November 2, 2011
Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York
The State Capital
Albany, NY 12224
Dear Governor Cuomo:
We, the undersigned, strongly support safeguarding the environment, public health, natural resources and scenic splendor of New York’s Catskills, Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions. With that goal in mind, we request that you immediately withdraw the Marcellus Shale revised draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (RD SGEIS) in order to resolve the fundamental shortcomings documented herein.
There is a de facto moratorium on horizontal hydrofracturing in New York’s Marcellus Shale pending adoption of a Final SGEIS. The Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) 2009 Draft SGEIS received such withering criticism that Governor Paterson signed Executive Order No. 41 requiring DEC to: “make such revisions to the Draft SGEIS that are necessary to analyze comprehensively the environmental impacts associated with high-volume hydraulic fracturing combined with horizontal drilling, ensure that such impacts are appropriately avoided or mitigated …” On 1/1/11, you signed a “continuation” of that Order.
The RD SGEIS Must Be Withdrawn Due to DEC’s Failure to Fulfill Executive Order No. 41
DEC’s RD SGEIS fails to fulfill the mandate of Executive Order No. 41. First and foremost, it is based on the erroneous assertion that:
“No documented instances of groundwater contamination are recorded in the Department’s files from previous horizontal drilling or hydraulic fracturing projects in New York. No documented incidents of groundwater contamination in public water supply systems were reported by the NYSDOH central office and Rochester district office... References have been made to some reports of private well contamination in Chautauqua County in the 1980s that may be attributed to oil and gas drilling... The reported Chautauqua County incidents, the majority of which occurred in the 1980s and which pre-date the current casing and cementing practices and fresh water aquifer supplementary permit conditions, could not be substantiated because pre-drilling water quality testing was not conducted, improper tests were run which yielded inconclusive results and/or the incidents of alleged well contamination were not officially confirmed.”
This statement is factually incorrect and deliberately misleading. Hundreds of natural gas and oil drilling, hydrofracturing and related problems have reportedly impacted private water wells, homes and the environment in New York. Those problems are documented by DEC as well as health authorities in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties.
Ferrugia’s “Well Documented” Drinking Water Problem “Seemingly Related to Gas Well Development”
For example, DEC is well aware that the Ferrugia family near Jamestown, NY has not been able to drink their well water since 2007 after a gas well was drilled approximately 300 feet from their home. Their water is so polluted that their veterinarian even warned them not to allow their dogs to drink the water. Chautauqua County Health authorities determined: “This is a well documented case showing drinking water impacts that are seemingly related to gas well development.” Yet, DEC has refused to assist this family.
The Ferrugia’s problem directly refutes the RD SGEIS assertions about gas drilling incidents in Chautauqua County because it: a) occurred relatively recently and is on-going; b) was not prevented by DEC regulatory safeguards or gas well drilling and production improvements; c) is documented by pre-drilling and post-drilling drinking water baseline testing and d) was confirmed by local health officials.
See an interview with Mr. David Ferrugia and extensive documents regarding his water well problem at: and
Dave Eddy’s Confirmed Drinking Water Contamination in Andover, NY
The Ferrugias are not the only New Yorkers who reportedly were impacted by inadequate regulation of gas drilling. Mr. Dave Eddy and his family experienced drinking water contamination and gas intrusion into their home, reportedly due to hydrofracturing of nearby gas wells. His water pollution was confirmed by the gas drilling firm. See: and
Recently Reported Natural Gas and Oil Spills Further Document DEC’s Regulatory Shortcomings
DEC's hazardous materials spills database identifies hundreds of on-going failures to clean up oil and gas drilling pollution impacts, including at least 72 recently reported natural gas and oil concerns. See: These problems further document DEC’s regulatory enforcement shortcomings. For example:
POYSA WELL #E1 - 61 BRIGGS HILL ROAD VAN ETTEN, NY, 4/8/2011: EQUIPMENT FAILURE – BRINE – 693 gallons. “Valve on brine tank at closed-in well froze and cracked allowing a release of 16.5 barrels of fairly fresh brine.” Meets Cleanup Standards: NO.
TUSCARORA BRINE APPLICATION – TOWN OF TUSCARORA DIRT ROADS TUSCARORA, NY, 6/21/2010: DELIBERATE – BRINE. “Caller states Town is using brine from gas wells to control dust on dirt roads and are applying it way too heavy causing runoff to ditches and streams. Also concerned about his well and what might be in the brine.” Meets Cleanup Standards: NO.
