Excerpted below are personalized statements selected from more than 300 communications sent since 7/1/13 to members of the New York State Hydraulic Fracturing Advisory Panel. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and DEC and DOH Commissioners Joe Martens and Nirav R. Shah were cc'd.
Each communication reiterates the same request that the Department of Health a) halt its Review of New York's shale fracking "health impact analysis" conducted in secrecy without any public input and b) conduct a comprehensive "Public Health Impact Study" to resolve all health concerns about Marcellus Shale fracking once and for all.
The full text of the standard letter is posted at: http://apps.toxicstargeting.com/panel_email_template.php
My name is Karen G. I’ve lived in Vestal, NY for the last 27 years, having moved here after attending college at Binghamton University and completing graduate school. I have worked in the health field both as a professional and as a volunteer with the ACS for all of that time. I had planned to spend the rest of my life living in this beautiful rural community, but should hydrofracking come to NYS, my family and I will without question, leave NYS, rather than live in the Southern Tier of NYS which has been offered up for hydrofracking should it ever occur in NYS. It is my greatest hope that this will never come to be. We know that the hundreds of thousands of chemicals used per frack per well, are some of the most toxic to human health...known carcinogens among them. The cumulative impact of these chemicals remaining in the ground as well as those released into our air, including radioactive materials brought up in the drilling process require a comprehensive, long term health impact study, done by independent researchers with public comment. A review of data provided by the gas industry is a circular review of information that does not go beyond what the industry wants the public to believe. Too much is at risk to allow Dr. Shah's review to pass as a real health impact assessment.
My name is E. Louis P., MD. I write today because of my concern for long standing poisoning of our water supply, the repeated dumping of waste water in inappropriate places among other concerns, all for the short and limited financial gains that in the long range could be quite expensive costs to correct.
My name is Gloria L., an 8 year resident of Tompkins County. I write today because I am extremely concerned about the inadequate review. I value clean water and clean air. If you value the lives of New Yorkers, I implore you to require a meaningful review.
My name is Michael G. I live in Niles, New York and I am writing to you today because I believe that a grossly inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards. Hence I ask that members of the Hydraulic Fracturing Advisory Panel take immediate action to require Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to stop Dr. Shah's DOH Review because it has been conducted in secret without any public input, has unacceptable major shortcomings and cannot fulfill its mandates. I also request that the Panel do what is necessary to undertake a comprehensive, open and transparent "Public Health Impact Study of High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (HVHF) health concerns.
My name is Brewster C. I write today because I fear many will be poisoned by air and water contamination.
My name is Kerry M. I agree with every word written below and beg that you all take this to heart and act on it promptly so that New York, and by example other states, does not become a victim of further exploration for 'natural gas.' New York needs to protect its natural resources for the benefit of all of us, not just New Yorkers.
My name is Jill L. I write today because I care very passionately about our environment, air/water and all the life forms on it. I keep seeing the effects of climate change in storms, floods, melting ice, loss of glaciers..... I also see the videos and articles on the pollution, dying cows, dogs and their owners are very ill. I implore you to make this review extremely rigorous! we can not take these millions of gallons of toxic water when parts of the world are dying of thirst. Sand hills disappearing to be fracked underground, to the methane leaks that are so toxic to the atmosphere. PLEASE PLEASE do not do this to us!
My name is Richard J. I write today because our water resources are precious and irreplaceable....I am appalled that this assessment is going on in secret....I am aghast at the number of fracking industry hacks involved in the decision process and on the Governor’s advisory panel....I wonder how you can call this a democratic assessment...Don't you realize that the water resource is more valuable then the gas...Haven't you read of the health horror stories coming from the blighted states!!!!!!!! WE DEMAND A TRANSPARENT HEALTH IMPACT ANALYSIS!!!!!!
My name is Herbert W. I write today because I feel I must.
My name is David F. I write today because the blatant attempt of the Cuomo administration to avoid a common sense health impact assessment is beyond shameful, endangering the health and well being of all New Yorkers and insuring toxic contamination of the state's land and waters in perpetuity, bending and breaking laws to accommodate the powerful oil and gas industry. Panel members should either get the state to abide by the law or resign.
My name is Carl A. If the so-called "Constitution" pipeline actually gets built, it will pass within 5 miles of my house in Delaware County. If it actually gets built, it will enable fracking in the region, to which I am unalterably opposed. I write today because a truly open, transparent, public process for conducting a public health impact study is essential to expose once and for all the hard, empirical realities of drilling that have been exposed in 34 states, from Texas to Pennsylvania.
My name is Ross H. I write today because in an email from Governor Cuomo on July 8, 2013 it was stated "Governor Cuomo came into office with a pledge to clean up Albany and restore the public’s trust in state government." Regarding the 2011 Disclosure Law, ...This law provides “transparency that has been missing from Albany since the birth of state government... by lifting the veil on this information traditionally kept secret,” the Governor says.
My name is Laura F. I am a resident of Highland NY in the beautiful Hudson Valley. I write today because the DEC proposed regulations are clearly inadequate and will not protect our health or environment because HVHF is an unsafe practice and the industry has proven itself to be unwilling and INCAPABLE of cleaning up its disasters. If the science is truly to be the determining factor in this decision, then we need a real study based on actual occurrences of disasters caused by the entire process of HVHF, both intended and unintended consequences.
My name is Ilse F. I am writing because there is growing concern that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review is being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah which will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
My name is Karen O. I write today because I am deeply troubled by Govoner Cuomo's intentions to make a decision on the fracking issue by 2014. The science isn't complete! The entire DOH review was done without public participation! If this is truly to be a decision based on science, then you have excluded a lot of brilliant New Yorkers, and other scholars, from making a contribution to factual collection of the science, history, safety issues, and inherent problems of Hydraulic Fracturing.
My name is David E. I write today because I am extremely concerned that citizen's rights are being railroaded by corporate interests with deep pockets for lobbying and influencing government officials whose first concern should be with protecting the safety, health and sustainability of the environment and all life that it supports. Fracking is a bridge, not to a sustainable energy future, but to an environmental dystopia that will wreak havoc on local, regional and global scales.
My name is Keith S. I write today because I am concerned about the potential dangers to public health and the environment of our beautiful state if hydro fracking is permitted to start in New York without an adequate health impact analysis and adequate safeguards in place.
My name is Ilse F. I write today because I want this state to be safe for my grandchildren to live in; to eat local produce, eat NYS grown apples and grass fed meat, and drink pure water.
My name is Nancy L. I write today because of my concern about the negative impacts of hydraulic fracturing.
My name is Roberta V. I write today because I am deeply concerned about the environmental and health impact and irreversible damage for supposed short term gain that hydro fracking clearly entails. I want leaders who will protect humanity and this earth for generations to come, that teach simply and straitforwardly and fight for what is right for the Truth.
My name is Paul W. I write today because [of] inadequate health impact studies.
My name is Karen C. I write today because I am concerned about the adverse public health and environmental effects of hydraulic fracturing in New York State and in the United States of America.
My name is Nancy B. I write today because I am very concerned because the health of humans, domestic animals and wildlife is being threatened by hydrofracking. This has been born out via the history of fracking in states where it has been permitted. Studies and laboratory results have been altered by the parties gaining monitarily from fracking. This is not the way to energy independence. Only green energy such as solar, wind and geothermal will lead us to energy independence.
My name is Kara E. and I am writing on behalf of myself & my family. I write to you today because I am concerned about hydraulic fracking in New York State that would effect our water, our air, the environment on a whole. I urge you to please take action to resolve the major new & old DOH review problems as soon as possible.
My name is Laura C. I write today because I am very concerned that high volume hydrofracking will have very negative effects on our environment and on the health of the people of New York.
My name is Laurie C. I write today because our family is very against fracking, and for many reasons.
My name is Donald M. I write today because recent incidents in the Gulf and Alberta, while not directly related to the issues before us in New York State suggest very strongly that at the very least serious accidents will happen and at the most that the extractive industries are wedded to a policy of risk-taking. Be that as it may, assessment of health risks involved in fracking must take into account the effect of the diesel fuel used in trucking and the fracking itself as well as the obvious matters of contamination on the ground and in aquifers due to casing failure.
My name is Lawrence M. I write today because I am very concerned about the impacts of shale fracking.
My name is Judith F. I am writing with serious concerns about the environmental and public health dangers posed by hydraulic fracturing.
My name is Devin H. I write today because I feel the current path of the health impact analysis review is taking is a very dangerous one for New York State.
My name is Laura N. I write today because I am concerned about the health hazards that have been associated with fracking.
My name is Robert S. I write today because I strongly oppose Hydraulic Fracturing to be allowed in New York State or anywhere, due to the devastating consequences it will have on our environment now and for generations to come.
My name is James-Henry H. I write today because I am worried New York State is in danger!
My name is Susan M. I write today because hydrofracking for natural gas is a horrible energy choice. There is growing concern that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
My name is Stephen C. I write today because I oppose fracking.
My name is Ann B. I write today because I am wondering when thoughtful, responsible invididuals, who have been charged with safeguarding the health and wealthfare of New York citizens, will step in and stop this continual search for a politically safe way to frack shale in New York.
My name is Patricia H. I write today because hydro-fracking is NOT SAFE!
