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Coalition Letter to Governor Cuomo to Withdraw RD SGEIS

November 2, 2011

Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York
The State Capital
Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo:

We, the undersigned, strongly support safeguarding the environment, public health, natural resources and scenic splendor of New York’s Catskills, Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions. With that goal in mind, we request that you immediately withdraw the Marcellus Shale revised draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (RD SGEIS) in order to resolve the fundamental shortcomings documented herein.

There is a de facto moratorium on horizontal hydrofracturing in New York’s Marcellus Shale pending adoption of a Final SGEIS. The Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) 2009 Draft SGEIS received such withering criticism that Governor Paterson signed Executive Order No. 41 requiring DEC to: “make such revisions to the Draft SGEIS that are necessary to analyze comprehensively the environmental impacts associated with high-volume hydraulic fracturing combined with horizontal drilling, ensure that such impacts are appropriately avoided or mitigated …” On 1/1/11, you signed a “continuation” of that Order.

The RD SGEIS Must Be Withdrawn Due to DEC’s Failure to Fulfill Executive Order No. 41

DEC’s RD SGEIS fails to fulfill the mandate of Executive Order No. 41. First and foremost, it is based on the erroneous assertion that:

“No documented instances of groundwater contamination are recorded in the Department’s files from previous horizontal drilling or hydraulic fracturing projects in New York. No documented incidents of groundwater contamination in public water supply systems were reported by the NYSDOH central office and Rochester district office... References have been made to some reports of private well contamination in Chautauqua County in the 1980s that may be attributed to oil and gas drilling... The reported Chautauqua County incidents, the majority of which occurred in the 1980s and which pre-date the current casing and cementing practices and fresh water aquifer supplementary permit conditions, could not be substantiated because pre-drilling water quality testing was not conducted, improper tests were run which yielded inconclusive results and/or the incidents of alleged well contamination were not officially confirmed.”

This statement is factually incorrect and deliberately misleading. Hundreds of natural gas and oil drilling, hydrofracturing and related problems have reportedly impacted private water wells, homes and the environment in New York. Those problems are documented by DEC as well as health authorities in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties.

Ferrugia’s “Well Documented” Drinking Water Problem “Seemingly Related to Gas Well Development”

For example, DEC is well aware that the Ferrugia family near Jamestown, NY has not been able to drink their well water since 2007 after a gas well was drilled approximately 300 feet from their home. Their water is so polluted that their veterinarian even warned them not to allow their dogs to drink the water. Chautauqua County Health authorities determined: “This is a well documented case showing drinking water impacts that are seemingly related to gas well development.” Yet, DEC has refused to assist this family.

The Ferrugia’s problem directly refutes the RD SGEIS assertions about gas drilling incidents in Chautauqua County because it: a) occurred relatively recently and is on-going; b) was not prevented by DEC regulatory safeguards or gas well drilling and production improvements; c) is documented by pre-drilling and post-drilling drinking water baseline testing and d) was confirmed by local health officials.

See an interview with Mr. David Ferrugia and extensive documents regarding his water well problem at: and

Dave Eddy’s Confirmed Drinking Water Contamination in Andover, NY

The Ferrugias are not the only New Yorkers who reportedly were impacted by inadequate regulation of gas drilling. Mr. Dave Eddy and his family experienced drinking water contamination and gas intrusion into their home, reportedly due to hydrofracturing of nearby gas wells. His water pollution was confirmed by the gas drilling firm. See: and

Recently Reported Natural Gas and Oil Spills Further Document DEC’s Regulatory Shortcomings

DEC's hazardous materials spills database identifies hundreds of on-going failures to clean up oil and gas drilling pollution impacts, including at least 72 recently reported natural gas and oil concerns. See: These problems further document DEC’s regulatory enforcement shortcomings. For example:



POYSA WELL #E1 - 61 BRIGGS HILL ROAD VAN ETTEN, NY, 4/8/2011: EQUIPMENT FAILURE – BRINE – 693 gallons. “Valve on brine tank at closed-in well froze and cracked allowing a release of 16.5 barrels of fairly fresh brine.” Meets Cleanup Standards: NO.


TUSCARORA BRINE APPLICATION – TOWN OF TUSCARORA DIRT ROADS TUSCARORA, NY, 6/21/2010: DELIBERATE – BRINE. “Caller states Town is using brine from gas wells to control dust on dirt roads and are applying it way too heavy causing runoff to ditches and streams. Also concerned about his well and what might be in the brine.” Meets Cleanup Standards: NO.

A total of more than 400 historic natural gas and oil concerns are documented by DEC and local health authorities. These concerns refute DEC’s assertion that gas extraction problems do not exist: and

At Least 16 Additional Reasons Why the RD SGEIS Must be Immediately Withdrawn

In addition to the regulatory enforcement problems noted above, the RD SGEIS must be immediately withdrawn and sent back to the drawing board because it does not resolve key concerns voiced by Region 2 of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), academic researchers, citizens and local officials. It fails to:

1. Afford equal health protection to all New Yorkers living above the Marcellus Shale formation. The RD SGEIS proposes to ban Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing in the New York City and Syracuse watersheds and above State Lands and primary aquifers (at least temporarily). If horizontal hydrofracturing is not allowed in those areas, it cannot be considered “safe” for other areas of New York.

