rd.
Penfield, NY
Fil Eden
110 W. Lewis St
Ithaca, NY
Karen Rothfuss
43 W River St
Waterloo, NY
Edie Buie
7113 Flowers Rd. S.
Atlanta, GA
Fred Blair
Mohler Charles
176 Buffalo Rd
Brooktondale, NY
Helen M. Ellis
309 West 72nd Street
New York, NY
Anthony LaSalvia
646 New Forge Rd. 2
Ancram, New York
Cassidy Fisk
657 Sheffield Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Robert Donius
6444 Palmiter Road
Alfred Station, NY
Lynne Tillotson
126 Felski Dr.
Bainbridge, NY
Greg Emerson
45 Bald Hill School Rd
Brooktondale, NY
Katherine Bourbeau
New York, NY
Elizabeth Lerner
112 32nd Street
Lindenhurst, NY
Brian Skelly
1639 Ellis hollow rd
Ithaca, NY
Lindsay O'Neill - Caffrey
25-51 46th St
Astoria, NY
Lynn Scarfuto
PO Box 1313
Richfield Springs, New York
Rosemary O'Neill
135 Charles St. Apt. LLA
New York , NY
Georgia Asher
P.O. Box 6
Bearsville, New York
Joan Caffrey
1 Evon Court
Scarsdale , NY
Deirdre Silverman
100 Travor Rd
Willseyville, New York
Deborah Jones
3166 Perry City Rd.
Trumansburg, New York
Christopher Sadlocha
Bloom St.