A total of more than 400 historic natural gas and oil concerns are documented by DEC and local health authorities. These concerns refute DEC’s assertion that gas extraction problems do not exist: and
At Least 16 Additional Reasons Why the RD SGEIS Must be Immediately Withdrawn
In addition to the regulatory enforcement problems noted above, the RD SGEIS must be immediately withdrawn and sent back to the drawing board because it does not resolve key concerns voiced by Region 2 of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), academic researchers, citizens and local officials. It fails to:
1. Afford equal health protection to all New Yorkers living above the Marcellus Shale formation. The RD SGEIS proposes to ban Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing in the New York City and Syracuse watersheds and above State Lands and primary aquifers (at least temporarily). If horizontal hydrofracturing is not allowed in those areas, it cannot be considered “safe” for other areas of New York.
2. Resolve mortgage lending problems associated with gas leasing. The RD SGEIS ignores gas leasing impacts on mortgage lending documented by lenders, including lender reluctance to secure mortgage loans with properties with gas leases; concerns about property valuation and marketability; "set-back" issues regarding the sale of mortgage loans on the "secondary" market and potential voiding of title insurance. See:
3. Assess horizontal hydrofracturing conducted at the same well pad in both Marcellus Shale and underlying Utica Shale. The RD SGEIS does not address this potential practice, but EPA views it as a matter of grave concern. See:
4. Ban gas drilling wastewaters from being discharged into Publicly Owned Treatment Works designed for sanitary waste or adopt strict pretreatment standards. POTWs are not designed, constructed or maintained to remove or break down the high levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), toxic petroleum constituents and radionuclides documented in gas drilling wastewater. EPA reports that shale gas extraction wastewater contaminants may "'pass through' the POTW, causing the POTW to violate its permit, cause 'interference' with the POTW's operation, or contamination of biosolids..." Pennysylvania has banned this practice. EPA has just begun the process of adopting national pretreatment standards for gas drilling wastewaters. See:
5. Ban toxic gas drilling wastewater from being recycled as hydrofracturing or drilling fluid. Gas drilling wastewaters, including "flowback" as well as "brine" or "produced water," are currently exempted from “GA” effluent limitations designed to safeguard drinking water drawn from the ground in New York. The RD SGEIS fails to eliminate this exemption even though gas drilling wastewater is documented to contain up to 413,000 parts per million of TDS, 72,600 parts per billion of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the diesel range as well as benzene up to 660 parts per billion. Those pollutant concentrations would vastly exceed applicable GA effluent limitations. For example, benzene is only allowed at one part per billion in permitted groundwater discharges.
6. Ban land-spreading of toxic gas drilling wastewaters. DEC allows gas drilling brine to be spread on land for dust control, roadbed stabilization and melting ice and snow. EPA recommended: "A program must be implemented to properly manage the elevated radionuclide concentrations in the brine to protect the worker health, public health, and the environment." The practice of gas drilling wastewater spreading must be halted.
7. Resolve inadequate DEC staffing problems. The infamous memo that caused DEC Commissioner Grannis to be fired noted: "Many of our programs are hanging by a thread. The public would be shocked to learn how thin we are in many areas;" The memo further noted: "While the risks to human health have already increased due to cuts to certain environmental quality programs, and especially to enforcement activities related to pollution sources, further cuts would result in unacceptable risks to New Yorkers and unacceptable liability for New York State government (emphasis added)." Governor Cuomo cut DEC’s budget in 2011. See:
8. Identify New York areas prone to higher seismic activity and propose measures to prevent earthquakes potentially associated with horizontal hydrofracturing. EPA reported that: "The dSGEIS notes that the State of New York is fairly active seismically. EPA recommends that NYSDEC limit the number of wells in areas of higher seismic activity, or require additional protective measures and monitoring." See:
9. Adopt comprehensive radionuclide standards to safeguard gas drilling workers, public health and the environment. EPA notes that "radionuclide concentrations specified in the DSGEIS represent elevated radionuclide concentrations and need to be handled, managed, and disposed of appropriately to avoid unnecessary exposure to workers, the public, and the environment." EPA also determined that "such concentrations are considered elevated and may pose unacceptable human health risk mainly via external exposure, inhalation of radon and thoron decay products, and to some degree via inadvertent ingestion."