2. Resolve mortgage lending problems associated with gas leasing. The RD SGEIS ignores gas leasing impacts on mortgage lending documented by lenders, including lender reluctance to secure mortgage loans with properties with gas leases; concerns about property valuation and marketability; "set-back" issues regarding the sale of mortgage loans on the "secondary" market and potential voiding of title insurance. See:

3. Assess horizontal hydrofracturing conducted at the same well pad in both Marcellus Shale and underlying Utica Shale. The RD SGEIS does not address this potential practice, but EPA views it as a matter of grave concern. See:

4. Ban gas drilling wastewaters from being discharged into Publicly Owned Treatment Works designed for sanitary waste or adopt strict pretreatment standards. POTWs are not designed, constructed or maintained to remove or break down the high levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), toxic petroleum constituents and radionuclides documented in gas drilling wastewater. EPA reports that shale gas extraction wastewater contaminants may "'pass through' the POTW, causing the POTW to violate its permit, cause 'interference' with the POTW's operation, or contamination of biosolids..." Pennysylvania has banned this practice. EPA has just begun the process of adopting national pretreatment standards for gas drilling wastewaters. See:

5. Ban toxic gas drilling wastewater from being recycled as hydrofracturing or drilling fluid. Gas drilling wastewaters, including "flowback" as well as "brine" or "produced water," are currently exempted from “GA” effluent limitations designed to safeguard drinking water drawn from the ground in New York. The RD SGEIS fails to eliminate this exemption even though gas drilling wastewater is documented to contain up to 413,000 parts per million of TDS, 72,600 parts per billion of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the diesel range as well as benzene up to 660 parts per billion. Those pollutant concentrations would vastly exceed applicable GA effluent limitations. For example, benzene is only allowed at one part per billion in permitted groundwater discharges.

6. Ban land-spreading of toxic gas drilling wastewaters. DEC allows gas drilling brine to be spread on land for dust control, roadbed stabilization and melting ice and snow. EPA recommended: "A program must be implemented to properly manage the elevated radionuclide concentrations in the brine to protect the worker health, public health, and the environment." The practice of gas drilling wastewater spreading must be halted.

7. Resolve inadequate DEC staffing problems. The infamous memo that caused DEC Commissioner Grannis to be fired noted: "Many of our programs are hanging by a thread. The public would be shocked to learn how thin we are in many areas;" The memo further noted: "While the risks to human health have already increased due to cuts to certain environmental quality programs, and especially to enforcement activities related to pollution sources, further cuts would result in unacceptable risks to New Yorkers and unacceptable liability for New York State government (emphasis added)." Governor Cuomo cut DEC’s budget in 2011. See:

8. Identify New York areas prone to higher seismic activity and propose measures to prevent earthquakes potentially associated with horizontal hydrofracturing. EPA reported that: "The dSGEIS notes that the State of New York is fairly active seismically. EPA recommends that NYSDEC limit the number of wells in areas of higher seismic activity, or require additional protective measures and monitoring." See:

9. Adopt comprehensive radionuclide standards to safeguard gas drilling workers, public health and the environment. EPA notes that "radionuclide concentrations specified in the DSGEIS represent elevated radionuclide concentrations and need to be handled, managed, and disposed of appropriately to avoid unnecessary exposure to workers, the public, and the environment." EPA also determined that "such concentrations are considered elevated and may pose unacceptable human health risk mainly via external exposure, inhalation of radon and thoron decay products, and to some degree via inadvertent ingestion."

10. Resolve EPA concerns about inadequate protection of Ecosystems and Wildlife. EPA reported: "This section [7.4] is incomplete, and does not account for the changes in the ecosystems in New York State since the preparation of the 1992 GEIS. For example, more animals and plants are on federal and state endangered species lists, habitats of all kinds are more fragmented, invasive species have impacted existing animal and plant populations, and climate change has impacted plant and animal ranges and migrations.”

11. Assess "cumulative impacts" on a comprehensive basis. EPA notes that it is "concerned that cumulative and indirect impacts need to be more thoroughly discussed in the dSGEIS. Even with its generic format, the EIS should discuss the impacts that may result from past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects as well as those impacts associated with drilling and hydrofracturing that may occur later in time and/or further from the immediate project site."

12. Update the 1992 GEIS. EPA notes that it is "concerned that over the past 17 years since the 1992 GElS was written, the 'existing' environment and conditions in New York State have changed sufficiently that using the information from that report as a baseline for the dSGEIS will not take into account the cumulative impacts from habitat fragmentation, population increase, and climate change that may have occurred during that time."

13. Require compliance with a critical EPA policy change regarding air quality assessment. Shortly after the draft SGEIS was released on 9/30/09, EPA adopted a major new policy regarding New Source Review (NSR) and Title V permitting programs pursuant to the Clean Air Act. This reversed the EPA policy in effect when the draft SGEIS was prepared. The new policy changes the requirements for "source aggregation" for air permitting programs. According to a DEC Powerpoint slide: "Since level of aggregation must be case by case, SGEIS cannot provide definitive answers (emphasis added)." See: and

14. Eliminate DEC’s current hazardous waste regulatory exemption for gas drilling wastes and impose strict liability for cleaning up gas drilling pollution hazards.

15. Require the New York State Department of Health to share co-lead agency status with DEC and assess health impacts on a comprehensive basis.

16. Require immediate disclosure of uncontrolled gas drilling pollution releases, establish a dedicated fund to remediate gas drilling hazards and require gas drilling firms to provide financial surety for remediating problems by posting bonds or providing insurance coverage.


The RD SGEIS fails to provide a meaningful plan to safeguard New York from the irreparable harm that could be caused by the vast industrialization associated with Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing. Unless and until DEC resolves its regulatory enforcement problems and addresses the additional concerns documented herein, New York’s de facto moratorium on horizontal hydrofracturing in Marcellus Shale must not be lifted.

We trust that you will find our request self-explanatory. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to your prompt reply.