Gilbertsville, ny
Rosemarie Richards
P.O. Box 326
Gilbertsville, NY
Heidi Best
913 N Cayuga St
Ithaca, NY
Frank Zgola
1140 Ellis Hollow Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Joseph Leeming
319 Center Street
Ithaca, NY
Katharine Kelly
116 W. Yates Street
Ithaca, NY
Patricia Beer
81 Swift St
Auburn, NY
Valorie Rockney
224 Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, NY
John Somers
89 Reynold Street
City Island, News York
Leslie Allee
14 Dug Road
Lansing, NY
David Scheck
349 Washburn Rd
Spencer, New York
Margo Alexander
5585 Searsburg Rd
Trumansburg, NY
Margo Polikoff
104 Deerfield Place
Ithaca, New York
Ruth Van Dyke
74 Nelson Road
Vestal, NY
Erica Crytzer
8202 Route 96
Interlaken, NY
Jeremy Crytzer
8202 Route 96
Interlaken, NY
Sasha herbert
276 Cypress St.
Rochester, NY
Mark Casey
7406 North Dwight Ave.
Portland, Oregon
Patrick Sewell
166 Crescent Place
Ithaca, New York
Leila Durkin
1112 Co Hwy 50
Cherry Valley, NY
Laura Campbell
7067 Wyers Point Rd.
Ovid, New York
Elizabeth Shedd
201 Wildflower Drive #2
Ithaca, NY
Nancy Fox
477 County Highway 42
Maryland, New York
Mary Pizzente-Morich
42 Telephone Road
West Henrietta, NY
Alyssa Gunderson
1731 Dixon Rd
King Ferry, NY
Jeffrey Reynolds
PO Box 59
West Winfield, New York
Randy Hardy
24 Elm St.
Trumansburg, NY
Caleb Kime
9399 west hill road
fillmore, NY
Marty Hiller
128 Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, NY
Jasmine Crowe
134 Gross Rd.
Canajoharie, , NY
Eliza Sherpa
45 Bald Hill School Rd.
Brooktondale, NY
Carol Kiehn Kirkey
185 East Street
Oneonta, NY
David Borden
227 Enfield Falls Road
Ithaca, New York
Kara Emmons
374 Silver Lake Spur
Hancock, NY
Sheila Squier
110 Columbia St
Ithaca, New York
Glenn Michell
29 Jackson Avenue
White Plaiins, NY
Thomas & Theresa Emmons
30 East Mayer Drive
Suffern, NY
Victoria Furio
37 Highland Ave
Yonkers, NY
Heide Stuebel-Horowitz
820 W King Rd
Ithaca, NY
Nancy Reynolds
405 Hattie Clark Road
Greene, New York
Mickey & Marilyn Michell
29 Jackson Avenue
White Plaiins, NY
Kirk & Jodi Emmons
13 Hearthstone Drive
Wilton, NY
Jennifer Emmons-Parsons
618 Vendola Drive
San Rafael, CA
Timothy Woodcock
117 Stanhope St.
New York, New York
Martin Jorgensen
1699 Taughannock Blvd.
Trumansburg, NY
Ronaldo Gonzalez
56 Sterling Street
Beacon, NY
Mike Parker
109 pineview terrace
Ithaca, New York
Joshua Belles
694 Dean Creek Rd
Lockmwood, NY
John Chamard
36 Union Street
Oneonta, NY
Carol M
355 Sickler Road
Willow, NY
Mary Clutz
575 Knapp Hill RD
Castle Creek, NY
Matt Champlin
680 Sheldon Road
Skaneateles, New York
Travis Knapp
8274 Kellogg St
Clinton, NY
Nancy M. Davis
45 Delaware Street
Cooperstown, New York
Kathleen Woodcock
167 Crescent Pl
Ithaca, NY
Dianne Kull
209 County Highway 52
Cooperstown, NY
Stephen Gamage
662 Mill St.
Watertown, NY
Lisa Montanus
105 Cardinal Ct
Woodstock, Ny
Michael Connelly
151 Cypress St.
Rochester, NY
Stephen Clendenin
437 Rapalee Rd
Himrod , NY
Lynda Carlson
4951 Sunnyside Rd
Middlesex, Ny
mike chenier
1001 Willow Dr.
Westwego, La.
Howard Weinblatt
2684 Kenyonville Rd.
Albion, NY
Erin Pownall
4951 Sunnyside Rd
Middlesex, NY
John Condemi
18 Hamilton Street
Guilderland, NY
Carol Danaher
6172 Skinner Rd
Vernon Center, NY
Paul Gebhard
42 Friar Tuck Way
Saratoga Springs , NY
bonnie hascup
318 s. geneva st
ithaca, ny
Robert Hones
2404 State Route 79
Trumansburg, New York
Randall McGuire
74 Nelson Rd
Vestal, NY
Judy Kugelmass
PO Box 264
Interlaken, NY
Briana Hussey
1 Sutton Place
Wheatley Heights, New York
Kathleen Johnson
236 Dodge Lodge Rd
Richmondville, NY
Denise Robbins
117 Eddy Street
Ithaca, NY
Robert Johnson
236 Dodge Lodge Rd
Richmondville, NY
Ned Stroh
594 Beaver Valley Rd
Bloomsburg, PA
Aaron Manaseri
102 Mc Pherson Street
Canastota, NY
Nedra Harvey
275 Berkeley St.
Rochester, New York
Bear Boel
424 N Geneva St
Dolores Saltzman
303 Savage Farm Drive
Ithaca, New York
Charles B Young
323 S. Titus Ave.
Ithaca, NY
John Behler
562 Ellis Hollow Creek Rd.
Ithaca, NY
William Elsey
107 Bartlett Road
Cooperstown, NY
Sarah Adams
4 Falls Street
Trumansburg, NY
Irina Peress
110 Carter Creek Road
Newfield, NY
Hadas Ritz
Carter Creek Rd
Newfield, NY
Nancy Dailey
189 Cayuga St.
Groton, NY
Kat Lawton
953 Danby Rd. Terrace 3
Ithaca, NY
Robert Reginio
1 Saxon Drive
Alfred, NY
Margo Gustina
611 W. Green St.
Ithaca, NY
April Peress
Newfield, NY
Linda and Stefan Seifried
4129 Hwy 35
Sidney center, NY
Kristine F O'Grady Esq.
