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Anti-fracking group cries foul on DEC


BINGHAMTON, N.Y. -- Anti-fracking groups say they have new, documented proof that shows New York State isn't ready for high-volume hydrofracking.

Toxics Targeting, an Ithaca-based environmental group, gathered with elected officials in Binghamton Wednesday afternoon to present information from DEC reports that it says illustrates lack of preparedness for extensive natural gas drilling.

The group says it sifted through thousands of reports, finding several examples of contamination and improper regulation at gas and oil sites around New York State. Among these are complaints from residents regarding crude oil in drinking water, residue in sinks and showers, as well as chemical waste in wetlands.

Toxics Targeting says this is evidence the state is unable to safely handle drilling techniques that are already in place and therefore shouldn't be able to use the Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement to regulate fracking.

"We now know that the bedrock assertion of that entire proceeding is not true, it's demonstrably false and that's why we're calling on the governor today to withdraw the revised draft, send it back to the drawing board," said Walter Hang of Toxics Targeting.

The State DEC has been working on an environmental impact statement that would outline regulations for gas drilling for more than four years.