Very truly yours,

Total Signatory Count: 22948

Barbara DiPietro Esq.
PO Box 20063
New York, NY
Colleen Bicknese
159 Stone Dock Road
High Falls, NY
Pat Barnes
15 Old Rt. 3
High Falls, NY
Eve Lee
POB 664
High Falls, NY
Wolfgang Rietz
6335 North Avon Road
Honeoye Falls, NY
Melissa Gould
Director of Sustainability
Dry Brook Rd
Arkville, NY
Noelle Pollet
PO Box 65
West Camp, NY
Richard Rebock
312 fox Hollow Rd
shandaken, NY
Samuel Beer
5524 Fleming Rd
Angelica, NY
Nickie Friedman
59 Webster Lock Road,
Rosendale, NY
Ilfra Halley Reverend
102 Pine Street
West Hurley, NY
robert Friedman
125 Peak Road
Stone Ridge, NY
Victoria Alfred-Smythe
154 Grand Street, Sixth floor
New York, New York
Moira Joyce
35Beechford Dr.
Boiceville, NY
Chelsea Raymond
701 Broadway
Elmira, NY
Linda McLuckie
128 Washington Ave
Kingston, NY
David Raponi
81 Clove Valley Rd
High Falls, NY
Christopher Annear PhD
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
251 Washington Street
Geneva, NY
Donna Calandrino RN
P.O. Box 1384
Olivebridge, New York
Gregory & Barbara Kerrick
8059 Schwab Hollow Rd
Wayland, NY
Jean Connell
8 Poplar Street
Rensselaer, New York
Erika Chamberlin
123 Russell Street, Apt 4
Brooklyn, NY
Eileen Deutsch
2126 Beta Drive
Cortland, NY
Herbert Marx MD
106 Pioneer Street
Cooperstown, NY
Misty Schepetin
475 River road
New Paltz, N.Y.
eleonore danton
17 elm street
windsor, ny
noreddine matloub
po box 5230
astoria, ny
Catherine Howard
River Rd
Cooperstown, NY
Ellen Thurston
City of Hudson Third Ward Supervisor
P.O. Box 1344
Hudson, New York
Leif Grund
500 park rd
kingston, New York
Kevin Reilly
117 Hillside Ave.
Glen Ridge, NJ
Vincent Giammarva
22 North Street
Le Roy, NY
Helen Kimball-Brooke
London, London
Jessica Rodgers
5648 Leidenfrost Rd.
Hector, NY
M Diesing
711 Mitchell St
Ithaca, NY
Lainie Cooke
57 West 75th Street, 9F
New York, NY
Kristin Colbert
304 Comstock Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Wendy Lubin PhD
409 Silver Hollow Road
Willow , NY
Patricia Mericle
201 Park Pl
Ithaca, NY
gary scott
414 East Beech St
long beach, New York
Candace Shoemaker
701 Highland Road
Ithaca, NY
thomas rippolon
438 peekskill hollow rd.
putnam valley, new york
Benjamin Komor
135 West Haven road
Ithaca, New York
Paul Zimet
93 Mercer Street
Deborah Brandt
160 W 73rd St
New York, NY
Alex Chalmers
770 Oquaga Lake Rd
Deposit, NY
chris delaney
86 cresci
hazlet, nj
Adam Bradley
Po Box 402
Poughkeepsie, NY
Edward Weingold
629 Walnut Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA
David Ferguson
vice- president
411 West 22 Street
New York, n
Vijay Saraswat PhD
20 Scout Hill Road
Mahopac, NY
Jaima Herberger
291 Grand Ave
Caledonia, NY
Denise Howe
12 Maplewood Drive
Binghamton, NY
Stephen Martin
425 Sunrise Drive
Syracuse, NY
Christina Lieto
88 Van Scoy Road
Poughquag, NY
Wendy Turek
4 Laurel St
Rochester, NY
Janet Sharp
7 VanAlst St
New Paltz, NY
Kate Pescatore
63 Carolina Trail
Marshfield, MA
Kristine Sheahan
116 Captain Pierce Road
Scituate, MA
John Fletcher
401 Hoadley Hill Rd.
Windsor, NY
Karin Zambrano
262 Taaffe Place #202
Brooklyn, New York
Tina Daniels
24 S. Allen Street
Albany, NY
Hyun Kounne
25332 W. End Dr.
Little Neck, NY
Jeffrey Malwitz
728 6th ave
River edge, New jersey
Linda Acomb
10253 Oak Hill Road
Arkport, New York
Luke Meyer
PO Box 54
Bovina, NY
Carol Williams MSN
989 Souyh Lake Road
Middlesex, NY
Larry Bennett
656 County Highway 33
Cooperstown, NY
Kenneth Schoeninger
413 Rhodes Road
Apalachin, NY
Rosa Simo
15 Chelsea Square
Binghamton, NY
marilyn cohen
67 mitchell ave
binghamton, ny
Lisa Bloodnick
979 Pennsylvania Ave
Apalachin, NY
Laurel Frenette
4754 Turner Road
Groveland, ny
867 South Lake Road
Middlesex, New York
Ann Sutton
8221 Kingsbrook
Houston, Texas
Marilyn Mayer Ms.
4074 Highland Rd.
Cortland, NY
Janet Allen
401 Parsons Drive
Syracuse, NY
Kaye Chetwin LPN
69 Barton Road
Pennellville, NY
Mary Pat Brady PhD
325 S. Geneva
Ithaca, NY
Jim Mitchell
70 Donna Lane
Binghamton, NY
Molly Hauck
12714 Rt. 78
East Aurora, NY
Marie Spako
2319 five mile road
Allegany, Ny
Greg Spako