6105G Strauss Rd
Lockport, New York
John Burger
1686 Hanshaw Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Hilda Shields
298 main st
Richmondville, NY
Joseph Matusick
11926 Craner Rd.
Corning, New York
Rosary Grande
102 Maplehurst Rd
Rochester, NY
Audrey Randall Whiting
185 W Park Ave, Apt # 410 N
Long Beach, NY
clare nicholetti
903 hanshaw rd
Ithaca, New York
Janet Levine
127 Westhaven Rd
Ithaca, NY
Jesse Wallace
1139 Ellis Hollow Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Barbara Heywood
2804 Ellis Creek Rd. Barton, NY 13734-1015
Barton, New York
Ann Bussiere
9327 State Highway 30
Downsville, New York
Richard Stringham
1497 Preston Hill Rd
Hamilton, NY
Mindy and Gary Washington
Martindale Road
Craryville, NY
Maureen Culbert
5469 U.S. 20
East Springfield, NY
Lee Miller
920 N. Tioga
Ihaca, NY
Carol Farkas
110 Drake Road
Lansing, New York
Morgan Mahardy
348 Casey Road
Sherburne, NY
Meredith P Salisbury
9531 Crystal Beach Road
Hammondsport, NY
John Milisenda
424 56 street
Brooklyn, New York
Gaylord Dillingham
P.O. Box 101, 198 Wellington Lane
Springfield Center, New York
Barton DuBois
120 Flatiron Road
Smyrna, NY
Joe Cambridge
110 Drake Road
Lansing, New York
Kevin Smith
287 Church Rd.
Albany, NY
mary twitchell
po box 187 , 1769 state hwy 8
mount upton, new york
Robert Whiting
185 W. Park Ave Apt 410N
Long Beach, NY
Linda Bruckner
5720 Updike Road
Trumansburg, New York
diane ducey
142 dobbs hill road
cooperstown, NY
Melody Johnson
112 Mt Pleasant Rd
Ithaca, NY
Beth da Silva
200 Church Street
White Plains, NY
Julie Friedman
210 Wright Road
Candor, NY
Ed Moloney
6034 liebig ave
bronx, NY
Fernando Gomez
205 Terrace Drive
Chatham, NJ
myra long
205 Meadowbrook Circle
New Paltz, NY
David Hutchison
2 Irving Place
Oneonta, New York
patricia welch
27 north street
camillus, ny
Hannah Kahn
540 Alabama St.
San Francisco, CA.
