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Environmental Activism Press Coverage

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Report: DEC fined U.S. Salt for brine, oil spills in Seneca Lake

WATKINS GLEN — U.S. Salt was fined $57,500 for chloride, brine and oil discharges into Seneca Lake over the past decade, penalties imposed by the state Department of Environmental Conservation and contained in 2012 and ’16 consent orders.

Local Government Supports Contentious Seneca Lake Gas Storage Project

For years, there have been opposition, protests and even arrests in an effort to keep a controversial project from moving forward.
The plan to build a new gas storage facility on Seneca Lake has been called dangerous by activists -- a hazard to the water, and to people's health, a mistake that's been made one too many times.

New Documents Reveal Seneca Lake Pollution

New documents released by an environmental advocacy group are showing that Seneca Lake has been polluted multiple times over the past decade.

Environmental Firm Outlines More Pollution Fines to Crestwood

WATKINS GLEN (WENY) -- WENY has been following the ongoing battle between Crestwood Midstream and the environmentalists who say the company is continuing to pollute the finger lakes. Over the course of this ongoing battle, the environmental firm Toxics Targeting has consistently informed residents of toxic spills into our lakes--many of which they say are at the hands of the Crestwood/US Salt facility

Environmental Advocates Call on DEC for Action on Abandoned Southern Tier Pipeline

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. -- Environmental advocates are calling on the DEC to do something about an abandoned pipeline in the Southern Tier.

Activists express concerns over local abandoned pipeline


One of the first fuel pipelines built in the 1800s has some fracktivists concerned about its corrosion and pollution.

Environmental Activist Calls for In-Depth Investigation of 'Ancient' Pipeline

An environmental activist has called on the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to require an in-depth investigation of a no longer functioning crude oil pipeline that runs through parts of Upstate New York.

Defunct pipeline still causing contamination, activist alleges

Contamination from a defunct Standard Oil pipeline hasn't been properly cleaned up in New York, according to documents compiled by an anti-fracking activist.

Dominion Defends Pipeline As Necessary For New York's Electric Needs

Gas pipeline companies often stake out the trajectories of proposed pipelines.
Credit Mike Groll / AP Photo

Pipeline companies aren’t having a lot of success in New York so far in 2016.

Possible Soil Contamination At Old Salt Mine Site

SENECA LAKE (WENY)-- A local environmental database firm is publishing information regarding concerns about oil contamination at an old salt mine on Seneca Lake. Walter Hang from Toxics Targeting told us today that a now-banned practice involved injecting toxic fuel into an old salt mine, to protected the it from dissolving towards the earth's surface. He claims this outdated practice could be the reason for oil contamination of Seneca Lake.

Environmentalists 'hammering away,' opposing fuel pipelines through New York state

Opponents of a pipeline expansion that would flow through vast portions of New York want the Cuomo Administration to deny a key permit that could halt the upgrade.