316 North 18th Street
Olean, NY
Bruce MacInnes
739 Oquaga Lake Road
Deposit, NY
Wade Leftwich
122 Valley View Road
Ithac, NY
Debra Thor
400 Bunn Hill Rd
Vestal, New York
Jill Cicero Esq.
6 Governors Circle
Mendon, NY
K.C. Alvey
State Focal Point
109 Sage Place #5
Ithaca, NY
Joanne Sun ESQ
75 Gainsborg Ave. E.
W. Harrison, New York
Michele Sheldon
829 Rockhaven Road
Penn Yan, NY
Gloria Messer
240 East 55th St. Apt 8g
BOX 277
Danielle Merrill
3581 S. Centinela Ave
Los Angeles, CA
Claudia Braymer
28 Royal Oak Drive
Clifton Park, NY
Susan Lawrence
100 Hollywood Ave.
Albany, NY
Emily Case
21 Juliand Street
Greene, NY
Karen Rodriguez
602 N. Cayuga Street
Ithaca, NY
Nikki Jones
94 Central Ave.
Albany, NY
Victoria Fennell
56 Washington St.
Nyack, NY
Patricia DiPasquali
609B Country Club Rd.
Vestal, NY
Carol Grippen
7 Laurel Ave.
Binghamton, NY
Joan Walker
818 Sapbush Rd.
Chenango, NY
Christopher Walker
214 Wall Street
Corning, NY
Katherine Taylor
97 mohegan Drive
West hartford, CT
Diana Moldovan
201 E. Ann St.
Milford, PA
Michael Moholtz
170 South Hyde
Scranton, PA
Joan Ramirez
1397 Millburn Dr.
Conklin, NY
Kim Phillips
5548 Lincoln Road
Ontario, NY
Alex Lotorto
495 Log Taveca Rd.
Milford, PA
Jerome Slote
POB 8452
Endwell, NY
Jean-Luc Jannink
226 Valley Rd
Ithaca, NY
Dustin Schutt
3 Cisn's Corner
Harpursville, NY
Michael Loher
1 Cisn's Corner
Harpursville, NY
Shyama Orum MA,MS
305 West 28 St. Apt 16E
New York, NY
Margaret Creamer
4438 Swissvale Drive
Manlius, NY
Rev. Kevin Bunger
Project Coordinator
PO Box 116
Clinton, NY
Wendy Byrne
450 E. 20th Street
New York, NY
Leah Milstein
94 Avenue A, Apt. 6
New York, NY
Elaine Zablocki
CEO Elaine Zablocki
100 Caswell St.
Afton, N.Y.
Priscilla Anderson
744 Lockwood Hill Rd
Mount Upton, New York
Brenda Lewis
411 main st
apalachin, ny
bridget ayash
no title
7coralburst cres
webster, ny
brian Riddell
173 Huguenot Street
New Paltz, NY
Diane P Gardner
1038 CR 30
Afton, NY
Sueann Russell
43 Skellett road
Harpursville , NY
Daniel Warner
1640 Waterford Rd
Walworth, NY
Brenda Pitoni
146 Edgerton Street
Rochester, NY
Maria C. Deferrari
38 Brewster St.
Kingston, NY
Mary F. Lenox
6700 S. Oglesby
Chicago, IL
James C. Musson
114 Vernwood Dr.
Vernon, CT
Ann Clark
P.O.Box 18
Afton, NY
Prudence Berry
144 Leshure Rd.
Rowe, MA
Sapphire Stretton
24 Hammond St.
Portland, ME
Dan Botkin
Owner, Laughing Dog Farm; organic farmer/instructor
398 Main St.
Gill, MA
Carrie Nordstrom
Rowe Conference Center
Rowe, MA
Holly Wescott
Main St.
Ashfield, MA
Beverly Beaulieu
16 Budleigh
Beverly, MA
Barbara Nordstrom
112 LaGrange St.
Vestal, NY
Dmitri Robbins
39 South St.
Williamsburg, MA
Kaysha Haile
50 Schiller Street
Binghamton, NY
Shams Harper
50 Schiller Street
Binghamton, NY
Ed Abram
302 Burbank Avenue
Johnson City, NY
Eliot Fiks
39 S. Washington Street
Binghamton, NY
Barbara Branch ANP
160 Fisher Rd
Rochester, NY
lauren mathina
79 Oak Street
Binghamton, NY
Karyn Quinlan
7161 CR 12
Naples, NY
Thomas Bornemann
Democratic District Leader37AD PartB
21-26 Menahan St. Apt.1A
Ridgewood, NY
Belinda Rodriguez
47 W. 13th St
New York, NY
Maureen Thitchener Reverend
7161 County Rd. 12
Naples, New York
Lee Bailey Ph.D.
700 Warren Rd
Ithaca, ny
Tom Kremer
33 Rotary Ave.
Binghamton, NY
Thdeodore Burger M.D.
3370 Woodbridge Cir
Bethlehem, PA
Jennifer Holtkamp RN
12 York St
Cortland, NY
Nancy Marinelli RN
147-34 18 ave
Whitestone , NY
maria muscente LCSW-R
20 saunders road
Ithaca, NY
Lazarus Boutis
122 Old Briarcliff Road
Briarcliff Manor, NY
Graves Ray Professor
32 Gulf Hill Road (Box319)
McLean, ny
Janet Steck
113 Clinton Street
Homer, NY
Alice Artzt
51 Hawthorne Ave.
Princeton, NJ
Donna Mummery
67 Village Trail
Honeoye Falls, New York
Christopher Stein
18388 State Hwy 97
Hancock, NY
Roseann Deluca
6 Hamilton
Auburn, NY
Cameron Brown
39 Rosman Road
Theills, NY
Mary Sexton
116 Higby Rd
Utica, NY
Anne Hemenway
160 East 89 St
stew cutler no do over
po box 37
margaretville, ny
Peter Allen
114 B David Terrace
Charlottesville, VA
Libby Edwards
1650 Third Avenue
New YOrk, NY
Susan Sweetland
7 East Park Row
