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Owasco Lake group will hold meeting on harmful algal blooms

A harmful algal bloom inundates the water in the Owasco Lake outlet behind the Express Mart in Fleming on Sept. 19.
The Citizen file

Save Owasco Now!, a lake advocacy group started in the fall last year, will hold another meeting to discuss harmful algal blooms at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 2 in Conference Room 2 of Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES, 1879 W. Genesee St. Road, Aurelius.

Harmful Algal Blooms Threaten NY Water Bodies

Harmful Algal Bloom on Cayuga Lake 2017

An environmental database company says toxic algae threatens public recreational and drinking water sources around New York.

Company says DEC isn't enforcing clean water laws, resulting in more toxic algae

An environmental database company is blaming a statewide problem with toxic algae on the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

Walter Hang to talk on Capitol Tonight - 9/20/2017 - Twitter Video

Algae blooms are putting drinking water at risk. Auburn's @TerryCuddy and Walter Hang from @ToxicsTargeting discuss solutions

Harmful algae in Albany reservoir, Firm says it is statewide problem

WESTERLO -- Environmental database company Toxics Targeting is blaming a statewide problem with toxic algae on the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

Albany's backup reservoir experiences algae bloom

WESTERLO — It's not the first time that Basic Creek Reservoir has experienced an algae bloom, marked by a gooey green-blue tint to the water in the city of Albany's backup water source.

Algae blooms threaten NY waterways

ALBANY, N.Y. (WROC-TV) - According to data released by an environmental group on Wednesday, the drinking water for hundreds of thousands in upstate New York could be threatened by the growth of Harmful Algal Blooms.

Algae blooms threaten NY waterways

ALBANY, N.Y. (18 NEWS) - According to data released by an environmental group on Wednesday, the drinking water for hundreds of thousands in upstate New York could be threatened by the growth of Harmful Algal Blooms.

Algae Blooms Threaten New York Waterways

ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) - According to data released by an environmental group on Wednesday, the drinking water for hundreds of thousands in upstate New York could be threatened by the growth of harmful algae blooms.

Algae blooms threaten NY waterways

ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – According to data released by an environmental group on Wednesday, the drinking water for hundreds of thousands in upstate New York could be threatened by the growth of Harmful Algal Blooms.

Algae toxins appear in Skaneateles Lake drinking water, Owasco Lake's untreated water

A harmful algae bloom inundates the water in the Owasco Lake outlet behind the Express Mart in Fleming on Tuesday.
Kevin Rivoli, The Citizen

Low levels of harmful algae toxins were detected in some drinking water distributed from Skaneateles Lake, according to a statement from the state Department of Health, Onondaga County Health Department and the city of Syracuse Department of Water on Wednesday. Meanwhile, toxin and chlorophyll levels in Owasco Lake's blooms are high, though the city of Auburn and town of Owasco's treatment systems appear to be keeping the drinking water clear.

Square One For NG Advantage: Company Resubmitting All Permits For Fenton Site

Vermont-based NG Advantage must re-apply for all permits and applications as it looks for approval to build a fueling station for trucks transporting compressed natural gas.
