12/12/17 |
Request That Governor Cuomo Deny Both a Gas Storage Permit for the Proposed Crestwood/Inergy LPG Storage Facility in Reading, NY and Approval for a Proposed Compressed Gas Truck Transfer Facility in Fenton, NY |
08/02/17 |
8/1/17 Statement from Senator Fred Akshar on the NG Advantage Compressor Station Project in Hillcrest |
07/19/17 |
New York State Assembly Members Lifton and Englebright Request Moratorium for Cargill Shaft #4 permit and Authorizations for Salt Mining Under Cayuga Lake |
07/18/17 |
Walter Hang's 7/17/17 Request that Governor Cuomo Reject the Proposed "No Further Action" Remedy for the Ithaca Falls Overlook, DEC Site #: E755018, 125 Lake Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 |
06/20/17 |
Request that EPA Include Ithaca Falls/Ithaca Gun in the National Priority List for Federal Superfund Clean pursuant to New Subsurface Soil Gas Vapor Intrusion Rule |
05/30/17 |
Dryden Town Supervisor 5/24/17 Letter to Dominion Transmission Inc. Regarding Revocation of Local Approvals for New Market Pipeline |
03/26/17 |
More Powerful, Personalized and Persuasive Governor Cuomo Letter Excerpts In Support of Killing Dominion Pipeline and Adopting a Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approval Moratorium |
03/17/17 |
3/16/2017 Letter to Town of Dryden re: Dominion's Borger Compressor Station wetland variance request |
01/27/17 |
Letters to Gov. Cuomo asking him to rescind Dominion New Market Pipeline permit |
01/12/17 |
Even More Powerful, Personalized Letters Which Request That President Obama Ban Improper Fracking Wastewater Dumping |
01/03/17 |
More Letters to President Obama - 1-3-2017 |
12/22/16 |
Personalized Letters Which Request That President Obama Ban Improper Oil and Nat. Gas Wastewater Disposal |
12/19/16 |
Please Fulfill Your 2012 State of the Union Promise by Banning Five Types of Outmoded Natural Gas and Oil Fracking Wastewater Disposal |
12/16/16 |
Powerful Personalized Letters Which Request That Governor Cuomo DENY All Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approvals in New York |
12/05/16 |
Personalized letters to Governor Cuomo which Request That He Deny All Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approvals in NYS |
10/17/16 |
Letter to Commissioner Seggos requesting a retraction and clarification re: spill # 9806491 cleanup |
09/21/16 |
Letter to Gov. Cuomo Re: Oil Padding |
09/12/16 |
Letter To Gov. Cuomo Re: Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion Project |
09/11/16 |
Letter Which Requests That FERC rescind its "Conditional Approvals" for Dominion New Market Pipeline, Arlington Gas Storage and Constitution/Iroquois Pipelines. |
09/11/16 |
Letter to U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Which Requests That the Section 401 Water Quality "Blanket Authorization" Be Rescinded For Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion Project |
09/08/16 |
Request that EPA Region 2 Rescind the Section 401 Water Quality Certification "Blanket Authorization" Improperly Granted by DEC for the Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion Project |
08/26/16 |
Letter to Governor Cuomo requesting denial of hydrocarbon storage permits applications for Reading, NY facilities |
08/25/16 |
Tompkins County Legislature - Request for Public Hearing re: Dominion New Market Pipeline |
07/29/16 |
Self-explanatory letter which allows citizens to request that Governor Cuomo DENY a Section 401 Water Quality Certification required for the proposed project to be constructed |
04/22/16 |
4-22-2016 More Letters to Governor Cuomo to Kill the Proposed Constitution Pipeline |
03/31/16 |
3-31-16 Continuing Deluge of Letters to Governor Cuomo to Kill the Proposed Constitution Pipeline |
03/24/16 |
3-24-16 - Additional Pipeline and Fracking letters to Governor Cuomo |
03/21/16 |
3-21-16 More Pipeline and Fracking letters to Governor Cuomo |
03/18/16 |
Latest Compilation of Section 401 Constitution Pipeline and Gelled Propane Letters Sent to Governor Cuomo |
03/13/16 |
3-11-16 Even still more Cuomo Constitution Pipeline letters |
03/07/16 |
Still More Cuomo-Constitution Pipeline letters - 3-7-16 |
01/11/16 |
1/11/16 Letter to Governor Cuomo Regarding Constitution Pipeline Company's Request to FERC for authorization to begin "tree-felling activities" |
10/24/14 |
Letter Sent to Top 500 Cuomo Campaign Contributors Requesting DOH "Review" and Draft SGEIS be Halted |
07/11/14 |