John Stone
57 whitcomb road fulton ny 13069
Fulton, NY
Sandra Pedersen
379 Elston Hill Rd
Van Etten, NY
Paulette Baxter
1085 taughannock blvd
Ithaca, Ny
Lois Gaudinier
2301A Coddington Road
Brooktondale, NY
Michael Williams
249 W Alameda Ave
Burbank, California
Jacquelyn Clinton
1109 N Cayuga Street
Ithaca, NY
Robert Nichols
75 State Street
Skaneateles, NY
jeanne rose
14 Chapin Str
Binghamton, New York
Charles Quinton
PO Box 457
Fort Collins, Colorado
Susan Sandmam
106 Auburn St
Ithaca, NY
Nancy Pollak
125 Giles St.
Ithaca, NY
nancy bolton
po box 179
odessa, ny
Frederick Touron
12051 Watkins Rd.
Cato, NY
janetq weinberg
linn st
ithaca, ny
Catherine Lewis
242 Cedar Cove
Lansing, NY
Judy Freilicher
7207 Highbridge Road
DeRuyter, New York
Lennard Davis
702 Hanford Road
East Meredith, New York
Patricia Moore
182 Butternut Ridge Road
Morris, New York
Aja Hudson
7 Madeline lane
Rosendale, NY
Cathy Farris
40 church road
Mountaindale, NY
robert moore
po box 725
farmingdale, nj
E. Kate Farrar
4052 BArker Hill Rd
JAmesville, NY
Karen Guise
717 S. Broad St
Middletown, DE
Linda Keeler
719 N Aurora St
Ithaca, NY
Boel Gidholm
276 Mount Vernon Ave
Rochester, NY
Stacey Michael
38 Lancaster Street
Cherry Valley, NY
Joe Damiano
3066 North Swamp Road
Alpine, NY
George Dillmann
1309 N. Cayuga St.
Ithaca, New York
Meghan Reiff
1243 Dryden Rd
Ithaca, NY
Pat LaCourse
15 Reynolds St
Alfred, NY
jennifer fitzsimmons
700 maple drive
webster, ny
Gray Anderson
9 Walnut Street
White Plains, NY
Deborah Barr Stevens
5270 East Lake Road
Romulus, NY
Megan Gregory
804 Sterling Place, Apt 2
Brooklyn, NY
Lynne Thermann
PO Box 193
Claryville, New York
Norman Farwell
643 county hwy 8
Morris, NY
Leslie Strebel
117Roat Street
Ithaca , NY
Brian Caterino
240 Woodcrest rd
Rochester, NY
Molly Hauck
12714 Rt. 78
East Aurora, NY
Mark Campanelli
702 Quince Orchard Blvd., Apt T1
Gaithersburg, MD
stephen Singer
445 Ferguson Road
Freevile, New York
Peter Robbins
1120 Chaffee Road
Arcade, NY
Penny Baron
po box 284
Freeville, New York
angelet soltan
50 east main street lot 14
sidney, new york
scott osborne
25 rockledge rd
hartsdale, ny
Peter Mitchell
121 Edgerton St.
Rochester, New York
Gary R. Buriello
130 Boy Scout Rd.,
Maryland, NY
Alfred Tinger
136 Dorchester Drive
Yorktown Heights, NY
William H George
21 Victor Lane
Hamlin, NY
Susan Parry
70 South Main Street
New Berlin, NY
Tobi Feldman
239 Coy Glen Road
John Reed
3058 Slaterville Road
Brooktondale, NY
Mary Graham
4021 McIntyre Rd
Trumansburg, NY
Julie Butler
476 Van Ostrand Road
Groton, NY
Matthew Parks
41 Apple Hill Rd
Brewster, NY
Amy Jellinek
Ithaca, NY
Sarah Highland
89 German Cross Road
Ithaca, NY
Cynthia Estes-Smith
501 Enfield Center Road East
Ithaca, NY
Debra Lewis
640 Linden Street
Rochester, NY
Steve Zerby
PO Box 7
Westford, NY
Cynthia Dunne
9905 Turnpike Rd
East Meredith, NY
Maureen Ferrell
983 Upland Drive
Elmira, NY
Edward Chen
12020 Cove Ct.
College Pt., NY
Jake Myers
139 Liberty St (Lower Apartment)
Batavia, New York
Patricia Vendryes
173 Main Street
Groton, NY
Lorinda Chen
12020 Cove Ct.
College Pt., NY
Bob Thomas
Robert Shephard
680 Cornell Rd.
Elmira, NY
Joanne Chang
153 E.57 St.
New York, NY
Luc Sante
163 Elmendorf Street
Kingston, NY
Michael Tingey
639 Jones Road
Vestal, NY
Day-Lih Tung
672 Backer Road
Beaver Dams, New York
cynthia Goertemoeller
5996 state Hwy. 7
Oneonta, NY
Robert Brush
20 Lora Lane
Homer, ny
Pat Halpen
3071 Shay Road
Naples, New York
Noel Marie Edwards