10. Resolve EPA concerns about inadequate protection of Ecosystems and Wildlife. EPA reported: "This section [7.4] is incomplete, and does not account for the changes in the ecosystems in New York State since the preparation of the 1992 GEIS. For example, more animals and plants are on federal and state endangered species lists, habitats of all kinds are more fragmented, invasive species have impacted existing animal and plant populations, and climate change has impacted plant and animal ranges and migrations.”
11. Assess "cumulative impacts" on a comprehensive basis. EPA notes that it is "concerned that cumulative and indirect impacts need to be more thoroughly discussed in the dSGEIS. Even with its generic format, the EIS should discuss the impacts that may result from past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects as well as those impacts associated with drilling and hydrofracturing that may occur later in time and/or further from the immediate project site."
12. Update the 1992 GEIS. EPA notes that it is "concerned that over the past 17 years since the 1992 GElS was written, the 'existing' environment and conditions in New York State have changed sufficiently that using the information from that report as a baseline for the dSGEIS will not take into account the cumulative impacts from habitat fragmentation, population increase, and climate change that may have occurred during that time."
13. Require compliance with a critical EPA policy change regarding air quality assessment. Shortly after the draft SGEIS was released on 9/30/09, EPA adopted a major new policy regarding New Source Review (NSR) and Title V permitting programs pursuant to the Clean Air Act. This reversed the EPA policy in effect when the draft SGEIS was prepared. The new policy changes the requirements for "source aggregation" for air permitting programs. According to a DEC Powerpoint slide: "Since level of aggregation must be case by case, SGEIS cannot provide definitive answers (emphasis added)." See: and
14. Eliminate DEC’s current hazardous waste regulatory exemption for gas drilling wastes and impose strict liability for cleaning up gas drilling pollution hazards.
15. Require the New York State Department of Health to share co-lead agency status with DEC and assess health impacts on a comprehensive basis.
16. Require immediate disclosure of uncontrolled gas drilling pollution releases, establish a dedicated fund to remediate gas drilling hazards and require gas drilling firms to provide financial surety for remediating problems by posting bonds or providing insurance coverage.
The RD SGEIS fails to provide a meaningful plan to safeguard New York from the irreparable harm that could be caused by the vast industrialization associated with Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing. Unless and until DEC resolves its regulatory enforcement problems and addresses the additional concerns documented herein, New York’s de facto moratorium on horizontal hydrofracturing in Marcellus Shale must not be lifted.
We trust that you will find our request self-explanatory. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to your prompt reply.
Very truly yours,
kadri toniste |
Paul Zema |
G. Gordon |
JuMe Chon |
Gabriella Davalos |
Timothy Heuer |
Sarah Yassea |
Sarah Cole |
Lucy Baker |
brunilda TRINIDAD |
Elena Carey |
Sally Chapman |
Kathleen Fox |
Manju Mehra |
Helene de Aguilar |
Catherine Raphael |
Arlynne Miller |
Gary Solomon |
Dan Walters |
Ace Salgatar |
Alison Salzinger |
Mina Bail |
Evelyn Munoz-Mercado |
Kurt Jordan |
