One issue that wasn't on the ballot but was very much on the mind of many voters in the area: fracking.
Now that Governor Cuomo has won re-election, could his victory finally spur a decision on whether the state will allow the drilling practice?
Gas supporters say the time has come to allow fracking, while anti-fracking activists worry Tuesday night's election win will lead the Governor to give drilling the green light.
"I think the Governor is going to do his best to go forward. I've always believed that. By his own admission he says he's going to complete the Department of Health review by the end of the year and if that is done than he can adopt a final SGEIS and permits can be issued," said Walter Hang, President of Toxics Targeting.
"Now's the time to do it. I think he got a clear mandate from the election yesterday. If you take a look from Broome all the way to Chautauqua County in Western New York, every major legislator throughout the Southern Tier is in support of gas," said Scott Kurkoski, attorney for the Joint Landowners Coalition of New York.
Kurkoski adds over the past few years anti-gas candidates have consistently lost in local races. Hang says anti-fracking activists will keep the pressure on Cuomo to not allow drilling. He says the state's health review is being done in secret and based on outdated information.