My name is Anne L. I write today because of the danger to the pubic health from hydraulic, horizontal fracking. The present analysis of this technology is being done in secret with strong impact from the gas industry. There are no independent scientists, physicians and citizens invited to the table. Democracy demands openness and public participation. From past experience we know that the gas industry has poisoned water, land and air from fracking and then denied their role and their responsibility. Most of the farms in northeast Pennsylvania are gone because of the pollution from fracking in that area. We do not want the same fate for New York State. Local economies are destroyed, and people are sickened from the chemicals used in this process. The gas companies have a habit of dumping flowback fluids into water bodies, causing irreversible damage to the environment and local ecologies. The radio-active waste from Radium is also included in the dumping of this waste. People experience a myriad number of health problems wherever fracking occurs. These problems did not exist before the fracking, and these problems are medically documented. Asthma, tumors, nose bleeds, neurological problems, rashes are a few of the conditions people suffer when exposed to fracking chemicals. There is no way to clean up the contamination from fracking. The gas itself is high in Radon. Right now the gas we use has less than one picocurie per liter. The gas from the Marcellus can have up to forty picocuries per liter. This situation is unacceptable. I am touching upon a few of the hundreds of issues associated with fracking. To resolve these issues we must have a comprehensive, open and transparent "Public Health Review".
My name is Elsie C. I write today because I am vitally concerned about the absolute devastation of the richness of Nature that we enjoy in the state of New York, should hydrofracturing be sanctioned by our Governor.
My name is Erika P. I write today because I value the water I drink. Fracking is clearly insane and why we continue to do that which harms us, irrevocably, is beyond my understanding.
My name is Murray B. I write today because [of] a total lack of transparency on the DOH review on HVHHF in NYS.
My name is Peter K., residing [in] Syracuse. I am writing you here as I perceive a huge potential gulf between physical reality and citizen's perceptions and intentions on one hand, and the motivations driving state energy policy-making on the other. I sense how a wide-scale social inertia capable of ignoring huge social blind spots has allowed the gas and oil industry to pursue their development at all costs. However, please consider using logical reasoning, over simply citing someone's manufactured need to join the current national drilling 'craze'. Consider also, New York has a rich history of carefully reasoned debate over difficult social issues, including slavery, woman's rights, and civil liberties.
My name is Scott M. I write today because I OPPOSE FRACKING IN NY STATE.
My name is Ann S. I write today because I am very concerned about the environmental and health impact of fracking.
My name is Eleanor O. I write today because many members of my extended family live near Syracuse and Marcellus and thus very close to areas the oil/gas conglomerates hope to exploit through the toxic, dangerous process of "fracking".
My name is Lars P. I write today because I want you to stop considering engaging in THE OBVIOUSLY DESTRUCTIVE AND DANGEROUS PRACTICE OF FRACKING!
My name is Ann H. I write today because I care about the future health of New Yorkers and our environment.
My name is Cynthia B. I write today because I am concerned the the health impacts of hydraulic fracturing has not been adequately investigated nor does an adequate mitigation program exist to protect public and worker health.
My name is John B. I write today because a few people getting rich at the expense of the rest of us is not right. In our county of Sullivan, a small % would benefit and the balance would lead reduced health & financial lives overall. 1 in 20 wells fails when they are constructed and all eventually fail. Your names will be remembered as the people who have pushed through early death and economic destruction of an entire state. Be thoughtful to our water, environment and economic well being and do as Germany is doing, go with alternative sources.
My name is Dacia L., a citizen of Tioga County NY. I write today because I believe the integrity of New York State's air and water quality is in jeopardy with the dangerous possibility of hydraulic fracturing in our future. NOT TO MENTION the potential health risks associated with the aforementioned way of extracting natural gas from our lands in BEAUTIFUL, RURAL UPSTATE NY. I PERSONALLY TAKE PRIDE IN THE CLEAN AIR, WATER AND VIEWS THAT COME WITH CHOOSING TO MOVE TO THIS PART OF NYS.
My name is Janice N. I write today because I believe fracking is harmful to our environment, and I don't want it damaging our beautiful state.
My name is Marsha A. I write today because as an educator, a parent and a believer in the democratic process I am deeply concerned about the apparent lack of legitimacy and integrity surrounding the vital health impact analysis regarding fracking in New York State. I am imploring the members of the Hydraulic Fracturing Advisory Panel to uphold the responsibilities of their positions by demanding a thorough and legitimate health impact study complete with public input.
My name is Louis S. I write today because I am deeply concerned that Dr. Shah's fracking and public health review process has been compromised for expediency, with resulting inadequate longitudinal or comprehensive review of negative health impacts from long term exposure to fracking contaminated water, air and land.
My name is Yvonne T. I write today because I am gravely concerned about the lack of public input and the failure to complete a comprehensive heath impact study on Fracking.
My name is Kristen S. I write today because I grew up in New York State, return regularly to visit family and care deeply about what happens to the landscape and people there.
My name is Anthony D. P. I write today because the health study has been conducted improperly and in secret.
My name is Mike C. I write today because I am very concerned about this obvious lack of transparency.
My name is Michael G. I write today because after studying the issues for some time, I have concluded that hydrofracking for natural gas presents substantially greater risks that benefits. I am particularly concerned about global warming. I do not view a move to natural gas from oil or coal as a move in the right direction. A move to renewable sources of energy would be a move in the right direction. Even if natural gas had fewer global warming impacts than oil, I am extremely concerned that a potential for air and water pollution from the hydrofracking process has not been subjected to anything remotely approximating scientific study and risk analysis.
My name is Zorika H. I write today because too much is at stake to allow a sham health-impact analysis review to proceed.
My name is Michael G., a resident of Owego, Tioga County, NY for over 40 years. I write today because I am very concerned about the potential environmental and health impacts that could result without adequate study and preparation, not to mention fail-safe controls on the gas extraction industry. One thing we can all agree on: there is a lot of money to be made. However, we should move forward not only when we are satisfied that the process is safe, but we can be sure that there is no room or opportunity for dangerous accidents or shortcuts. I get concerned when the biggest proponents are not well informed experts, but rather politicians and landowners eager for another source of revenue. It is not acceptable to mortgage our health and future because someone is going to lose their farm without the financial windfall from a gas lease.
My name is Anthony B. I write today because I care about the future of the planet and I am opposed to the implementing of Hydraulic Fracturing to remove natural gas from the Marcellus shale without adequate safeguards against health and environmental hazards.
My name is Susan M. I write today because to inaccurately study the impact of hydrofracking in New York State is ludicrous, dangerous and can cause irreversible damage.
My name is Donald M. I write today because it does seem to me that the "health impact analysis" has come to have more to do with dubious politics than with health.
My name is Murray B. I write today because of deep concerns regarding the DOH review on potential future high volume hydrofracking in New York state.
My name is Nancy B. I write today because I am very concerned about the health impact of hydrofracking on the population and wild and domesticated animals. From what I have learned from Pennsylvania many, many people have been sickened due to fracking chemicals and have had to sign non-disclosure agreements to get treatment. Animals are known to have died after exposure to fracking chemicals._Compressors that are needed for the pipelines are known to emit noxious substances into the air.
My name is Laura N. I write today to urge action to resolve the new DOH review problems.
My name is Richard J. I write today because of the health problems and water pollution related to fracking, being reported from other states...I am deeply concerned also with the lack of democratic, public participation...We ask for a fair process and a truthful health impact analysis.
My name is Devin H. I write today because I have great concerns about the Department of Health's (DOH) Review in regards to Hydraulic Fracturing in New York State.
My name is Geo K. I've lived in NY's Central Appalachian Highlands for more than 60 years. I own a business and have a family here. I pay taxes, talk with my neighbors, and vote in elections.
I'm also a grandfather now. It seems a very long time ago that I was in college, but there's one thing I'm pretty sure has not changed: if you haven't done your studies, then a quick final review isn't going to save you. Doctor Shah's "health impact analysis" review of hydrofracking is like that. The comprehensive studies that were supposed to underpin it have not been completed. Let's not be reckless where public health is at stake. Better to take an "incomplete", go back to the beginning and study properly, comprehensively, with full public input. Please!
My name is Jennifer H. I write today because I grew up in Oneonta, NY and am greatly saddened to think that the beautiful countryside and clean water I took for granted could be ruined with hydraulic fracturing. Often, I think of moving back to New York state, but the prospect of fracking and its erosion on New Yorkers' quality of life prevent me from ever fully committing to the idea. In fact, if fracking is indeed permitted in NY, I would pledge to never return to live in NY. If I am one person who would so boldy pledge to never bring their tax money to NY in the event of fracking occurring, there must be others.
My name is Robert M. I write today because my family has suffered the impacts of cancer, asthma, and other chronic illnesses. Prevention and precaution is paramount. Also as we know from industrial incidents of the past (the 'Love Canal') it is literally a matter of life and death to ensure the impacts of industry are known, especially if thousands of wells are to be drilled in hundreds of towns across the state.
My name is Donna M. I write today as a trained Family Nurse Practitioner because of my concerns regarding the Marcellus Shale Initiative (a coalition of stakeholders and experts from academia, health care systems, government and the energy industry) led by Geisinger in Pennsylvania to "investigate the health of our population, including the potential health effects of natural gas mining in the Marcellus Shale region of Pennsylvania and southern New York" (Geisinger Research Connections, Winter 2013). This is one of the HVHF Health Impact Studies Dr. Shah's DOH Review is considering. But this investigation is only in the early stages of Phase I covering the short term (3-5 years) and starts by developing a baseline using existing health, environmental and social data for later comparison purposes. Phase I would lastly determine which study areas to focus on in order to identify "if links exist between drilling activities and health, environment or socioeconomic outcomes." So, even Phase I could not be completed before 2016.