storn cook |
Nora Gibson |
phil leinhart |
Enid Schildkrout |
Kay Murray |
Shirley Mansfield |
Benny Arocho |
susan hefner |
Mehmet Kucukozer |
Michele Malena |
pamela caputo |
Kerry Sharkey-Miller |
Mark Harley |
John Neely |
Veronica Swords |
Amber Scoon |
Peter Abbruscato |
Doris Dingott |
barth clootem |
Stan Shinko |
Margaret DeGaetano |
Gil Klein |
Steven Caso |
Elizabeth Plair |
Robert Potts |
Jacqueline Diamond |
Tyler Muto |
Patricia O'Mara-Nordby |
Blakely Rickett |
Deborah Clancy |
Johnny Misheff |
Bettina Barbier |
wendy weiss simon |
rene migliaccio |
Kristin Gari |
karen albert |
Leonard Liegner |
Doreen Arnesen |
Eva Shatkin |
Meredith Damluck |
Carlos Ortiz-Vazquez |
Robin Leger |
emma taylor |
Elizabeth Odegard |
melissa alonso |
Samantha Hoff |
Chris Anna |
Justo Torres |
Ronnee Schier David |
leeroy sherwood |
Steven Anderson |
Cary Peppermint |
Diana Zinni |
Juliet Panebianco |
allison siegel |
Christine Messineo |
stephanie tran |
Sheryl Fuhrmann |
Ruth Caforio |
tom frohnapfel |
john cafferty |
Jamie Lawrence |
Nardo Poy |
Jack Chavesta |
Janice Stevens |
Leah Herzberg |
isabel alonso |
Nicholas Ilasi |
Kerry Gilmartin |
diane sudol |
Chip James |
maria berman |
Gray Edgerton |
Barbara Rosen |
anne petruso |
Leif Nicklas |
Erin Reddix-LaBarge |
Nicole Reddix |
Patrick Judson |
simon hadley |
Mary C. Devenpeck |
Mary C. Devenpeck |
Barbara Shapiro |
Sandra Fritz |
Eva Marks-Curatolo |
Denise Laffer |
George Macero |
Claire Chapman |
Krystina Deren |
Florence Granowitter |
Glen Saunders |
Richard Mrugala |
Eleni Theodorakis |
William Morrison |
genna Steele |
Michelle Rinke |
Rob Rothkopf |
Janice Graham |
Christopher Cunniffe |
Maria Racz |
Fred Bassett |
Nicole Malina |
Ned Leavitt |
Katrina DeJersey |
Jim Brady |
Russ Henderling |
robert sharkey |
elaine osowski |
MYRAN Johane |
Jack Waltrip |
Joseph Maniaci |
Niki Celine |
Anita Mataraso |
sevaste spaker |
Daisy Bolle |
greg madsen |
Patricia Patterson |
Ann Szymanski |
Christine Mollenthiel |
Jessica McAvoy |
Tony Romano |
Evan Mangiamele |
Sirkka Svanoe |
Laura Hadley |
Glenn Bernardis |
Kathryn Hadley |
Claudia Roberts-Weaver |
Kori Tolbert |
Sarah Haykel |
Marguerite Raskopf |
soctt swiezy |
Amy O'Brien |
Peter Riphahn |
Chelsea Lorino |
Sherman Farber |
Liz Blake |
Carole White |
Carole White |
Nic DePaula |
Susan Sively |
Emma McCarthy |
Greta Nettleton |
john hikory |
Katherine Trapanovski |
Daniel McDermott |
Robert Babish |
Nicole Kafka |
Carole Levers |
Stephen Dorsett |
Sara Beckham |
Syekinni yekinni |
Harriet Weidenbaum |
David Lord |
carey hasegawa |
joyce griggs |
Marion Lindauer |
Evan Zeise |
Angela Benitez Getz |
Jenni-Ann Escudero |
Maya Hall |
Alana Ogurcak |
katharina smith |
John Diele |
suzanne hutchinson |
B Schonzeit |
Felicitas Kusch-Lango |
Ken Snyder |
Susan Cox |
Jo Melendez |
Owen Tallman |
David Beede |
Cary Anderson |
John Fuchs |
Tanya McKinnon |
anthony tumbarello |
Judith Azzato, LCSW |
Ellen Cowhey |
David Goldberg |
Dinah DeWald |
betteanne fox |
James Kane |
Marisa Milkovich
520 Castleman Road
Vestal, NY |
Ann Ellis
2140 Long Creek Road
Apalachin, NY |
Grace Kulwin
155 Jay Court
Cross River, New York |
Jason Moore
5962 VanZandt Rd
Livonia, NY |
Anita Stillman RN
1725 York Avenue
New York, New York |
Evelyn Collazo
418 East 118 Street, 2nd Fl.
New York, NY |
Susan Van Dolsen
29 Highland Rd.
Rye, NY |
Mary Deuel BA, MSEd, CAS
121 Murray Street
Mount Morris, New York |
Thomas Deuel
121 Murray Street
Mount Morris, New York |
Frances Dolan
121 Murray Street
Mount Morris, New York |
Ellen Cantarow Ph.D.