Clinton, NY
Elizabeth Buhl
353 Ingraham Rd
Greene , NY
John Steitz
7172 Rt 28
Shandaken, NY
Beverly Rainone
executive committee member
316 Galli Curci Road
Highmount, NY
Jayne DemakosJayneD
302 Hook Pl
Ithaca, NY
Bertrand Salmirs MA
3623 County Rd. 2, PO Box 166
Hector, NY
Lauren Ludwig
Vice President
18 1/2 high street
Binghamton, NY
Cili Phillips
321 hook place
Ihaca, Ny
matthew brown
683-2 north rd
scottsville, ny
Martha Yoshida
570 Amsterdam Ave #5R
New York, NY
tamra cook
500 teall ave
syracuse, NY
Cindy Holland
1240 Robinson av
Baberton, Ohio
Nancy Diamond
Grandmother advocating for the seventh generation to come
17 W Main St, Apt 1
Bainbridge, NY
Belle Newheart RN
1488 Monterey Drive
Charlottesville, Va
Laura Hanschga-Kelly
75 Depot St.
Port Crane, NY
Alice A. Lee MD
107-11 31Ave.
E. Elmhard, NY
Susannah Shaw
38 Church Street
New Paltz, New York
Shawn Gallaway
8041 Highway 70 South
Nashville, TN
Sonia Springer
912 Dellopenna Drive
Johnson City, NY
Jane Ehrich
100 Highland Avenue
Binghamton, NY
Brenda Humbert
63 Lincoln Avenue
Johnson City, NY
Ann Morris
300 Houtman Road
Saugerties, NY
Alexis LaMere
1349 High Falls Road
Catskill, New York
Anthony Bellitta EMT
6963 Pawling Street
Philadelphia, PA
Doris & Hal Chorny Hal Chorny Ph.D.
510 Decker Rd.
Wallkill, NY
Virginia Law
10 Hasbrouck Road
New Paltz, New York
Julie Stevenson
111 Guilford Schoolhouse Road
New Paltz, NY
Susan Lewis
50 Marakill Ln
New Paltz, NY
george & lydia saderman
67-66 108th street
forest hills, new york
Rita Stanton
2 Jefferson Ave.
Binghamton , NY
Wendy Wall
420 Front St.
Owego, NY
Eric Flastzberg
16 Main St.
Newfield, NY
Mae Kany
759 Evory Foster Rd.
Owego, NY
Richard Rogers
64 Pelto Rd.
Spencer, NY
David Dukler
1642 Old Ford Road
New Paltz, NY
Nathan Jolbrys
590 Candor
Spencer, NY
Mary Jo Bayer
1089 Lester Rd.
Montrose, PA
Pat Hansen
22 Spaulding Hill Rd
Owego, NY
Marge Christenson
28 Spaulding Hill Rd/
Owego, NY
Barbara Sides
13 River Park Drive
New Paltz, New York
Esther Knudson MS OTR/L
Occupational Therapist
16 South Walnut Street
Beacon, NY
Susan Puretz
158 Buffalo Road
Saugerties, NY
Brandy Tilliets
po box 44
Clintondale , New York
yvonne piburn
American Citizen
2382 perry city rd
ithaca, new york
Ann Parks
103 Loud Road
Fairport, NY
David Peters Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
8108 Midnight Pass Rd
Sarasota, Florida
j.david nightingale Ph.D.
51, canaan rd., new paltz, ny 12561
new paltz, ny
Rosanne Cahn
652 Albany Post Road
New Paltz, NY
Margaret MacDowell
100 Woodland Pond Circle, apt. 240,
New Paltz, , NY
Martha Cheo
115 Springtown Road
New Paltz, NY
Ly Ho
2 Mt Olympus Dr
Syracuse, New York
Eric Fye
po box 715
New Paltz, NY
Amy Sheldon PhD
5367 Scottsburg Rd
Groveland, NY
Barbara Warren RN, MS
Executive Director
33 Central Ave. 3rd Flr
Albany, NY
Christopher Umbach PhD
201 Cayuga Heights Rd.
Ithaca, New York
Clytie McNulty Czapsky
464 Vandervort Hill Rd.
Unadilla, NY
Maeve McNulty Czapsky
464 Vandervort Hill Rd.
Unadilla, NY
Violet R. McNulty Czapsky
464 Vandervort Hill Road
Unadilla, New York
Alexis Alexander
PO Box 374
Trumansburg, NY
annette bailey ms
753 james st
syracuse, new york
Renee Vogelsang
207 Sunnyfield Road
Camillus, NY
Henry Barwinski
12 valley Ct.
Athens, New York
Justin Ting
Portland, OR
Jude Rose
209 Richard Pl
Ithaca, NY
Amy Shapiro
123 Leroy St.
Binghamton, NY
Karoline Kaon
BU Box 06912 Po Box 6020
Binghamton, New York
Anya Gibian
1379 Coddington Rd
Brooktondale, NEW YORK
Kara Christenson
1963 Howard Hill Rd.
Newark Valley, NY
Marie Dartt-Bentley
6021 Co. Rt. 119
Cameron, NY
winona barton-ballentine
206 green street
brooklyn, New York
Robert Ruane
2732 Watson Blvd.
Endwell, New York
Ronald Cej
821 Case Dr
Vestal, NY
matt lucas
11-15 46 road
long island city, ny
Robert Earle
2453 Theresa Blvd
Binghamton, NY
Amelia Lacey
176 Depot Hill Road
Port Crane, NY
Angela Kenney
Binghamton, New York
David Gaydos
240 Stonehaven Cir
Newfield, NY
Kathryn Rotolo-knapp Lmhc
Rochester ny
Rochester , My
Al Hemberger
16 Garden Street
Cold Spring, NY
Jennifer Martin