My name is David K. I am a Ph.D. scientist and I have directed experimental research in biochemistry and in cell & molecular biology at a cancer center for 35 years. I write to you today because I am deeply concerned about the potential impacts of shale gas drilling and high-volume hydraulic fracturing on the health and safety of New Yorkers.
My name is Leaf T. I write today because, as a retired physicist (from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico) I am fearful of the health, and concomitant environmental effects, that will come about as a result of the release of toxins, both in situ and introduced through the techniques of fracking of New York State. The natural gas here is not in a concentrated form as coal in coal mines or oil in oil wells, but is located diffusely over a huge volume. The methods of concentration will themselves be hazardous. The hazardous materials, toxins and methane, will diffuse through groundwater and atmosphere. What an irremediable impact it will have on our farming, wine, dairy, and tourists industry!
My name is Dani N. I write today because I am very concerned about the future of our state and our country. The weather patterns that plague us lately are not accidental. I work at Ithaca College as a mathematician and the Science professors all agree that we must stop and re-think what we are doing. Most of us have children and some of us have grand children. We must think of them and their future. Please help even though ti may not be easy for you to take a firm stand.
My name is Marsha A. I write today because as an educator, a parent and a believer in the democratic process I am deeply concerned about the apparent lack of legitimacy and integrity surrounding the vital health impact analysis regarding fracking in New York State. I am imploring the members of the Hydraulic Fracturing Advisory Panel to uphold the responsibilities of their positions by demanding a thorough and legitimate health impact study complete with public input.
My name is April L. I write today because I am concerned that the DOH health review by Dr. Shah is based on inadequately funded and unfinished studies and is not comprehensive, open to the public or transparent.
My name is Ruby T. I write today because I am appalled at the cavalier way the health impact analysis is being treated given the possibility of a catastrophic effect on the health, not only of people, but also of New York's economically productive industries of farming, wineries, and dairy, not to mention tourism!
My name is Eric B. I write today because there is growing concern that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
My name is Sharon O-M. of…Skaneateles, NY. I write today because I do not appreciate a government that only goes through the motions of protecting the public’s health and safety, especially with regard to an industry’s operations that can adversely affect so many regions, and so many people. Regarding our health, all legitimate steps should be taken to safeguard it and these steps should be totally transparent. Legitimate means a real health impact assessment, such as an HIA designed by the World Health Organization. The DEC and the NYS Department of Health are not/have not done due diligence in researching the health consequences of unconventional gas extraction. The EPA has delayed its study results due to the gas industry’s influence. Our legislature (NYS Senate) has been influenced by the industry’s no fracking legislation can even get to the floor for a vote. Is this democracy? You have an obligation to do what is right here. Do your job. Please. Once damage by unconventional drilling is done, in most cases, it cannot be undone.
My name is Bernie O'D. I write today because I am increasingly alarmed that Governor Cuomo will make a determination on fracking before the science is in or has even been started on the long-term health impacts of this dirty industry. Just three months ago, my wife and I moved our home and business from Tioga County to Broome County. In a sane world, that would not be a huge deal. However, added to the usual crazy expense and stress of a personal and corporate move was the knowledge that we might have to move all over again--and much further away--if fracking is approved here. My wife and I had considered locations in Vermont and Massachusetts, but the fact is we do not want to live in those places because we love it here. We don't have the kind of money that can influence politicians or buy TV ads, but we are gambling on your willingness, as people in positions of advisory power, to do the right thing. Will you listen to us now and fulfill your roles?
My name is Julie M. I write today because I want all of you to do what I would do if I were in your powerful shoes and had the ear of the governor. Governor Cuomo has repeatedly said that science and not emotion is going to determine whether New York State allows High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (HVHF) to happen here or not. As a native resident of the Southern Tier; as a New York business owner; as a lover of nature, animals and locally sourced organic food; and as a healthy human being who would like to remain so, I ask you to stand up for science now.
My name is Jeffrey G. I write today because of my concern that the possible health effects of the full lifecycle of fracking operations be carefully studied before any fracking is approved in NY State. I don't want my children, my wife, my neighbors, my community nor any residents of ths state to be part of a huge experiment--one that takes place so a few people can make giant sums of money while the rest of us pay the long term costs.
My name is Joan W. I write today because more and more health horror stories are emerging (in spite of fear of retaliation by industry and leasee neighbors) from Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Arkansas,etc. A NY Health "Study" which is only a review of inadequate data makes a travesty of the process of protecting New Yorkers. You must advise that truly scientific, peer reviewed, study of comprehensive health impacts of HVHF are considered by the New York Health Department.
My name is Pat R. I write today because I am scared.
I will say this is a very personal issue for me because I live in the Southern Tier, and I will be in the midst of what could be a dangerous place to live if fracking is allowed. To those of you on the panel who believe fracking is safe already, I would ask why? There is no comprehensive health study as yet--and clearly there are people living near gas wells who have suffered ill health, enough people so that this cannot just be coincidence. There have been instances of water contamination, and there is still no good way of disposing of the toxic waste from this process. I am not asking you to believe me. I am asking you to wait until we both have enough evidence to decide what to do. We do not have that evidence about the health impacts of hydrofracking now.
My name is Patricia E. I write today because I am terribly worried about potential negative health impacts of hydraulic fracturing, especially the danger of contamination of ground water and all the repercussions of that possibility. I would like to believe that this advisory panel will take whatever measures are needed to assure that a truly comprehensive assessment of health risks is conducted before the moratorium could be lifted. With the health of all life in fracking areas in potential danger and the fact that the natural gas will remain right where it is into the future, moving quickly is not necessary -- thorough study and conclusive evidence that hydrofracturing will NOT negatively afffect the health of the people and environment of the areas proposed for fracking are what is required.
My name is Karen O. I write today because I am deeply troubled by Govoner Cuomo's intentions to make a decision on the fracking issue by 2014. The science isn't complete! The entire DOH review was done without public participation! If this is truly to be a decision based on science, then you have excluded a lot of brilliant New Yorkers, and other scholars, from making a contribution to factual collection of the science, history, safety issues, and inherent problems of Hydraulic Fracturing.
My name is Dr. Nancy L. I write today because a thorough study of the multiple and life-threatening toxic affects of fracking has not been done by our Health Commissioner, nor has he permitted public input.
My name is Shirley W. I write today because I am very concerned that fracking may be allowed in NYS. I have heard from many who live in PA--including my parents and other relatives--about the health concerns they carry and particularly the health of the workers is being very negatively impacted by the radioactive chemicals that are used in this very dangerous and harmful process.
My name is Mike M. I write today because I have serious reservations about the damage hydraulic hydrofracking will do to the environment, natural beauty and economy of New York over time. I do not believe the economics make sense over time and wish to see a full, public, transparent review of all related issues before this technology is permitted anywhere in New York state.
My name is Bill H. (Geologist). I write today because as one who has drilled Agassi wells I have seen the inability of DEC Bureau of Minerals to properly oversee drilling and well plugging activities. They are underfunded and not properly staffed. Just an increase of permit fees is not enough and to date I have not seen any plan to fund this oversight. I suggest that to fund this well oversight that a tax be placed ON EACH ACRE OF EACH LEASE. other methods of funding oversight such as a tax onreduction and increased permit fees are not a steady stream of income. Actually both can be used as a weapon against the State of NY. What if a group of wells are purposely shut in? What if no wells are drilled? No drilling, no production results in no funding of oversight. Thus the only steady regular source of income is to TAX EACH ACRE OF EACH LEASE.
My name is Ann C. I write today because I am staunchly opposed to fracking due to the environmental devastation that is likely to result from it.
My name is Lenore F. I write today because I am deeply troubled by the potentially destructive and irreversible effects of hydraulic fracturing.
My name is Dennis A. I write today because I remain seriously conceerned about the environmental and health effects of hydraulic fracking.
My name is Kurt P. I write today because I am very concerned about developments around hydraulic fracturing in New York State.
My name is Neill C. I am writing today because I am extremely concerned about the impact of hydrolic fracturing mining technology on the environment.
My name is Dennis H. I write today because of concerns over every aspect of the HVHF review and regulatory process, from DEC to DOH.
My name is Paul T. I write today because The DOH Study of Fracking is incomplete, industry favorable and lacking peer reviewed scientific data.
My name is Gail M. I write today because I am very concerned that our elected representatives are playing politics with the lives of the people of New York.
My name is Judy S. I write today because I am concerned about the risks to health and safety of New Yorkers if Governor Cuomo gives the go ahead to HVHF in New York State. It is blatantly clear to me from scientific and first hand reports that this method of gas drilling is not and cannot ever be safe for the environment and our water. I am very disturbed about the secrecy of the health studies as well as many "behind closed door" meetings between our legislators, the DEC and the gas industry.
My name is Christine M. I write today because I am weary of millions of taxpayer dollars being spent on hyfraulic fracturing and seeing the soil and water poisoned by this fracking process, and billions of gallons of toxic water being pumped into the ground or poured into running creeks and streams killing wildlife and further poisoning the running streams and limiting the clean water we all enjoy.
My name is Laura N. I write today because I want there to be a REAL health impact study.