27 Austin Road
Medford, MA |
Ruth Huggler
Route 52
Youngsville, New York |
Sarah Ousley RS
community support
PO Box 6828
Ithaca, NY |
Lawrence Mirarchi
386 Winney Hill Road
Oneonta, NY |
Kutcher Gerald PhD
Professor of Science, Technology and MedicineSal
10 Lincoln Avenue
Binghamton, NY |
Meg Kiernan
Town Supervisor
366 Stone House Road
Fly Creek, NY |
Kevin Maguire MD, FACS
101 armstrong road
cooperstown, ny |
Fergus Baumann
101 oak st
brooklyn, NY |
Richard Driscoll
PO Box 76
Newfield, NY, New York |
Carol Kaufman
651 Reservoir Hill Rd.
Candor, NY |
Lynn Miller
3401 James Street #14
Syracuse, NY |
Noemi Kraut
635 Elm St. Ext.
Ithaca, N.Y. |
Jeff Lydon
4401 McIntyre Road
Trumansburg, NY |
Amy Cheatle
515 W. Clinton St
Ithaca, NY |
Edwin Sanchez
60 Coons Rd
Claryville, NY |
Caryn Spector
6 Nottingham Drive
Ithaca, New York |
Frank Barry
219 East Lansing Road
Groton, NY |
David Morse Ph.D.
2420 Stonegate Trail
Corning, NY |
Jack Cohen
3354 Curry St.
Yorktown Heights, New York |
Judith Ravnitzky
Member of Board of Directors
124 Hill Street
Mahopac, New York |
Gerrit Crouse PhD
38 4th Avenue, Apt 2-N
Nyack, NY |
Jill Freidmutter P.E.
116 Utica St.
Ithaca, NY |
Jonathan Rubin
588 West End Avenue
Beth Paris PT
215 North Cayuga St.
Ithaca, NY |
L. Glasner
27 W. 96 St.
New York, NY |
nina loney
348 snyder hill road
ithaca, ny |
ingrid buuck
art director
17 Casablanca Lane
Woodstock, NY |
Rick Kustich
4923 Eastbrooke Place
Williamsville, NY |
Jane Russell
8947 Roff Hill Road
Pulteney, NY |
Antoinette Di Ciaccio
112 Turner Park
Montour Falls, NY |
Nolan Levenson
233 W. 99th Street Apt 11E
New York, NY |
Nancy Garver
106 Sheridan Park
Geneva, NY |
Patricia Donohue
21 Exchange St., Apt#4E
Binghamton, NY |
Sarah Lydon
4401 McIntyre Road
Trumansburg, NY |
Leila Durkin
PO Box 314
Sharon Springs, NY |
Marlene Lopez
118 Mountain View Rd
Cortlandt Manor, NY |
Rafael Lopez
118 Mountain View Rd
Cortlandt Manor, NY |
Bennett Sandler
Councilman Elect
6020 State Hwy 28
Fly Creek, NY |
Donna R. Davis
3221 St Rt 414
Burdett, Ny |
Cathe Giffuni
240 East 27 Street #20K
New York, NY |
Monica Brane MD
PO Box 179
Fly Creek, NY |
Claudia Carr
478 West Broadway #2A
New York, NY |
Joan Wulff
1924 Beaverkill Rd
Lew Beach, N.Y. |
Johanna Tiemann Ph.D.
685 West End Avenue, #15A
New York, New York |
martin hatch dr.
696 snyder hill road
ithaca, NY |
Lauren Wetzelberg
300 Skye Island Dr
Endicott, NY |
Ben Yandell
685 West End Avenue Apt 15A
New York, New York |
Frederick Mayer
209 back west creek road
Newark Valley, New York |
Susan Emery
34 Mountain Avenue
Larchmont, NY |
Kenny Lerner
4929 Triphammer Rd
Geneseo, NY |
Gene Polito
45 Shady Rest Dr
Sag Harbor, NY |
Kathryn Dove PhD
14 east 90 street NYC ny 10128
NY, NY |
Judith Karpova Rev.