Governor Cuomo Withdraw the Outdated Draft SGEIS cover letter |
04/22/14 |
Letter to Governor Cuomo Requesting Immediate Action Due to Auburn Headworks Analysis of Natural Gas Drilling Wastewater Hazards |
03/20/13 |
Letter to Governor Cuomo Re: a Proposed HV HF Health Impact Study |
02/12/13 |
Statement from DEC Commissioner Joseph Martens |
02/12/13 |
Shah Letter to Martens |
02/06/13 |
February 2013 Lifton Sign-on Letter |
01/25/13 |
DOH Response 1/24/13 |
01/18/13 |
Please Do Not Finalize Your Proposed DOH Review of DEC's Marcellus Shale "health impact analysis" Until Public Participation Requests Are Fulfilled |
12/08/12 |
Extensive press coverage about inadequate DOH review of DEC "health impact analysis" |
12/07/12 |
Letter from Donna Lupardo (126th Ass'bly Dist) asks DEC Comm. Martens to convene Fracking Panel |
12/07/12 |
Cuomo Letter Requests DOH Review to require public participation and investigation of extensive information not included in the Revised Draft SGEIS |
10/30/12 |
Withdraw Revised Draft SGEIS in Order to Eliminate Unplugged and Abandoned Gas and Oil Well Hazards |
10/30/12 |
Withdraw Revised Draft SGEIS in Order to Resolve Inadequate Public Health Assessment Concerns |
09/07/12 |
9/26/12 Letter to Governor Cuomo Documenting Decades of Division of Mineral Resources Enforcement Problems |
08/02/12 |
Cuomo Contributor Letter |
07/18/12 |
Municipalities and Counties Where Citizens Have Submitted Written Requests that Local Authorities Adopt No Resolutions or Public Policies Supporting Marcellus Shale Gas Extraction |
07/03/12 |
Form Letter to Adopt No Resolutions or Public Policies Supporting Marcellus Shale Gas Extraction |
06/14/12 |
Seventy Six Legislators Send Bipartisan Letter to Governor Cuomo Requesting That Six Critical Concerns to Be Fully Resolved Before Shale Gas Fracking is Permitted |
05/10/12 |
Letter To Frances Beinecke, NRDC, Thank you for Calling/Request for Further Action |
05/01/12 |
USDA Categorical Exclusion (CE) Memo |
04/25/12 |
SEQR review requested for LPG shale gas hydraulic fracturing |
03/20/12 |
Cuomo Request to address mortgage lending and gas leasing concerns in DEC's SEQRA review of Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing |
03/19/12 |
President Obama Letter regarding NEPA implications of horizontal hydrofracturing of shale to extract natural gas |
01/12/12 |
EPA Revised Draft SGEIS Comments Letter to Cuomo |
12/30/11 |
Coalition Letter Which Requests That You Withdraw the Marcellus Shale Revised Draft SGEIS Now Has More Than 20,900 Signatories |
12/06/11 |
Coalition Letter With More Than 10,400 Signatories Requesting Immediate Withdrawal of the RD SGEIS |
11/02/11 |
Letter to Governor Cuomo Regarding Ferrugia Family |
08/30/11 |
Cuomo Letter: Revised Draft SGEIS Gas Drilling and Wastewater Spreading |
06/27/11 |
Stringent EPA Gas Drilling Wastewater Regulatory Requirements Not Being Enforced in NYS/Please Solve This Problem in the Revised draft SGEIS |
06/21/11 |
Letters to Commissioner Martens |
06/16/11 |
Generic Concerned Citizen Letter to Commissioner Martens Requesting That Additional Concerns be Addressed by Revision of draft SGEIS |
06/15/11 |
Letter to Commissioner Martens Requesting Revision of draft SGEIS to Address Additional Concerns |
06/09/11 |
Accepting Written Public Input Without Further Delay Regarding Revising the draft SGEIS, 6/5/11 |
05/19/11 |
Letter to Governor Cuomo Regarding Natural Gas Leasing Impacts on Mortgage Lending |
04/20/11 |
4/13/11 Letter to Governor Cuomo from New York State Legislators Re: Executive Order No. 41 |
04/08/11 |
Natural Gas Drilling Wastewater Discharged to POTWs in New York's Finger Lakes Region |
03/30/11 |
Letter to Commissioner Martens |
03/03/11 |
3-3-11 Letter to Governor Cuomo |
12/30/10 |
Paterson Executive Order No. 41 Letter |
12/17/10 |
Executive Order's Erroneous Assertion Regarding Conventional Gas Well Fracking |
12/08/10 |
Coalition Cover Letter to Withdraw the draft SGEIS Before You Leave Office |
12/01/10 |
Urgent Letter to Governor Paterson to Withdraw the draft SGEIS Before Leaving Office |
10/28/10 |
Congressman Hinchey's signature on the coalition letter for withdrawal of the Marcellus Shale draft SGEIS |
09/23/10 |
9/23/10 Letter to Governor Paterson |
09/20/10 |
9/20/10 Letter to Andrew Cuomo |
08/04/10 |
Letter to Mayor Michael Bloomberg |
04/04/10 |
4/2/10 Letter to DEC Commissioner Grannis Regarding Additional Natural Gas Hazards |