Since 1998, Toxics Targeting has spearheaded systematic toxic clean up efforts in Ithaca, NY that wholly or partially remediated contaminated manufactured gas plants (West Court Street), lead-polluted areas (Ithaca Falls/Ithaca Falls Overlook/Ithaca Gun) and housing project sites with extensive toxic hazards (Morse Chain, Stone Quarry Apartment Project , Former Tompkins County Public Library Asbestos Clean Up Campaign).
Toxics Targeting's unprecedented data research, public policy advocacy, grassroots organizing/coalition building and media outreach campaign was undertaken because these polluted sites threaten local residents or drain into tributaries of impaired Southern Cayuga Lake, the source of drinking water for more than 30,000 citizens.
Beginning in February 2018, Toxics Targeting received extensive regional media coverage for compiling contamination data for Elmira High School, Nate's Floral Estates and Morse Chain: Environmental sins of the past haunt Southern Tier communities - 3-1-2018.
In the ensuing year, our fledgling Legacy Toxic Site Campaign generated impressive citizen action efforts as well as huge front-page news coverage due to New York State's decades-long failure to investigate, assess and remediate contaminated properties known to threaten public health or the environment.
As a result, chemical contamination concerns became a major gubernatorial reelection issue for Governor Andrew M. Cuomo.
See: Toxics Targeting's 2018 Front-Page Legacy Toxic Site and Water Pollution/HABs Media Coverage
In 2019, our Legacy Toxic Site Campaign aims to document additional public health and environmental hazards all over New York and to undertake new advocacy and organizing actions in support of our: Request That Governor Cuomo Require the Former Sperry Remington Site in Elmira, NY and All Legacy Toxic Sites in New York That Have Not Been Remediated After Five Years to Be Comprehensively Cleaned Up as Class 1 Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites
All of our on-going campaign efforts are summarized below.
Request That Governor Cuomo Require the Former Sperry Remington Site in Elmira, NY and All Legacy Toxic Sites in New York That Have Not Been Remediated After Five Years to Be Comprehensively Cleaned Up as Class 1 Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites

Selected Past Toxic Dumping Documentation: Remington Rand Plant July 1988 Preliminary Site Assessment Report
Remington Rand Plant July 1988 Preliminary Site Assessment Report
Sperry Remington- site numbers 808022, 808043, and 808049 Hazardous Inactive Site Fact Sheet
Elmira High School Selected Toxic Site Profiles and Map
Historic 1950 Map and 2014 Aerial Photographs of Elmira High School in Elmira, NY
Historic 1950 Map and 2018 Satellite Image of Elmira High School in Elmira, NY
Photos of Improper Historic Waste Disposal Threats to Residents of a Manufactured Home Park Located on Top of the Abandoned City of Ithaca Dump
Manufactured Home Park Selected Toxic Site Profiles and Map
Letter to EPA and NYSDEC regarding investigation and remediation at former Ithaca City dump site
Letter to Ithaca Common Council Regarding An Ordinance To Amend The City of Ithaca Municipal Code, Chapter 325, Entitled “Zoning” In Order To Amend The Required Rear Yard Setback In The MH-1 Zoning District
Manufactured Home Park - City Dump Inspection 6/04/87
Tompkins County Health Department - Old City of Ithaca Dump - 1981
RTK Program - Reported Hazardous Waste Data - Ithaca City Dump
Coalition Letters
Request That Governor Cuomo Require the Former Sperry Remington Site in Elmira, NY and All Legacy Toxic Sites in New York That Have Not Been Remediated After Five Years to Be Comprehensively Cleaned Up as Class 1 Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites
Public Meetings and Presentations
Letter to Gov. Cuomo Requesting That He Reject DEC's Fundamentally Inadequate Proposed Interim Remedial Measure for Morse Chain Industrial Corporation in Ithaca, NY
Action Alerts
Great to see so many activists last Thursday who want to protect Elmira, NY from toxic hazards