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Map: Major Drinking Water Supply Watersheds and Aquifers


New York Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Cuomo: The Marcellus Shale could contribute to New York's natural gas supply, but development needs to be highly sensitive to environmental concerns.

The Marcellus Shale could contribute to New York's natural gas supply, but development needs to be highly sensitive to environmental concerns. The economic potential from the Marcellus shale could provide a badly needed boost to the economy of the Southern Tier and even many environmentalists agree we want to produce more domestic natural gas that reduces the need for environmentally damaging fuel sources such as coal. We need to explore how drilling can be done in a way that is consistent with environmental concerns. The State¹s Department of Environmental Conservation, as well as the federal Environmental Protection Agency, are currently studying the effects of drilling in the Marcellus Shale region. Through that assessment, New York State must ensure that, if and when the Shale's natural gas is obtained, it does not come at the expense of human health or have adverse environmental impacts. In particular, it is critical that no drilling be conducted that might negatively affect any existing watershed and that best practices in drilling are adopted and enforced by the State.

Therefore, any drilling in the Marcellus Shale must be environmentally sensitive and safe. These reviews must demonstrate that health and environmental risks are adequately addressed and protected. However, existing watersheds are sacrosanct and Andrew Cuomo would not support any drilling that would threaten the State's major sources of drinking water.