757 N. Gretna Ct.
Winter Springs, FL
Sharon Ziegler
850 no cayuga st
Ithaca, nEW YORK
Jay Tinger
59D Kirby Close
Yorktown Heights, NY
Heriberto Rodriguez
533 County HWY 18
Mount Upton, New York
Peter Favant
552 Riverside Dr. 2E
New York, NY
Theresa Tinger
59d kIRBY Close
Yorktown Heights, NY
Gretchen Berger
234 W. 74 St.
New York, NY
Charles Puryear
box 893
Trumansburg, New York
virginia nordberg
25 Boyden Ave
Maplewood, New Jersey
Laura Purdy
75 Turkey Hill Rd
Ithaca, NY
John Coleman
75 Turkey Hill Rd
Ithaca, NY
Brian Cochran
ST LOUIS, Missouri
Stefan Hurdalek
964 E 15 St Apt 5C
Brooklyn, NY
Kyllikki Inman
Halcyon Hill
Ithaca, NY
Frank Eadie
310 W. 18th St.
New York, New York
Collin Thomas
6 South Lake Ave., Apt.-21-N
Albany, NY
Aimee Arceo
77 Cheshire Lane
East Amherst, NY
Corin Basilion
9 High Elms Lane
Glen Cove, New York
Maral Steele
1 Tremain Drive
Fayetteville, New York
james kirtland
Vestal, ny
Vestal, ny
Kurt Mandery
731 Pleasant Valley Road
Sherburne, NY
Timothy Holmes
119 townline rd
West Chazy, New York
Patricia Taylor
1879 Ellis Hollow Rd
Ithaca, NY
Judy Burrill
357 Decker Hill Rd.
Van Etten (mailing address Newfield, 14867), NY
mason martin
7448 cty rd 26
naples, new york
Leon Barnard
23213 Lehigh Avenue
Port Charlotte, FL
Darlene McCarthy
164 Marion Avenue
Gilbertsville, NY
Elaine Mansfield
4464 Picnic Area Road
Burdett, NY
Christine Heller
558 County Highway 52 PO Box 71
Cooperstown, NY
Beth Ferri
105 Harpers Ct
Syracuse, NY
Robin Rittenhouse
45 woodhaven dr
Owego, Ny
Jason Green
6405 Palmiter Road
Alfred Station, NY
Sally Barlow
2477 St Hwy 28
Oneonta, NY
Curt Akin
2388 County Highway 11
Mount Vision, NY
Carol Nickerson
69 Hart Rd.
Spencer, New York
amy halpern
2511 Spring dr
Smyrna, GA
Eileen Sheehan
231 Vanbuskirk Rd.
Newfield, Ny
Jonathan Titus
15 Maple Ave,
Fredonia, NY
Grace Ritter
438 n. Geneva St.
ithaca, ny
Ben Altman
1041 Comfort Road
Spencer, NY
Marcella Podos
1646 St. Agnes Ave
Utica, NY
Regina Keenan
27 Hawthorne Avenue
Troy, NY
Barbara Whitchurch
1283 Baker Ave
Schenectady, New York
Kate Ryan
87 Sal Bren Rd
Delhi, NY
Beverly West
1214 Ellis Hollow Rd
Ithaca, NY
Susan Alida
PO Box 52
Hector, NY
Dee Simpson
150 Montgomery
Deland, fl
Kenneth Held
977 st hwy 51
Gilbertsville, ny
Lisa Carrington
7418 Wyers Point Rd
Ovid, New York
Stephanie Sher
7164 Gannett Hill Rd
Naples, NY
meg gibson
165 Pinehurst Ave. Apt. 5G
Carolyn Bennett
9201 Booth Road
Trumansburg, NY
Karen Pisciotta
217 Schumacher Road
Candor, New York
D. William C. Messner
178 Ellis Hill Road
Arkport, New York
Barry Skolnick
67 Marion ave
Gilbertsville, New york
Diane Reppert
841 A aughannock Blvd.
Ithaca, NY
June Abele
233 Smith Rd
Worcester, New York
Virginia Spriggs
15 Triphammer Terrace
Ithaca, NY
Tammy Reiss
181 Wilbur hill
Unadilla, N.Y.
gianluca avanzato
Leah Horwitz
305 savage farm drive
Ithaca, New york
Eric Carr
30 F Taylor Rd
Franklin, NJ
Barbara Doris
126 Hunter Drive
Hunter, NY
Heidi Early
123 Nymark Drive
Rochester, New York
Sue Devine
426 East 85th St #4B
New York, NY
Brian Wind
PO Box 288
Gilbertsville, New York
Lori Horner
1289 County Rd 24
Sherburne, NY
Robin Milim
73 Paterson Ave
SZtaten Island , NY
Sally Thompson
102 Vestal Ave
Binghamton, NY
Colleen Boland
365 Davis St., B
Elmira, NY
Werner Sun
532 Enfield Center Rd W
Ithaca, NY
Sarah Rozard
90 W. University St.
Alfred, NY
Lynn Kavanagh
64 South Marion Place
Rockville Centre, NY
Fred Wilcox
212 2nd St.
Ithaca, NY
michele pondolfino
1 walling blvd.