98 Fairview Ave Apt. 2
Binghamton, NY
Joan Bates
PO BX 3325
Binghamton, New York
Keely Latopolski
170 main st
Aurora, NY
Jean grandizio
5720 Burr Road
Trumansburg, New York
Royce Novak
11 Perry Dr.
Apalachin, NY
Thomas Forrest R.Ph.
401 W. Benita Blvd.
Vestal, NY
T. Anne Durham
8198 N.Y. Rte 79
Whitney Point, New York
Erinn Hecker RN
796 Flowerdale Dr
Seaford, NY
Louis Blois
124 Waldron Ave
Staten Island , NY
Aaron Taggart
312 Merchants Road
Rochester, New York
4593 Peterboro rd
Morrisville, New York
Sandra Noble
Concerned citizen
218 11 th st
Brooklyn, Ny
leslie brack
117 elmwood ave
ithaca, ny
John Jones PMA
4953 Elk Creek Road
Delhi, NY
Judith Millar MH
612 Fisherman Pl
Brick, NJ
B. Christine Askew
3210 Phillips Road
Marathon, NY
Doris Cramer
205 East 77th Street
New York, NY
Shanna Brown
4140 North Rd
McGRaw, NY
Richard Kellman M.A.
429 Arnold Road
Lisle, NY
john duvernoy
34 clarendon st
new bedford, ma
Eileen Patch
3656 Lott Street
Endwell, NY
Rob Haney
33 Patricia St
Binghamton, NY
Catherine McLain
4 Crestmont Road
Binghamton, New York
Nicholas Russo Esq.
510 East 86 Street
New York, New York
Gregory Halpern
209 Vassar St.
Rochester, New York
Deborah Thrasher
204 Eastland Rd.
Vestal, NY
Nancy Lee
Retired Art Educator and Dept. Chair
6003 State Route 26
Whitney Point, NY
Joan Katsaros
358 Summit Ave.
Mt. Vernon, NY
Kathleen M Eaton
Binghamton, New York
Corey Peters MSEd
104 Raiford Rd
Vestal , New York
Nicole Katz
7176 Sunset Blvd.
Gaby Hoffmann
200 Park ave south 8th floor
New York, New York
Don Gould
2928 Northwood Drive
Endwell, New York 13760, New York
Marty McCabe
401 West main st
Endicott, NY
Lauren Swaddell
149 Edgecombe Ave.
New York, NY
jeanne judson
4961 sunset shores Rd.
burdett, NY
Jamie Mulhall
476 CoHwy 122
Gloversville, NY
Diane Coleman
po box 637
Woodstock, NY
Jane De Hawkhurst
35 Margaret St.
Binghamton, NY
Ellen Rolph
Concerned Citizen
1611 Silver Maple Rd
Effort, PA
Rachael Smith
SUNY College at Oneonta
Oneonta, NY
paul rawluszki
1083 courtney hill rd
marathon, ny
David Fischer
533 18 St
Brooklyn, NY
Valerie Dudley
232 Frisbee Road
East Meredith, New York
Robert Schwab LCSW
90 Park Terrace East 5D
New York, NY
Keith C. Murdock Ph.D.
15 Birch St.
Pearl River,, NY
barbara campbell
43 clifton blvd
binghamton, ny
Jane Kristersson
2781 Clarks Corners Road
Marathon, NY
John Sidorovich
961 Victory Blvd. 5H
Staten Island, NY
Daniel Lacey
176 Depot Hill Road
Port Crane, NY
Angela Manno
--, --
David Lawrence Esq
135 Ashland Place, #5-d
Brooklyn, NY
Harriet Becker
Fund Raiser
9 Cedar Drive
Great Neck , NY
Phyllis Rosenblatt
486 Broadway
New York, NY
Vincent Croce
1722 Farm to Market Rd
Endwell, NY
Cassandra Croce
1722 Farm to Market Rd
Endwell, ny
Dolores Peers
9526 Horizon Drive
Spring Hill, FL
Linda Danz HB (Human Being)
12 East 97th Street
Charles Strange
PO Box 322
Springfield Center, NY
Dominick J. Di Noto
57 Sherwood Circle
Cloverdale, California
bernard elias mr.
2010 blossom lane apt7
redondo beach, california
Emily Rosenzweig
190 Benjamin Hill road
Newfiled, NY
Gretchen Shafer
1015 euclid ave.
syracuse, ny
John Fay RRT
1 Edgewood Road
Binghamton, NY
Michele Outland
New York, NY
Ellen Powell
911 Dorset St.
S. Burlington, VT
Lauren Hedinger
Bowery St.
New York, New York
Casey Monahan
4470 state Route 41
McGraw, NY
Margaret Logalbo MS in English/Education, Associate Professor of English Broome Community College
300 Frey Ave.
Vestal, NY, NY
Deanna Zoerb
12845 Vermont St
Holland, NY
1675 Twin Oaks Drive
Penn Yan, NY
Victoria Jordan PhD
146 Coddington Road
Ithaca, NY
Joan Littlehale
937 bailey road
Fabius, Ny
Joseph Fiske
1384 State Hwy 23
Morris, New York
clark rhoades Pt.
po box 670
Mt. Vision, NY
Eric Lewis
35 Holley St
Lyons, NY
Darius Thornton
1080 SW Harrier
oak harbor, wa
Stephen Alvez
132A 16th St.
Brooklyn, NY
Pablo Remirez
185 Myrtle Ave.
Fort Lee, NJ
Karin Giusti
Box 109
Worth (North Branch), NY
Robert Pollard
203 W. 107th St. 8A
New York, NY
eliot fiks
39 south washington st
binghamton, ny
Patrick Dietz MD
335 glimmerglen road
Cooperstown, NY
Yelena Mandenberg