My name is Karen M.G. I write today because I live in Sullivan County and am very afraid of carcinogens entering our waterstream, and I am convinced due to the earthquakes in Ohio and Colorado, that Fracking is not regulated or currently properly.
My name is Celeste F. I write today because I am very concerned about what fracking would do to the health of my family and my community.
My name is Ann E. of Apalachin, New York in the Southern Tier. I write today because of my concern about the limitations of Dr. Shah's current review of High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing.
My name is Marsha G. I write today because I am very concerned that New York State will ignore the impact of HVHF on public health in order to profit gas and oil companies. A proper health impact review has not been done as of this date. All that has been done has been hastily done in secret without any transparency or public input. As a resident of this beautiful area since 1981 and a health care provider, I can only hope that the governor will consider his legacy in New York State, and take seriously his duties to protect the people of the state.
[No name at top] I am worried about the many environmental and health dangers caused by fracking.
My name is Meredith. I write today because I live in a housing development surrounded by land with gas leases. My land value will plummet due to the increased traffic and pollution from fracking, where is my money? There is no profit for the entire development, but we will experience the chemical fallout from flaring the wells and from the heavy truck traffic. We need a health study that considers the impact to the children in the school and all the families in the housing development.
My name is April R. I write today because I do not want hydrofracking to permitted in New York State.
My name is Michael T. and I live in Vestal, NY. I am writing to you as Governor Cuomo's trusted advisors on High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing.
My name is Randolph H. I write today on my wife's, my children's and neighbor's behalf. We are seriously concerned about the adverse health, environmental and socio-economic impacts of Horizontal Hydrolic Fracturing for "Natural" Gas Extraction, the processing of this gas, and its transmission through pipelines, compressor stations and fracked gas fueled power plant infrastructure in New York State.
My name is Leland G. I write today because I am worried that our Government cares only for the interests of the wealthy at a cost to the common citizen. There is proof in Pennsylvania and Michigan that Fracking pollutes water wells even from a distance, Upstate New York livelihoods, health and tourism depend on CLEAN WATER..Do not sell us down the drain for money.
[No name at top] I am horrified to learn that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah might be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
My name is Erin E. I write today because of the bad health and environmental impacts that shale fracking causes.
My name is Debbie B. I write today because I love New York and fear if FRACKING is allowed that my family will need to move from this beautiful state. We as all living being need clean water, land and air and FRACKING will most certainly jeopardize the health of our state and others.
My name is David B. I am contacting you because I want to add my voice to the outcry surrounding the inadequacy of Dr. Shah's DOH Review upon which will hinge a decision on high volume hydrofracking in the State of New York. We simply cannot afford to be wrong on this decision.
My name is Scott W. I write today because I am concerned that once again health and environmental concerns are being trumped by the interests of the oil and gas industry.
My name is Anthony B. I write today because I care about the future of the planet and I am opposed to the implementing of Hydraulic Fracturing to remove natural gas from the Marcellus shale without adequate safeguards against health and environmental hazards.
My name is Stacey M. I write today because I am very concerned with the hazards of hydrofracking and the impact it would have on our environment and our economy.
My name is Robert J., DVM. I write today because I object to my state government operating in secret.
My name is Patricia S. I write today because as a cancer nurse, mother, and active voter I am extremely concerned about the short and long term effects of hydraulic fracturing. If we allow this process to move forward in New York then we have forsaken our water , our land, and our future due to the inability to truly predict the long term consequences of a dirty and short sighted energy plan. A workable plan exists to free New York of environmentally unsustainable energy sources by Cornell University's Robert Howarth and Tony Ingraffia. Be courageous and due not fall to the profit hungry gas and oil industry pressure. Have vision and stand with the majority of New Yorkers who say NO to fracking.
My name is Penelope K. I write today because I am concerned about the shabby work being done on fracking health impacts.
My name is Julia M. I write today because of my concern about the environmental and health consequences of hydraulic fracturing.
My name is Holly A. I write today because I am concerned about the future health of the people of New York state. The Governor was recently quoted as saying he would be making a decision on the controversial practice of high volume hydraulic fracturing soon. This is of grave concern to the people of NYS, as there has been no health impact analysis completed. The studies that were to help inform Dr. Shah are nowhere near complete. The people of New York have been completely kept in the dark, and given no input whatsoever. This is appalling. I have traveled with my husband to Pennsylvania,and have seen first hand the evidence of contaminated water, I have spoken to many of the people there, and have learned of their health ailments, related to the gas drilling process. It is unconscionable, and undemocratic, to leave the citizens of New York no say, no recourse, in this heinous scheme to allow gas industry corporate power to run roughshod over the people, the land, and waters of New York, for corporate gain, at the expense of said people, land and water. There has been no in depth study of the health effects of fracking. There can be therefore no completed sgeis, and no permitting. It is the role of government to represent and protect the people. It is the role of this panel to act responsibly and responsively to the needs of New Yorkers.
My name is Anna W. I write today because Dr. Shah's DOH review. How is Dr. Shah going to convince New Yorkers that TOXIC chemicals are safe that are used in fracking? A poison is a poison. You can't change that fact. I bought property in Harpursville with a gas lease in 2008. I did not know the facts about fracking, if I did I would never have bought the property. Most of the people with gas leases have no plans to live in the Frack Zone. They plan to collect money while living in other states like perhaps beautiful Vermont where fracking has been banned. Once fracking starts, most people (if they have the resources) will probably leave. Nobody wants to live in a gas field. I will sell my property and leave New York.
My name is Michael G., a resident of Owego, Tioga County, NY for over 40 years. I write today because I am very concerned about the potential environmental and health impacts that could result without adequate study and preparation, not to mention fail-safe controls on the gas extraction industry. One thing we can all agree on: there is a lot of money to be made. However, we should move forward not only when we are satisified that the process is safe, but we can be sure that there is no room or opportunity for dangerous accidents or shortcuts. I get concerned when the biggest proponents are not well informed experts, but rather politicians and landowners eager for another source of revenue. It is not acceptable to mortgage our health and future because someone is going to lose their farm without the financial windfall from a gas lease.
My name is Zorika H. I write today because too much is at stake to allow a sham health-impact analysis review to proceed.
My name is David E. I write today because I am extremely concerned that citizen's rights are being railroaded by corporate interests with deep pockets for lobbying and influencing government officials whose first concern should be with protecting the safety, health and sustainability of the environment and all life that it supports. Fracking is a bridge, not to a sustainable energy future, but to an environmental dystopia that will wreak havoc on local, regional and global scales.
My name is Michael G. I write today because after studying the issues for some time, I have concluded that hydrofracking for natural gas presents substantially greater risks that benefits. I am particularly concerned about global warming. I do not view a move to natural gas from oil or coal as a move in the right direction. A move to renewable sources of energy would be a move in the right direction. Even if natural gas had fewer global warming impacts than oil, I am extremely concerned that a potential for air and water pollution from the hydrofracking process has not been subjected to anything remotely approximating scientific study and risk analysis.
My name is Mike C. I write today because I am very concerned about this obvious lack of transparency.
My name is Anthony D. P. I write today because the health study has been conducted improperly and in secret.
My name is Kristen S. I write today because I grew up in New York State, return regularly to visit family and care deeply about what happens to the landscape and people there.
My name is Yvonne T. I write today because I am gravely concerned about the lack of public input and the failure to complete a comprehensive heath impact study on Fracking.
My name is Louis S. I write today because I am deeply concerned that Dr. Shah's fracking and public health review process has been compromised for expediency, with resulting inadequate longitudinal or comprehensive review of negative health impacts from long term exposure to fracking contaminated water, air and land.
My name is Inese L., and I am writing to ask that you acknowledge that the information about unconventional shale gas extraction's impacts to public and environmental health are incomplete; that more information is being revealed weekly about the negative impacts to public and environmental health; that the "health review" the NYS-DOH says they are doing based on the SGEIS is not a true Health impact Assessment according to CDC and WHO; that NYS should have a real Comprehensive HIA according to CDC and WHO rules before making any decision about unconventional shale gas extraction; that people living in rural neighborhoods should not be forced into fossil fuel industry industrial zones; that the rdSGEIS and the attempted improvements are not a health review and do not contain enough information for a HIA to be cobbed together.
My name is Janice N. I write today because I believe fracking is harmful to our environment, and I don't want it damaging our beautiful state.
My name is Dacia L., a citizen of Tioga County NY and the proprietor of ________. I write today because I believe the integrity of New York State's air and water quality is in jeopardy with the dangerous possibility of hydraulic fracturing in our future. NOT TO MENTION the potential health risks associated with the aforementioned way of extracting natural gas from our lands in BEAUTIFUL, RURAL UPSTATE NY. I PERSONALLY TAKE PRIDE IN THE CLEAN AIR, WATER AND VIEWS THAT COME WITH CHOOSING TO MOVE TO THIS PART OF NYS.
My name is Gillian H-S. I write today because I am scared about the future of our state if Fracking is permitted.
My name is Richard L. I write today because I am truly concerned about what will be a disaster for us, if it happens. And that day is fast approaching, I'm afraid.
My name is Colleen B. I write today because I am extremely concerned that HVHF will be approved in NYS.
My name is Peter B. I write today because there can be no shortcuts when it comes to understanding the heath risks posed by a massive industrialization of our communities.
My name is Barbara H. I write today because I am concerned about the short and long term affects of fracking on the health of humans, other animals and the environment we are leaving for our children.
