Deluge Governor Cuomo with calls at 518 474 8390. Demand that he DENY the Gas Storage Permit requested by Finger Lakes/Crestwood to pump Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) into abandoned salt mine caverns with documented leakage concerns in Reading, NY.
Write a Personalized Email to Request That Governor Cuomo Deny All Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approvals in New York State
Greetings Fractivists,
After so many years of incredible hard work by thousands of activists, we now have an excellent opportunity to require Governor Cuomo to halt a key fossil fuel infrastructure project proposed in upstate New York. This is it. Pour it on. Give it everything that you have got.
I am pleased to alert you that the Schuyler County Legislature just voted unanimously to withdraw its support for the massive Liquefied Gas Storage (LPG) facility proposed to be built in salt caverns in Reading, NY on the west shore of historic Seneca Lake just north of Watkins Glen.
There is now virtually no public support for the proposed LPG storage project. See: Schuyler Co. Legislature Withdraws Support for LPG Storage Facility Project - 7-10-2018
This dramatic reversal resulted from salt cavern leakage concerns revealed on 5/17/18 by the attorneys for Fingers Lakes LPG.
Toxics Targeting then documented that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation actually knew about this extremely grave problem in 2011, but never required a comprehensive study of the potentially devastating public health and environmental threats. Can you believe that?
Given this undeniable and shocking regulatory failure, call Governor Cuomo at 518 474 8390. Tell the Governor very respectfully that he would be irresponsible to allow this LPG permit proceeding to continue any longer.
Demand that he DENY the Gas Storage Permit requested by Finger Lakes/Crestwood to pump Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) into salt caverns with documented leakage concerns. This decision is clearly warranted by the irrefutable information that has been provided to DEC.
Echo that precise request. Use that exact language. Then feel free to voice any other concerns you have. Do not take "NO" for an answer.
Call, Call, Call. Keep calling. Urge everyone you know to phone bank the Governor. Require all your elected representative to make the same formal request.
Promise to remember in November.
Our campaign to safeguard New York from fossil fuel infrastructure hazards is on an incredible roll. Keep taking laser-focused action. Push hard.
Watch a video of my: 6/1/18 News Conference Regarding LPG Salt Cavern Leakage Concerns Identified in 2011 in Reading, NY
See a summary of our Crestwood Gas Storage Campaign to Protect Seneca Lake
Join more than 1,400 groups and activists in becoming a signatory to our powerful: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals
Write a Personalized Email to Request That Governor Cuomo Deny All Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approvals in New York State
Onward and upward. Keep slugging. Winning is better than losing.