3033 Brighton
Brooklyn, NY
David Rosenberg
3068 Bedford Ave.
Broooklyn, NY
Jen Paylo
315 Riverside Drive
New York, NY
Marc Landis
Democratic District Leader
337 W. 85th St.
New York, NY
Nick Prigo
233 W. 99
New York, NY
Tony Avella
38-50 Bell Blvd
Bayside, NY
Amy Miller
343 20th St.
Brooklyn, NY
rachel soper
southside dr.
oneonta, ny
sara hamburger M.E.A.E.
troy, pa
Troy, pa, Pa
Anthony Breuer
9174 County Highway 16
Treadwell, NY
Mark Feola
631 Peas Eddy Road
Hancock, New York
Heather Speaker
332 South Cayuga St. APT 1
Ithaca, NY - New York
Frank Araneo
2 Strawberry Lane
Ithaca, NY
Candice Guest-Menke Farmer
280 West Peakes Brook
Delhi, NY
Eyana rose Perkus
1617 state rt 12
Binghamton, Ny
Cuiyi Chen
513 Walnut Ave
Syracuse, NY
michael DeBottis
1957 state rt 80
Georgetown, New York
Victor Tiffany
Board member
1540 Danby Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Tony Walsh
1405 Old Seneca tpk
Skaneateles, new york
Melissa Smario
1673 Gates Avenue
Ridgewood, Ny
Jenna Ledet
187 Bush Lane
Ithaca, NY
Michele Griego
6145 Updyke Rd
Trumansburg, NY
Dominic Frongillo
Councilmember & Deputy Supervisor
P.O. Box 136
Slaterville Springs, NY
Corinth Hamill
2109 broadway
Mnew York, Ny
Sharon L. Warnock
365 Dutchtown Road
Oquaga, NY
Beverly Parkinson
15038 haynes st
Van nuys, CA
Andrew Zantopp
5 N. Meadow Drive
Caledonia, NY
April Grant
7 Mountain St.
Haydenville, MA
Amy Chapman
14 Pleasant Rd. West
Easthampton, MA
Heidi King
65 Sycamore St.
Holyoke, MA
Susannah Lawler
31 Long Plain Rd.
South Deerfield, MA
Risa Sudolsky
148 Hoosac Rd.
Conway, MA
April Birnie
60 Laurel Rd.
Princeton, NJ
Christine McDonald
144 State St
Saratoga Springs, NY
Rebecca Piper
4224 Drexel Dr
Vestal, NY
Jaclyn Pellicano
Catskills citizen
318 e 15th st
New York, NY
cindy miller
2188 state highway 80
edmeston , ny
Susan DiNapoli
1385 Mecklenburg Road
Ithaca, NY
Emily Alexander
30 Johnson Road
Freeville, NEW YORK
Carolyn Doric
1098 Highspire Road
Harrisburg, PA
Roberta Favant
680 W 204 St
New York, NY
Dan McConnell
2615 Carson Rd
Cortland, NY
Orysia Tunick
41 Azalea Drive
Apalachin, NY
Amanda Schumacher
432 Cass HIll
Candor, NY
Andrew Banas
442 Cass Hill rd
Candor, NY
Christine Wilson
586 Ballou road
Owego, NY
Vi Ransel
38 Broad St
Hamilton, NY
Milagros Gustafson
733 Cliff Street
Ithaca, NY
James C.M. Dunphy
51 Hillendale Street,
Rochester, N.Y.
Paul Stein
2831 County Highway 18
South New Berlin, NY
Cynthia Riggin
932 Auburn Road
Groton, NY
Christopher Clay
118 North Walnut Street
Beacon, NY
Harry Davis
266 Hamilton Street
Rochester, New York
Mark Hehir
179 East Henrietta Rd
Rochester, NY
Charlotte Whalen
115 Kelvin Pl
Ithaca, NY
James Bernegger
Founding Partner
517 CO HWY 27, Allen Lake Rd.
Richfield Springs, NY
Patricia Harlow
70 Old State Road
Binghamton, NY
Emaleigh Dudley
4864 river rd
leicester , ny
Samuel Brams
514 Summercroft Dr
Exton, PA
Linda Lacelle
8484 State Route 20
Waterville, NY
Edward Osiecki
18 W Hill Road
Vestal, NY
Nathan Richardson
Head Engineer, Manager
110 North Cayuga St
Ithaca, NY
David Capps
1054 Bullet Hole Rd
Andes, NY
Roberta Voit
801 Davos Point
Woodridge, NY
Durga Bor
Box 450
Ithaca, NY
Joyce Campbell
104 Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, NY
Lorraine Faehndrich
208 Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, NY
Jill Padua
78 Kirks Road
Narrowsburg, NY
Jean Anyon
320 west 90th st
nyc, ny
Katie Higgins
592 County Route 5
Otego, NY
Mary Loehr
133 Sheffield Rd.
Ithaca, NY
Charles O'Bryan
PO Box 328
Milford, NY
elizabeth path
25 elm ave
homer, NY
Dennis Higgins
Assistant Professor
592 County Rte 5
Otego, NY
Jerrod Ellison
226 Cleveland Ave
Ithaca, New York
Christine Heller
PO Box 71
Cooperstown, NY
Dana Paul
409 Hanshaw Rd
Ithaca, NY
Elizabeth Koslov
174 Sodom Road
Ithaca, NY
Carlisle Wiley
25 1/2 Elm Ave
Homer, NY
Mary Jamieson
18 West Hill Rd
Vestal, New York
Stephanie Urso Spina Ph.D.
22 N Main St
Homer, NY
Mike Howland
504 S. Grippen Ave
Endicott, NY
Charles J Spina
22 N Main St
Homer, NY
Josh Farrell
98 Jackson Street
Fishkill, NY
Emily Dovi
136 8th Street