My name is Phyllis H. I write today because there is growing concern that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
My name is William W. I write today because I am deeply concerned about the serious environmental issues with hydraulic fracturing.
My name is Nathaniel P. I write today because the health of myself, my family and my community are being put at risk and you have the power and the responsibility to protect us.
My name is Gloria F. I write today because I want NY State (every part of it) to have healthy water, air and land. I write today for you to review the DOH Review with the objective of honesty regarding protecting the people and environment of our state.
My name is Steven S. I write today because I fear for the safety of our clean water.
My name is Theresa J. I write today because I believe hydrofracking will ultimately destroy the quality of life in New York State.
My name is Thomas T. I write today because as a citizen of New York State, I urge you to follow your mandate and take urgent action to resolve major new DOH Review Problems!
My name is Maude R., I'm writing today to request a resolution to the DOH review problems for fracking in New York.
My name is Jim S. I write today because I am deeply concerned about the risks of Hydraulic Fracturing.
My name is Elizabeth T. I write today because I have been a resident of Ithaca, NY for the last 55 years. I'm extremely concerned about the health impacts of fracking.
My name is Rev. Nancy K. I write today as a mother and minister deeply concerned for the future well-being of our people and the communities and environment in which they live. The process of investigating the social, economic and environmental impacts of High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing has not been conducted with full public transparency nor open communications, nor have complete, peer-reviewed, third-party scientific studies been conducted to indicate HVHF can be done completely safely. Citizens must be been given full information and rightful choice in a matter that concerns their, and their children's children's survival, and your responsibility as an advisory panel is to consider all of the aspects, most especially the inherent risks posed by introducing countless millions of gallons more toxic chemicals into an already compromised environment if fracking is approved.
Our precious, living planet is already exhibiting signs of extreme stress due to human activity. We are currently in the midst of the 6th mass species die-off, but the first mass extiction to be human caused by habitat degradation, loss and over-exploitation of natural resources. We follow that course at our own peril. We must acknowledge our role as stewards of this good earth, realize we must live in balance and return back equally that which she so generously offers to support all life. It is the law of nature we must abide by to ensure life continues on this planet.
So I implore you as those in position to advise, that you do so from your heart and conscience. Look deeply within yourselves to ask for guidance and wisdom to lead you to right action. You don't often get chances to make choices of such significance in life.
My name is Taffy W. I write today because there has been NO PUBLIC INPUT fo the faulty DOH review of the impacts of fracking on public health. This is unacceptable in a democratic society; the NYS DOH fracking review has been somehow corrupted into preventing the pubic from providing important input, as is REQUIRED by law. I am appalled by this serious assault against public health and well-being in the name of huge profit for the energy companies. Put solar panels on every roof and we won't need this reckless and massively destructive HYDRAULIC FRACKING!
My name is Lonnie C. I write today because tomorrow my husband and I begin to take steps to move to Vermont. We are both highly educated, productive, tax-paying and lifelong residents of New York. But we have grown tired of all the back-room dealings and the lack of transparency and public participation in the whole hydrofracking deal. We can no longer stick around for the very real possibility that our beloved state is about to see its gorgeous environment and superb water supplies destroyed for the sake of gas that could be exported even to other countries. Following are more specific reasons for our grave concern. Our belief that our governor is not responsive to these concerns has led to our decision to move:
My name is Jim G. I write today because I am a local elected official with a history of gas drilling in my town who has huge concerns over the proposed SGEIS and proposals for HVHF in New York State.
My name is Helen F. G. B.. I write today because my Wellspring Farm in the town of Perry, Wyoming County would be threatened by fracking nearby. I currently lease it to a small dairy farmer who needs the pure water and intact fields that have been in my husband's family since 1840.
My name is Emme H.. I write today because I am a farmer whose family has worked the ground in NYS for 200 years.
My name is Thomas C. I write today because Shale gas drilling or pipelines must not be permitted in N.Y.S. EVER or you won't receive my vote EVER. Halt the incomplete study now!
My name is Joanne C. I am a constituent of both Senator Libous and Assemblymember Lupardo. I write today because I remain seriously concerned about the possible health and environmental impacts of unconventional gas extraction, processing, and transport in New York State. Living in Vestal on the PA border, we have a front row seat to impacts there and are experiencing some of those local impacts already here, such as truck traffic, hazardous materials transport, air emissions, light/noise pollution, and tense relationships within the community.
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Beth O., MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and Attending Physician in the Department of Medicine at Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown, New York. As a physician practicing in rural upstate New York and as the mother of four children, I am deeply concerned regarding the public health impacts of hydrofracking.
While the natural gas industry has been unwilling to fully disclose the composition of fluids used in and produced by high volume hydraulic fracturing, it is widely accepted that these fluids contain known carcinogens (materials known to cause cancer), suspected carcinogens (substances suspected of causing cancer), endocrine disruptors (substances which cause birth defects, early-onset puberty in children, etc.), radioactive materials, and other industrial chemicals/solvents. The facilities to safely dispose of this waste do not exist in New York State, and such waste has already made its way into our great lakes and our finger lakes, and it is being used to de-ice roadways in several communities. The longterm public health consequences of such reckless disposal are not yet known, but may be devastating, particularly to susceptible individuals such as children and pregnant women. Those of us who grew up in the shadow of Love Canal find this shortsightedness both frightening and preposterous. In addition, the longterm costs of addressing the potential public health consequences--both in terms of direct medical costs and potential lawsuits arising from such costs--may well decimate any short-term economic benefit that the state and local communities may, or may not, see, as it has been widely reported in the New York Times and elsewhere that the economic benefits of HVHF have likely been wildly exaggerated by the oil and gas industry in order to lure potential investors.
While the decision to perform a comprehensive health impact analysis is laudable, reasonable concern has been raised regarding the fact that this process has been conducted without public input, and appears to be being rushed for the sake of political expediency. My understanding is that multiple major public health studies upon which Dr. Shah hoped to base his review are far from complete. In this setting, the idea that HVHF might be allowed to occur, even if only in parts of the state, is unconscionable.
As a result, I write to ask that you please take immediate action to require Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to both halt Dr. Shah's DOH Review because of its inadequacy and lack of public input and to undertake a truly comprehensive, open and transparent "Public Health Impact Study." The stakes are simply too high to allow anything less.
My name is Earl W. and I live in Binghamton, NY, which is located in an area that governor Cuomo once proposed as a sacrifice zone for hydraulic fracturing. I write today because I am very concerned about the obvious inadequacies of the DOH review process. I fear that political expediency and not science, as the governor maintains, will decide whether or not fracking will be permitted in my community. Local municipal moratoriums and bans have been squashed by our eager-to-frack county executive whose campaign was heavily financed by the gas industry. This means that we are left to rely wholly on the current flawed review process to protect the health of our communities. We truly deserve better!
My name is Camille D. I write today because I am worried by the tremendous discrepancy between the health impact review and the documented health hazards (known spills, infractions, human and environmental accidents, lack of oversight and otherwise very dangerous and majors shortcomings) of hydraufrackturing. First we need a comprehensive health study, not a review since new hydraufracturing chemicals are part of the health VS oil industry equation, and the review doesn't have historically documented cases where those chemicals were used. Second, since this is public health, we, the public, need access to the review and need to give our input, input that has to be part of the decision making. This is about health, our health and the health of our environment, of all things that support and sustain life here in NYS. We need a serious and thourough study or series of studies. There cannot be hydraufracturing before that, otherwise it is irresponsible and criminal in the light of all the known dangers.
My name is Barbara C. I write today because I have recently had to move from my 40 year home in Bradford County PA due to the health and enviornmental risks associated with high volume slick water hydrofracking. I am now living in Tompkins County because there is a commitment to science and the enviornment that was missing in Pennsylvania. I am sending this letter to implore you to look at the damage done and the risks that are involved with this toxic time bomb.
The Netherland largest bank today said that they would not lend any money to any entity engaaged in hydrofracking due to the enormous risks involved.
My name is Dr. Leslie A. I write today because as a scientist I see major problems with making any statewide decisions using a DOH Review that is based on incomplete data. We need the studies listed below to be completed along with more information from other sources in order to make decisions that truly protect public health. We need an open, thorough, and scientifically rigorous review of public health studies not a hurried rush.
My name is Cary F. I write today because of the apparent shoddy DOH review re. Hydraulic fracturing in NYS. My wife and I am in the process of doing a permanent conservation easement on our 970 acres in Oswego Co. NYS. We want to be certain that our beau property in the Oneida lake and Lake Ontario drainage basins is never subject to fracking (Utica shale here). It seems that the analysis of fracking re. water quality and other health issues is off to an inept and dishonest start. Please think beyond just our short lives and towards future generations of people and other critters. Thank you all for your work.
My name is Russell D. I write today because I am very concerned not only about the dangers of potential hydroracking in New York, but also the apparent lack of adequacy, transparency, and inclusiveness in the process used to determine whether "fracking" will happen here.
My name is Stuart A. I write today because I represent the Concerned Citizens of Otego, NY.
My name is Laurie M. I write today because I am just sick thinking our governor might allow hydraulic fracking to take place in this state.
My name is Betsy S. I write today because the citizens of New York State are being sold to big oil/gas greed, and our water will be poisoned. We DO NOT want fracking in New York State, period.
My name is Carol B. R. I write today because I live in the Southern Tier of New York, Chemung County, Town of Van Etten, where, if permitted, high volume hydraulic fracturing would have a devastating effect.