oneonta, ny
Roslyn Shafer
89 River Street
Otego, NY
Robin Kramer
2025 Broadway, #19D
allen hori
9 siilverfish road
barryville, ny
Erin Haynes
1345 River Rd
Gilbertsville, NY
Elizabeth Gayle
168 Oregon Rd.
Gilbertsville, NewYork
Lena Guyot
165 Goose St.
Fly Creek, NY
Joseph Knapp
11 Birch St.
Oneonta, New York
Eleanor Clark
981 Plymouth Rd
Plymouth Meeting, PA
April Bidwell
1303 Crystal Lake Road
Narrowsburg, NY
William Germano
33 Riverside Drive #9D
New York, New York
thomas burkart
149 piper rd
newfield, ny
Nancy Gilbertson
79 S. Main St.
Moravia, NY
Beverlee Dingman
9 karolann Place
Fort Plain, NY
Kim Gilbertson
79 S. Main St.
Moravia, NY
Lucy Loewenstein
35 Bennett Ave
Binghamton, NY
Diane Farnham
4102 Garrett Rd
Ithaca, NY
Clarke Thorell
112 w 86th st
Christine Williamson
419 Rosehaven Dr.
Raleigh, NC
Dawn Noble
40 Linn Avenue
Auburn, NY
shirley tripp
204 First St.
Ithaca, NY
Livia Vanaver
298 Mountain Road
Rosendale, NY
Krys Cail
3110 DuBois Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Peter Davies
755 Snyder Hill Road
Ithaca, NY
George Joseph
498 S. Main St.
Geneva, NY
Carla vorreuter
6736 e lake road
auburn, ny
Jacob Fox
19 West Sylvan Dr
Northampton , PA
Amy Little
142 Guilford Schoolhouse Rd
New Paltz, NY
Richard Harrington
3310 Wayne Street
Endwell, NY
kenneth harnish
POB 239
Gilbertsville, NY
Iisabel Chiquoine
31 Norton Ave.
Clinton, New York
Patrick shearer
105-1 Eldredge St
Sharon Springs, NY
helene weissman
102 tinker street
woodstock, NY
Johnny Readling
4011 Saddlemire rd
Binghamton, NY
Ellen Laponsky
176 Greenridge Drive
Horseheads, New York
Shirley Harnish
POB 239
Gilbertsville, NY
Maura Hibbitts
181 Honeywell Corners Rd.
Broadalbin, NY
Steve Michels
619 Sprague Road
Afton, NY
Ross M. Horowitz
820 West King Road
Ithaca, NY
April Rando
249 Lorraine Avenue
Syracuse, NY
K. Hartquist
168 Mulberry St.
Rochester, NY
Lisa & Leonard Dawley & Katzman
2266 Cherrystone Dr
San Jose, CA
Kris Altucher
708 Mitchell
Ithaca, NY
Lynn Podhaski
708 Mitchell St.
Ithaca, NY
Carol Effner
9619 St Hwy 7 Lot 8
Worcester, NY
Peter Riker
PO Box 69
Gilbertsville, NY
Martha Mayer
1372 N Almond Valley Rd
Arkport, NY
Ryan Auclair
10210 Lakeside Visat Dr
Riverview, FL
Mona Sulzman
3B1 Candlewyck Park
Ithaca, NY
Susan Bernardin
147 Peebles Hill Road
Oneonta, NY
Bethany Silfer
181 Ferguson Rd
Dryden, NY
Barbara Means
236 Bert Washburn Rd.
Otego, NY
Sabrina Artel
201 Cold Spring road
Liberty, NY
patricia paine
53 Myers Rd
Lansing, ny
Maggie Pitkin
4360 McIntyre Rd
Trumansburg, NY
Susan Soboroff
5200 Curry Rd.
Trumansburg, NY
Eric Mastroberti
22 Sunrise Dr. Apt. 24
Newfield, New York
David Reynolds
205 Pine Hill Road
Masonville, NY
Mary Lee Martens
4356 Cosmos Hill Road
Cortland, NY
Jerene Murray
PO Box 101
Brooktondale, New York
Bruce Murray
PO Box 101
Brooktondale, New York
Linda Cardillo
1169 Winter Hollow Rd.
New Kingston, NY
Peter Warner
142 Grandview Ct
Ithaca, NY
Linda Blossom
8387 Knight St
Interlaken, NY
Susan Titus
250 Culver Road
Ithaca, New York
Marena Gonz
26 Frederick Road
Binghamton, New York
Elizabeth Holmes
901 N. Tioga St.
Ithaca, NY
Susan Leifer
33 Iroquois Rd
Pleasantville, New York
Kevin McMahon
383 Ferguson Rd.
Freeville, NY
Joy Weber, R. N., L.M.T.