Brooklyn, New York
Anna Kukekova PhD
1143 Easy Shore Dr., Apt.N
Ithaca, NY
Lisa and Bill White
110 Columbia St. #1
Ithaca, NY
Rebecca Misenheimer Prof.
110 James St
Olean, NY
Robert Laplante Esq.
135 Eastern Parkway, Apt. 12D
Brooklyn, NY
Don Pratt
210 Walton Ave
Lexington, KY
Cynthia Wallace
542 Liberty Street
Penn Yan, NY
Brian Simmons
467 troutman st
Brooklyn, NY
Marcia Swan
226 Mount Pleasant Rd.
Freeville, NY
Emily Andresini
115 Freeman Street
Brooklyn, NY
Lisa O'Brien
9151 Old Shetler Rd.
Livonia, NY
Jessica Probus
1331 Myrtle Ave
Brooklyn, NY
David Kemmett
P.O. Box 16 / 512 Bates Rd.
South Plymouth, New York
Manda Weintraub Esq. (retired)
730 Warren Street
Hudson, NY
Dorian Yablin
69 Alpine knoll
Fairport, NY
Meghan Galewski
94 Skillman Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
John McClelland PhD
139 School St.
Mosherville, PA
Diana Ellerbruch
6543 Creek Road
Oneida, NY
George Wilson
10 Loomis Road
Wynantskill, New York
moyra mulholland
223 Old Route 82
hudson, new york
Julie Rotondo
21 Beatty Avenue
Clinton, NY
Izak Breslauer
28 Hill dr.
Fishkill, N.Y
Tiffany Henry
22 Sunrise Drive
Newfield, NY
Jessica Wickham
578 main street
beacon, ny
Linda Hadley
110 Breuer Dr.
Shohola, Pa.
Michael Gadomski
P.O. Box 80, 549 Sterling Road
Sterling, PA
Les Lewis
1 S. Wheaton Rd
Horseheads, NY
Astrid Jirka
313 Pleasant St.
Ithaca, New York
Barbara Koslowski Prof.
18 Renwick Hts. Rd.
Ithaca, NY
maria cudeques
84 grand st
croton on hudson ny, ny
Karyn Sochacki
629 Front Street
Union Beach, NJ
Steve Knapp
329 South Geneva Street
Ithaca, New York
Lew Neal
14166 Indiana School Road
Oregon House, CA
Brian Owens
3 Berkley Drive
Clinton, New York
debra Dor
3630 Main Street
Stone Ridge, ny
David Dor
3630 Main Street
Stone Ridge, NY
Deana Dor
1 West 100th Street Apt.5G
Daniel Dor
3630 Main Street
Stone Ridge, ny
stephanie scheck
349 washburn road
spencer, new york
Kim Kelchner NP
153 Madison Street
Cortland, NY
Verna Willis Ph.D.
Associate Profesor, Emeritus
137 Minden Drive
Orchard Park, NY
DONNA Sullivan
1144 Taughannock Blvd.
Ithaca, NY
ellen goodman PhD
117 Warren Ave., Apt.1
East Providence, RI
Nelima Gaonkar
Binghamton, New York
Paul Heckathorn Esq.
841A Taughannock Blvd.
Ithaca, NY
Rommia White
411b Bauer Hall, Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Leni Mundt
100 Imperial Circle
Rochester, NY
harlee atwell
123 Main Street
windsor, ny
robinson corey
1501 Valley Road
Vestal, NY
Michelle Vanostrand
35 St. John Avenue
Binghamton, NY
David Macitenzie
P.O. Box 453
Morris, NY
Elliott lugo
29 Berlin Street
binghamton, ny
Robert doty
129 spisak road
afton, ny
Shirley Musson
PO Box 346
Gilbertsville, NY
Donald Brister MS
69 Highland Avenue
Binghamton, NY
timothy scherbatskoy PhD
50 Bryan St
Saratoga Springs, NY
Charles Hartness
174 McKinley Street
Rochester, New York
Linda Dumbleton
715 McFadden Road
Apalachin, New York
Sam Law
Summer Coordinator
16 Muriel St.
Ithaca, NY
celestse gudas
24 willow st
brooklyn, ny
Nathan Anthony
525 Union Ave 4E
Brooklyn, New York
Stephen Kent Jusick
Executive Director
23 E. 10th Street, #PHG
New York, NY
7503 County Road $9
Caneadea, New York
corrin galagher
305 Hamilton Valley Rd.
Spencer, NY
lukus wells
2 front street
binghamton, ny
janelle daddona
3792 riverside dr.
sayre, pa
anthony hill
5325 route 228
trumansburg, ny
maryellen wentz
po box 183
oxford, ny
ben kutney
91 burbank avenue
johnson city, ny
heather oxberry
15 genessee avenue
binghamton, ny
jim busse
77 warren street, apt 207
glens falls, ny
kate hoy
176 main street apt 6
owego, ny
mike wood
1103 conklin road
conklin, ny
rich singer
1 lawton ave
binghamton, ny
amy bennet
7 mcnamara avenue
binghamton, ny
amy bennet
7 mcnamara avenue
binghamton, ny
joseph p. sever
113 juniper dr.
ithaca, ny
esther torres
43 evans street
binghamton, ny
victur torres
43 evans street
binghamton, ny
torro pasto
162 mcmaster street
owego, ny
meghan hildebrand
242 north avenue
owego, ny
dan mirer
68 w. 3rd street
corning, ny
solver blue
616 hill avenue
endicott, ny
marta parshall
305 e. main street
endicott , ny