My name is Charleen H. I write today because I am originally from PA but left my home state because it's been ruined by hydro fracking. Please DO NOT let this happen to NY! To that end, I respectfully request that members of the Hydraulic Fracturing Advisory Panel require Governor Cuomo to halt the DOH Review due to its lack of public participation, failure to fulfill its mandates and unacceptable major shortcomings.
My name is Jocelyn S. I write today because I am concerned about my future in a fracked state. I grew up in New York, but this summer I am living in the coalfields of West Virginia, where I have seen firsthand the destruction and tragedy that irresponsible extraction has wreaked on the people of southern Appalachia. I do not want my beloved home state of New York to follow in those footsteps, and thus far I am not at all convinced that fracking won't be the next health and climate catastrophe.
My name is Sara C., and I am a small business owner. I write today because I'm very concerned about the negative effects that hydro-fracking would have on our collective health, environment and economy.
My name is Elaine L. I write today because, as a former Chemist who has worked with the type of chemicals used in hydrofracturing, I don't believe that the hydrofracturing technique should be used, because of the risk of exposing the general public to those hazardous chemicals.
My name is Paul R. I write today because there is a urgent need to address the concerns of many outdoors men and women to preserve the environment we live in and enjoy. Allowing any kind of unregulated process, without studies or laws will destory the world we have come to enjoy. Please make your decisions on sound scientific impacts that your children will be proud of.
My name is Anne R. I live in Freeville NY, a rural dairy farm area east of Cayuga Lake. I am writing today because I am concerned about the health effects of hydraulic fracturing. We have been hearing many scary stories about adverse health effects of "fracking" and it seems there has not been an independant, definitive study completed that will settle the issue. Of course we know that the "studies" by the oil and gas corporations are suspect becuse of self-interest.
My name is Gary S., and I am the executive director of Moving In Congregations, Acting in Hope (MICAH), a faith-based community organization that has been working since 2006 in Cortland County to give people a voice at the decisionmaking tables of their community. MICAH is a member of the PICO National Network, representing more than one million people in 18 states. I write today because of MICAH's deep desire to protect the valuable natural and human resources of New York state, which we see as a gift from God; a gift that requires us to serve as good stewards of these resources. Specifically, MICAH is concerned that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
My name is Peter M. I write today because I remain concerned about the politics of the energy industry money juxtaposed with the efforts by some to pass off Dr. Shah's secret DOH shale fracking review as a valid and complete method of judging fracking's effects.
My name is Lawrence S. I write today because of the lack of transparency and openness in the process of determining the public health impacts - both short-term and long-term - associated with High Volume Hydraulic Hydrofracking.
My name is Howard F. B. I am a resident of Chenango County, and I write today because of the following concerns regarding hydrofacking for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale:
My name is Pat H. I write today because I am concerned about the future of my family.
My name is oya s. I write today because I Think Fracking is inproper use of energy in this day and age.
My name is Aimee A. I write today because of inadequacies in the DOH review of hydrofracking impacts on public health and the flawed process by which this review has been administered.
My name is Jerry R. I write today because I am very fearful of the terrible consequences if fracking is approved for New York State.
My name is Julie P. I write today because I am strongly opposed to any hydrofracking. I believe the risks to the environment, our water supply and our health are far too great and that fracking should be permanently banned. This is the only planet we have. We can live without gas. We cannot live without water.
My name is Gregory S. I write today because I am very concerned about environmental,health,and economic issues that I feel are at great risk if HVHF is undertaken in NYS;Too much is at stake. I have well water, I live in a semi rural area with agriculture. wine production,and tourism which I feel could be permanently altered leading to health, economic, social, and general quality of life degradation.
My name is Gerrit C. I write today because of alert from Walter Hang of ToxicsTargeting.
My name is Susan S. I write today because I am very concerned about the health impacts of HVHF, and about the failure of government agencies to even require full disclosure of the chemicals used in the process. If health impacts are discovered, the gas industry will quickly claim they are not responsible, and without disclosure, well, we the public are just collateral damage.
My name is Terry C. I write today because I am from Auburn, New York. You may know of Auburn as a one of the few municipalities that accepted natural gas drilling wastewater at its publicly-owned sewage treatment plant. In the New York Times article Regulation Lax as Gas Wells’ Tainted Water Hits Riverswritten by Ian Urbina (published Feb. 26, 2011) my hometown was cited as a site that releases “treated” natural gas drilling wastewater into the Owasco Outlet. This raised several red flags especially when set against the current New York State moratorium on horizontal drilling in the Marcellus shale. Immediately a small group of concerned citizens including myself started asking local officials if this was true. The response was defensive and wrought with contentious assurances that this was permitted by the NYS DEC and was a safe practice. We were not assured that this was safe.
Shortly after we started asking questions, the city cited six natural gas drilling companies in a Public Notice of Significant Non-Compliance (April 1, 2011) for not submitting self-monitoring reports required by existing permits. Once it became apparent that there was more to the New York Times story, more documents began to surface that demonstrated Auburn was neither prepared nor equipped to take in natural gas drilling wastewater. A letter sent in January 2009 to Ms. Valerie Ellis of the DEC from Auburn Assistant Civil Engineer Bruce Ross stated “the highly variable nature of well development wastewaters makes it impossible to make an all inclusive determination on whether any specific well production wastewaters impact WPCP in terms of pass through/SPDES permit compliance, receiving water quality, sludge quality, or process inhibition or interference.” Auburn’s suggested solution was to issue short-term 12 month permits. Instead, the city issued four-year permits to several of these companies that continually failed to meet the basic specifications of the permits.
How did this come to be? How was Auburn able to operate with such little oversight amidst the awareness of the potential risks associated with high volume gas drilling wastewater? A FOIL provided by the City of Auburn obtained by our local citizens group yielded the following information:
• Chesapeake did not have an Attachment A. An Attachment A is a list of source wells that they are permitted to dispose wastewater from. There is an e-mail from Chesapeake that states that they need to change their descriptions of their wells to comply with the city’s revised permit.
• In many cases, like with Anschutz, the companies disposed wastewater from wells not listed in their Attachment A. According to the permit, in order for them to do that, they needed to provide lab analysis. This should have resulted in 70 or so reports based on the discharge records. This was not done. Lab analysis was only provided when the city published the notice of noncompliance, after the companies already disposed millions of gallons of wastewater.
• City and county officials insisted that the wastewater they received was all from vertical wells. Using the NYS DEC searchable well database, we discovered many of the wells were horizontal wells. Anschutz’s four wells on the Attachment A were all horizontal even though the company submitted a certificate attesting that they were not.
• Lab analyses, when provided 18 months after the fact, consistently showed that the pollutant parameters set in the permit had been exceeded, especially Total Dissolved Solids.
• The city was taking water from Chesapeake’s Bartlett well which is listed in the NYSDEC searchable well database as being in the Marcellus formation
In a different FOIL provided by the NYS DEC, secured by Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy, it is stated that Auburn took in nitrified hydraulic fracturing wastewater in 2008 from the Talisman Frost F2 well. The city was taking wastewater from the Frost wells in 2010. Regardless I want to focus on natural gas drilling wastewater in the most general terms. I do not want to belabor the horizontal and vertical well debate. The key point I want to make is that in one year’s time (July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010) Auburn’s POTW plant took in 16,446,669 gallons to the tune of $815,821.60. This seems to indicate that high volume wastewater was brought to the Auburn plant. The “produced water” contains certain contaminants such as Total Dissolved Solids, heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons and radionuclides.
Auburn’s POTW plant was not designed, nor built to treat the contaminants named above. Yet it was given the go-ahead by the state DEC to dispose of the waste with next to no oversight. And we are expected to feel reassured that an evidently understaffed and underfunded DEC will be able to regulate the anticipated drilling boom.
The DEC allowed contaminants to pass through the plant into the Owasco Outlet with little or no treatment for this kind of wastewater. We were most concerned with the high salinity of the wastewater being released into the Owasco Outlet, and its effect on the environment. In 2009, Pennsylvania’s South Fork Ten-Mile Creek had saline levels consistent with salt-water bodies. This was the result of the wastewater treatment plant “treating” effluent from a natural gas drilling.
The DEC’s role as protector of the environment appeared to absent in this incident. If New York State adopts the current revised draft SGEIS, the DEC will not be able to oversee and protect the thousands of communities affected by hydraulic fracturing in the Marcellus Shale as evident by its inability to properly monitor one wastewater treatment plant. The current rd SGEIS will not protect New York State from the water and air pollution associated with hydrofracking. We know this from the hundreds of documented cases in Wyoming, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Ohio, and most notably Pennsylvania. Therefore I am asking you immediately withdraw this woefully inadequate rd SGEIS.
My name is Dan F. I write today because as a teacher, I have had the opportunity to experience what the weight of your decisions mean to today's youth. The "Horizon" for high schoo students, who are aware of the state of the world, is less than hopeful. Rather it is characterized by a hollow economy, increasing social injustice, a deteriorating environment, and alarming human health concerns. Anyone paying attention knows that whatever resources put into the extraction of natural gas are being allocated toward a way of delaying the ultimate issue, rather than toward developing a solution. Beyond this long term perspective is the immediate issue regarding the implications of hydrolic fracturing technology. Sacrificiing even the potential destruction of our state's water table to access a temporary "solution" seems unconscionable to me.