311 Bailor Rd
Brooktondale, NY
Connor Strader
6021 Misty Ridge Lane
Cicero, New York
Shelly McAllister
2927 Hilltop Drive
Euless, TX
Kimberly Wiley
72 Chimney Hill Rd
Rochester, NY
Scott MacDonald
5 Sherman St.
New Hartford, NY
Joan Cook
634 Durham Road
Sayville, NY
Anna Sears
3021 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY
Cook Robert
634 Durham Road
Sayville, NY
Oliver Holmes
9 Westphal Drive
Delmar, New York
Vicki Fox
379 Liberty ST
Beacon, NY
conan carpenter
1735 county route 6
bovina, ny
Carol Cubas
PO Box 303 10 racetrack road
Bearsville, NY
Carl Lee
Ashland Ave.
Buffalo, NY
susan gockeler
5960 Woodside Crl.
Farmington, NY
Lucia Sommer
60 College Street
Buffalo, NY
Thomas Rice
19 NevermindwhereIlive St.
Binghamton, NY
Thomas Schnaidt
32 Wittenberg Road
Bearsville, NY
Tammy Vu
Rachel Carson way
Ithaca, Ny
clark rhoades
464 Coounty Highway 40
Worcester, ny
Michele Gordon
2797 Upper Drive
Corning, NY
Mark Ferrari
2962 Fleming Scipio Townline Rd.
Auburn, NY
Sylvia de Swaan
19 Rose Place
Utica, New York
Gordon Brannick
199 County Highway 8
Gilbertsville, NY
Aaron Snow
644 Buffalo Rd
Brooktondale, New York
Chuck demund
1611 maple rd
Effort, Pennsylvania
Kristie Snyder
642 Valley Rd, Apt. A
Brooktondale, NY
Kim Higgins
100 Tamarack Lane
Trumansburg, NY
Philip Snyder
53 Myers Road
Lansing, NY
Karen K Smith
68 Mary St.
Ithaca, NY
Timothy Nobiling
135 Angel Drive
Oneonta, NY
Michael Blegen
1220 Hinging Post Road
Ithaca, NY
Mollie Farnham
Garrett Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Jan McMaster
9742 Mutton Hollow Rd
Prattsburgh, New York
Dick McMaster
9742 Mutton Hollow Rd
Prattsburgh, New York
Bart Auble
304 Comstock Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Gerar Edizel
595 State Route 244
Alfred Station, NY
Mel Garskof
201 East 28th Street, Apt. 8P
New York, NY
Joan Martin
75 Groton Avenue
Cortland, NY
Phyllis Higgins
589 Fountain Drive
Toms River, New Jersey
Suzanne Geoghegan
4641 Vestal Pkwy. E.
Vestal, NY
Tom Morrison
3409 Fayetteville Rd
Griffin, Ga.
Martha Anderson
64 W. University St.
Alfred, NY
Richard W Franke
129 Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, New York
Douglas Kinney
P.O. Box 463
Otego, New York
Hope Childers
1 Spruce St
Alfred, New York
Eric Moring
712 East Benita Blvd.
Vestal, NY
Susan Galbraith
4866 S. Lebanon Road
Earlville, NY
Harriet Barlow
PO Box 109, Blue Mt. Lake, NY 12812
Blue Mt. Lake, NY
Christina Countryman
15 Rast Rd
Shokan, NY
William Meyer
40 Sarles Street
Armonk, NY
Anthony Paolini
4400 Vestal Parkway E
Binghamton, NY
stacey smith
216 Miles Ave
Syracuse, NY
Micahel Olszewski
136-19 58th Ave
Flushing, NY
Wesley Thompson
102 Vestal Ave.
Binghamton, NY
Severin Drix
3515 school street
Valois, NY
dave singer
494 14th st
brooklyn, ny
Lois Binetsky
287 Big Woods Road
Freehold, New York
bill mclaughlin
warren road
new berlin, ny
Laura Nowack
28 South Main Street
Earlville, New York
Stephanie Clark
200 Clinton Ave
Groton, NY
patrick tino
4 Everett street
binghamton, new york
Patricia Stump
2216 Bodle Hill Rd
Owego, NY
Deborah Escobar
116 East Palmer Ave, Schenectady, NY
Schenectady, Ny
Jim Mulligan
11510 State Route 32
Greenville, New york
Suzanne Montalbano
8 Faculty Lane
Farmingville, New York
Andrea Uribe
11 Riverside Drive
New York, NY
Alan Daniel Petrash
1425 East 26th Street
Brooklyn, NY