My name is Diane M. My family has a home in the town of Sanford in Broome County. We are not too far from a compressor station that has already exploded once, and that releases methane and volatile organic compounds into our air. Two more are in the planning stages. The cumulative effect of this pollution is very concerning. I write today because i have met people from other shale areas whose health has been impacted by natural gas development, and particularly by their proximity to compressor stations. It is clear that there has not been substantial research done to understand the cumulative effects of the many aspects of gas mining and transport on human health and the environment. Neurological diseases, cancer, endocrine disruption, and other illnesses impact families, communities, and the state. We cannot afford to be sloppy in our study of the long term cumulative effects on our health and the environment.
I am the Chairman of the Town of Ulysses Planning Board and have been concerned about the impacts of fracking on local communities for several years. Ulysses in fact has banned fracking from occurring in our town based on our zoning and the principle of home rule. But that is a band-aid subject to YOUR decision on the health impacts of fracking. I know some of you have stopped reading this already--namely Brad Gill and the other gas industry employees on your panel. But others of you DO have open minds and appreciate the impossibility of making a health impact assessment on inadequate data. You might as well be assessing the impacts of fracking on Mars because you have as much DATA on that as you do on how fracking really impacts fracking in the U.S. at present. That information is indeed presumably being developed but it won't be available before the Governor's arbitrary deadline of Nov. 2014.
This is NOT a mere political problem. This is a HEALTH problem. At risk are the lives of millions of New Yorkers (not to mention hundreds of millions of people around the world whose environments are currently being poisoned by hydrofracking for oil and gas). In fact, I would suggest the world is looking to NY for direction on this critical issue. It is not outrageous to say that you hold the fate of the world in your hands as you determine the fate of fracking in NY.
Hence I implore you to ask Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to:
a) halt Dr. Shah's DOH Review because it has been conducted in secret without any public input, has unacceptable major shortcomings and cannot fulfill its mandates; and
b) resolve High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (HVHF) health concerns once and for all by undertaking a comprehensive, open and transparent "Public Health Impact Study."
My name is Cenie C. I write today, as a pediatrician, of my concerns for the physical and mental health of our children.
There is growing concern that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
it is much harder and considerably more expensive to remediate than to prevent.
We have some of the best water in our state. Even so, there are many chemicals present in our drinking water and we do not know their effects. Hydraulic fracturing adds considerably to the chemicals, many known to be hazardous, to our water supplies.
This is also a time when autism has increased dramatically in incidence, ad well as other developmental disabilities, and the cost to families and the state is immense.
We need the results of the EPA long term study as well as other comprehensive health impact studies as the Geisinger Clinic study to be completed so that we can know the risks to our population, before permitting hydraulic fracturing.
We also need to consider the effects on global warming, both with methane production and increased use if non renewable energy sources. New York is already facing the tremendous cost if hurricane Sandy.
My name is Stephanie M. I write today as a concerned homeowner from Allegany County. My health, clean drinking water, property value and quality of life are as valuable to me as they are to you. It is clear to me that there has not been enough data and research collected to lead to a decision to allow fracking in New York State. If allowed to proceed, fracking could lead to irreversible damage to our land, communities, health and potential for growth of New York State's western region. Many organic farmers, wineries and artisans are establishing businesses in our area, adding to the quality of life and bettering our communities. We should be thinking about giving incentives to those people that improve our community as their business grows and make Western NY a destination rather than a toxic waste pool that will only last a few years but will leave irrevocable damage on our landscape and communities. We should be promoting individuals and small business and not be focusing on the industrialization of our land by big corporations who only care about the bottom line.
My name is Holly A. I write today because I am deeply concerned about the prospect of hydro-fracking in my beloved NYS.
My name is Martha S. of Liberty, NY. I write today because I firmly believe that fracking will negatively impact the water and air resources in New York State causing contamination for New York State residents. Our beautiful state and the health of its residents should be the first consideration of our Governor and his Health Commissioner. The current "Review" is woefully inadequate. We need a fully transparent Health Impact "Study" to look at all aspects of fracking. Anything less is criminal considering how important our resources are to our lives. Pure water and clean air are essential to human life. We learn this in elementary school. These essential elements of life should be at the top of the agenda of the New York State Health Commissioner and of the New York State Hydraulic Fracturing Advisory Panel.
My name is Mary G. I write today because I am deeply concerned about the future of the Finger Lakes region where I live. The preservation of a health and life-sustaining environment is the basis for anything else we may hope to achieve.
My name is Lesley B. of Hartsville, NY. I write today because my concern that hydrofracturing will take place in NYS without adequate protections of public health and--importantly--environmental controls, including the massive traffic of heavy trucking associated with the process.
My name is Rose H. I write today because our public water will be polluted and many people will suffer from the affect of Hydro Fracking practices.
My name is Judith H and I'm writing today because I believe that elsewhere in the country where hydrofracking is taking place, people and animals are suffering serious negative impacts on their health.
My name is Donald G. I write today because I am concerned serious decisions will be made with incomplete information.
My name is Richard J. I write today because of the health problems and water pollution related to fracking, being reported from other states...I am deeply concerned also with the lack of democratic, public participation...We ask for a fair process and a truthful health impact analysis
My name is Rachel E. I write today because I oppose the shameful measures the Hydrofracking industry is taking to promote itself with known detrimental health, water, and economic and environmental impacts.
My name is Patrick C, and I write today because I fear the Frackers.
My name is Julie G. I write today because there is growing concern that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
My name is Paul P. I write today because I am concerned that a rush to fracking may seriously poison New York's aquifers.
My name is Karen S. I write today because I believe that New York officials are continuing to ignore the public as well as the serious environmental and health concerns surrounding the issue of fracking in New York State.
My name is Peter M. I write today because I need you to help protect the natural resources of the great New York state.
My name is Lindsay G. I write today because I have seen what the short-term results of hydrofracking are, and I don't want to see the long-term ones, especially in New York State, where I live.
I am immensely concerned about the chemicals allowed in our food, air and water and feel that hydrofracking can only increase our chemical exposure. New Yorkers, adults and children, all deserve a proper, complete and independent health study around all of the issues of air, noise and water quality that are threatened by fracking.
My name is Susan T. I write today because I am extremely concerned that NYS may soon allow hydrofracking within its borders without completing a proper health study.
My name is John M. I write today because urgent action is needed and your responsibility to resolve major new DOH review problems.
My name is Mildred G. I write today because I am very concerned about the health impact of hydraulic facturing and the impact on the health of both people and the environment.
My name is Gail G. I write today because I am concerned about the future safety of our health and our water supply, as well as the public process underway.
My name is Elsie C. I write today because I am so concerned that the Governor will act without allowing public input on the DOH's Review.
My name is Cynthia L. S. I write today because I am concerned that the unfair and inadequate review process will allw the Sate of New York to begin hydraulic fracking activities that can never be turned back once begun.
My name is Barbara B. I write today because it is a travesty for NY to engage in any decision on fracking health affects based on the flawed review process of the Dept of Health. The national movement exposing the dangers of toxic contaminations and hazards from fracking during the past year has grown considerably. It would be totally criminal to push these hazards onto the lives of New Yorkers!
My name is ej G. and I am writing to express my concern about our state's questionable approach in examining health concerns connected to hydraulic fracturing.
My name is Richard L. I write today because fracking and the transmission of natural gas from fracking will release radon, the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. Furthermore, if natural gas from fracking in upstate NY is transmitted to NYC, radon's radioactivity will not have sufficient time to decay and will raise the levels of radon in NYC apartments and house by as much as 70%. Radon needs 3.8 days to decay. Currently, the natural gas used in NYC is pipelined from Texas and Lousiana and takes 4 to 6 days to get here, giving radon sufficient decay . I urge you to include information about the amounts and dangers from radon that would be released if fracking were approved in NYS.
My name is Cristian G. I write today because I believe that our health and environment is moe important and valuable than any profit or jobs created by fracking.
My name is Nancy B. I write today because I am very concerned about the health impact of hydrofracking on the population and wild and domesticated animals. From what I have learned from Pennsylvania many, many people have been sickened due to fracking chemicals and have had to sign non-disclosure agreements to get treatment. Animals are known to have died after exposure to fracking chemicals._Compressors that are needed for the pipelines are known to emit noxious substances into the air.
My name is Kyllikki I. I write today because I am seriously concerned that the health of NY State residents has not been fully considered in the DOH Review. It has been done in secret, with no public comments possible. This smacks of collusion with the Gas Industry to white wash the serious issues at hand.
My name is Andra L., and I am writing to request that you require Governor Cuomo to halt the DOH Review due to its lack of public participation, failure to fulfill its mandates and its unacceptable major shortcomings.
My name is Donna M. I write today because I want a thorough health review done on the effects of fracking on nearby people and animals. Very toxic chemicals are being used in the fracking process which does severe harm to people's health. The health review should interview people in Colorado, Ohio and Pennsylvanis that live near the fracking wells.
My name is Brian B. I write today because I believe that "fracking" will have long term environmental and health effects on our worlld that are not easily fixed.
My name is cassandra b. I write today because i am deeply concerned that a improper DOH review is being conducted on potential future HVHHF in new york state.
My name is Stephen D. I write today because The Department of Health's "Health Impact Analysis" and the process utilized to conduct it are totally inadequate to accomplish its stated goals and insure that the health of New York Citizens is protected.
My name is Matt C. and I'm a resident of Tompkins County in the Southern Tier. I write today out of a deep concern for the future of our state should hydrofracking be allowed to happen here. The mere fact that we still have an informed debate on the issue would suggest that the jury is still out, that the matter is far from settled, and therefore that it cannot be said with any certainty that the process is safe.
There are other means for boosting our economy that will last for the long term, not simply boom and bust as gas drilling is sure to do.
My name is Anna W. I write today because of the Dr. Shah's incomplete impact health study.
My name is Kathleen P. W. I write today because I'm very concerned that "the first comprehensive studies of HVHF health impacts" have not been completed and this is the study Dr. Shah is waiting for to make his assessment. You cannot gamble with the health of New Yorkers and allow a hydrofracking decision to be made at this time.
My name is Delora S. I write today because I am very concerned about the ill-effects of the hydro-fracking would have on New York State
My name is Lauren. I write today because of my concerns about the possible negative health effects of hydraulic fracturing.
My name is Richard K. I write today because of my concern that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
My name is Dennis L. I write today because I am concerned that profits will get in the way of the only enviroment we have. Please don't take this decision lightly.
My name is Rebecca C. I write today because of my deeply conservative and great concern for our economy and our environment if fracking were to be allowed in New York.
I write because Dr. Shah at DOH is relying on three insufficient and inadequate health reviews to inform his opinion of the effects of fracking.
My name is Dan P. I write today because I have two homes and a conservation organization in Delaware County NY.
My name is Carol J P. I write today because I am so concerned about hydrofracking and the improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted.
My name is Donald C. I write today because I am a member of the Town of Richmond Focus Committee that has been studying the pros and cons of High Volume Hydraulic Fracking for the past two years. My personal concerns are that this process is unsafe and will have a devastating impact on our environment.
My name is Linda O. I write today because I am concerned about the proposed fracking in nYS.
My name is Kristina F. I write today becauseI am terribly concerned about drilling for natural gas and after extensive study, I feel it is too dangerous at every stage of the process and that to pursue this as an energy source and economic boost would be a disastrous mistake.
My name is Harry L. W. IV. I write today because I care about the health of my fellow New Yorkers, today, and for our grandchildren's grandchildren, tomorrow.
My name is Nancy L. R. I write today because we all want to do whats right and I think this is right.
My name is Katherine H. I write today because I have been following the debate about hydraulic fracturing, and I am very concerned about the health impacts of this industrial process. I have quite a few relatives who lives in Bradford County, Pa. and who have experienced first-hand the effects on water, air, and other things arising from the intensive drilling for natural gas that is occurring there.
My name is Franz S. I write today out of concern for my beloved state of New York and its health and natural beauty.
My name is Deborah J. I write today because of my concerns about the negative impact "fracking" most likely will have on the public's health, on the community and on the environment
My name is Sharon B. I write today because as a nurse, I care about the health and welfare of my fellow New Yorkers.
My name is Brenda L. I write today because I can't understand how this review process is allowed.
My name is Janet B. I write today because I believe that New York State should keep its beautiful fresh clean water and air for future New Yorkers to come. The Indians would try to make things better for the next 7 generations. If HVHF is allowed, what would we be leaving for our next generations? I don't want to say "New York USED to be so beautiful. It needs to remain untouched by companies that only care about the bottom line. Money!! Senator Libous, you have a conflict of interest in this issue. But that is my opinion. I Love NY! Do You?
Our names are Megan, Neal and Madeline J. We write today because of our concern regarding high volume hydraulic fracturing and its potential negative impacts on the health, safety and welfare of our family.
My name is Louie M. I write today because of the possible extraction of natural gas by means of hydraulic frackturing in New York State.
My name is Ann M. I write today because I am concerned that the hydrofracking debate is taking place without public input.
My name is Carrie C. I write today because as a resident of upstate NY, I'm concerned about the safety of my environment and drinking water. I don't believe that my concerns and the concerns and health of other NY state residents are being adequately considered in this decision-making process.
My name is Sharon W. I write today because I am very concerned that fracking may go ahead in the state of New York without comprehensive reviews of its safety. There have been SO many negative impacts of fracking in other states and we need to learn from those mistakes. Profit, or even "energy independence" is NOT enough of a reason to go ahead with a process that in other states has poisoned water supplies, caused earthquakes, and has negatively impacted the health of communities. Is this what we want in New York state? No! Once this damage is done, it can't be undone and you all have the power to avoid this kind of damage in our state.
My name is Howard W. I write today because I am concerned about the environmental impacts that Hydraulic Fracturing may have on my community if it is permitted in New York State.
My name is Mrs. Peggy B, and I live in central New York. I write today because me and my husband David are not prepared to live in a heavy industrial site. (Industrial site - not family friendly). Varifying the safety of shale gas extraction shoulden't take more than a few years to complete a thorough health impact study. If the process is found to be hazardous, you will be personally responsible for Statewide superfund cleanup sites. In the past New York has not profited by cleaning up after dirty industries._The DOH review can not be undertaken without the proper indipendent science. Please let's not put all New York at risk for a lack of scientific study and research. The industry pays our best and brightest to do their research, so can we; a small price to pay now. If you don't ... THIS MAY BE TOO BIG A PRICE TO PAY LATER
My name is Susan P. G., I am an author, a former fisheries biologist, and I reside on the shore of Lake Ontario. I write today because _I fear for the future of our land and water here in upstate New York.
My name is James M. I write today because I'm concerned for the future of New York State if HVHF is allowed to move forward. There is considerable evidence that great economic harm will result from HVHF with, despite industry claims, practically no economic benefit for the majority of New Yorkers.
My name is Donald M. I write today because it does seem to me that the "health impact analysis" has come to have more to do with dubious politics than with health.
...let me add that I think it is clear from the work done by Prof. Ingraffia at Cornell that hydrofracking is inherently a danger to water supplies because here and there casings will fail to hold thus releasing toxic chemicals far above the level to which they are supposed to be pumped. It is clear that in a time of considerable uncertainty about the local effects of climate change, pumping vast amounts of water out of aquifers poses an inherent risk to the health as well as to the economy of the region.
Small wonder then that there is growing concern that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
My name is Gretchen S. I write today because you are doing an injustice to the health and safety of the peoples of this state as well as the rest of this country.
My name is Charlotte G. I write today because i live in the beautiful tourist area of the Finger Lakes, and I am opposed to hydro-fracturing of the shale beneath our land. If we don't proceed wsely with our earth then we will be dooming our children and grandchildren to a waste land and polluted water for ever.
My name is Dwain W. I am the librarian for the Frack Free Genesee Library, an accessioned and catalogued compendium of online documents and resources regarding the dangers of high volume slickwater hydraulic fracturing (HVHF).
My name is Cherry R. I write today because _I fear New York State is about to make a terrible mistake.
My name is Aaron F. I write today because the issue of hydrofracking is far too important NOT to.
My name is Allison. I write today because _a deep concern about the prospect of HVHF in New York State
My name is Eugene M. I write today because I fear that not the Governor, nor your panel, nor the press, nor the public at large is fully aware of the dire health threats that accompany shale fracking.
My name is Christopher de V. I am a resident of Otsego County in Central NY. I write today because I am very concerned about the DOH review regarding the safety of HVHF in my state.
My name is Victoria F. I write today because we are in danger of allowing the extremely hazardous process of fracking.
My name is Lesley A. I write today because I am horrified by the shoddy nature of the public health review on fracking in New York State.
My name is Donna S, a resident of Potsdam, NY. I want to express my continuing concern over the prospect of hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") in New York State. I have devoted the last two years to a detailed daily study of the fracking both here in the Northeast, around the nation, and in many locations around the world. I join with thousands of other concerned citizens here in New York and in our nation with serious questions about the health and environment consequences of this toxic, heavy industrial process.
My name is Carolyn C. P. I write today because Gov. Cuomo's decision on fracking will affect the lives of many generations and their health in my home county, Delaware County. Therefore, attention must be paid to the problems with the DOH review.
My name is Caroline A. I urge you to seriously consider the irrepairable harm hydrofracking could do to our communities and natural resources..
My name is Scott F. I write today because I am concerned that an improper and inadequate "health impact analysis" Review being conducted by Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah will be used to permit shale fracking in New York without adequate safeguards.
My name is Karen S. I write today because fracking is inherently dangerous and I fear that the health impact analysis will be a whitewash given that there has been no public input. Instead, DOH will rely on incomplete studies. The result will allow toxins and pollutants (some of which are unknown as trade secrets) into our ecosystems and water supplies, despoil the landscape and lay waste to countless acres of land and homes that will be worthless, leaving their owners with no assets and nowhere to live.
My name is Marvin F. M. I write today because of the concerns listed below.
My name is Stephanie S. I write today because I am not happy with the way fracking research is being handled in New York.
My name is Jacob G. I write today because we ALL need clean water to drink and to nourish our local produce.
My name is Susan M. I write today because to inaccurately study the impact of hydrofracking in New York State is ludicrous. dangerous and can cause irreversable damage.
My name is Yolanda T. I write today because I am a citizen whos health will be directly affected by your decision. I am one many of residents that do not wish/want to have our waters poluted with toxics.
My name is Tony H. of Ithaca, New York, and I write today because of serious problems with the DOH review on the health effects of fracking on residents of New York State.
My name is Sherill K. I write today because I am extremely concerned about the inadequacies in the DOH HFHV study.