Initiating Member
213 Sundown Road
Kerhonkson, NY |
Barbara Adrienne Rosen master of Science in Special Education
14 Mosher Place
West Hurley, New York |
Kelly Knapp
2504 Highbridge Rd.
Weedsport, NY |
Joyce Witkowski
9241 Hines Road
Hammondsport, New York |
Zeborah Schachtwl PhD
315 West 106 Street
New York, New York |
David Hessler
179 Calkins Road
Ithaca, NY |
Elan Shapiro
211 Rachel Carson way
Ithaca, NY |
Alison Ross PhD
211 W. 56th Street
New York, New York |
Philip Supernault
130 Old Scottsville Chili Rd.
Churchville, NY |
Anne Baughman
6 pine cone drive
Pittsford , NY |
Craig Person
300 Maplewood Ave
Rochester, NY |
Gene Lubow PhD
Concerned Citizen
11 Fifth Ave
New York, NY |
Terri Heath
16541 Cty Hwy 23
Unadilla , NY |
carmin rosebrough
120 camberley place
Penfield, NY |
Jennifer Cantor PhD
25 W. 64th St., #9F
New York, NY |
Joan=Marie Bauman
106 Rupp Rd
Monticello, New York |
Donald Carpenter
17 Industrial Street
Rochester, NY |
Rosemarie Stepanik
13 Fiora Drive
Fairport, NY |
Chris Kjolhede MD, MPH
Otsego Town Health Officer
192 Tripp Hill Road
Fly Creek, New York |
Mary Frembgen
125 Graham Ave #3r
Brooklyn, NY |
Tammie Werkman
concerned mom
1136 Greenwood Glen
Endwell, NY |
Martha Goodsell
125 Williams Road
Candor, NY |
Jessica Kuzmier
P.O. Box 77
West Oneonta, NY |
Bob Connors
1409 County Rte 5
Canaan, NY |
maureen mcmahon
377 west 11 th st
ny, ny |
Thomas Barrett
150 Deerfield Dr
Rochester, NY |
Leo Stoscheck
207 West Clinton Street
Ithaca, NY |
Leyana Dessauer
216 Miles Ave
Syracuse, New York |
Linda Johnson
63 Crary Ave
Binghamton, NY |
John Dodge
PO Box 2532
Homer, Alaska |
Jacob Eichten
327 Robinson St.
Syracuse, NY |
Diane Boothe
103 Dunbar Road
Hilton, New York |
Norma Southworth PhD
57 West 75th Street, Apt. 5C
New York, NY |
Antoinette Dybas
308 Church St
Amsterdam, NY |
Vicki Huber
1216 Woodhull Rd
Webster, NY |
John Mcveigh
1842 Trails End Lane, PO box 127
Helen Brackett, PhD
185 West End Avenue, Ste 1L
New York, NY |
Aaron Thaler Ph.D.
Fellow, Faculty Member
41 West 83rd Street
New York, NY |
Christine Bogdanowicz
539 Valley Rd.
Brooktondale, NY |
Darren Rist
6 hill terr
Newton, Nj |
Arthur Heiserman
54 Morningside Dr.
New York, Nwe York |
Susan Blakney
6481 County Line Road
Skaneateles, New York |
Mary Williams
345 Giles St
Ithaca, NY |
Lisa Barr PhD, J.D.
334 East Street
Oneonta, NY |
Kim Morse
1047 County Road 37
Mount Upton, NY |
Karen Neuberg
2 Grace Court 2R
Brooklyn, NY |
Eileen O'Boyle Bitetto Esq.
90 Merrick Ave
East Meadow, New York |
Paul Sanders Esq.
164 Penn Lane
Rochester, NY |
Shamsi Brinn
600 Hector Street
Ithaca, NY |
John Elder DMin
PO Box 231
Burdett, NY |
Jocelyn Scher Psy.D.
41 West 83rd Street
susan grayburn
514 west end ave 5a
ny, ny |
Mary Boite MLS
5080 Purcell Rd.
Hemlock, NY |
Shira Golding Evergreen
1885 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca, NY |
Kathy Peters
810 Post Ave
Rochester, NY |
Brian Caldwell
180 Walding Lane
West Danby, NY |
Susan Dixon
112 Terraceview Drive
Ithaca, NY |
Andrea Ferraro
PO Box 183
West Hurley, NY |
Gunhild Lischke
503 E. Buffalo St
Ithaca, NY |
Robert H. Scharf
953 East Lake Road
Dundee, NY |
Joan DeSimone
8340 Wessels Hill Rd.
Avoca, NY |
Steve Coffman
1874 Dombroski Rd.
Dundee, NY |
barbara coffman dr.
1874 dombroski rd.
dundee, ny |
Ellen Hyland
369 Glen Avenue
Elmira, NY |
lydia eldridge
6 cortland lane
horseheads, ny |
teresa reidy RN BS
340 W. Washington Ave
Elmira, NY |
teresa tobiA
6821 lake salubria dr.
bath, ny |
John Moffat
440 Beaver Meadow Road
Cooperstown, new york |
The Blue Mingo Grill
6098 State Highway 80
Cooperstown, NY |
Cory Moffat
440 Beaver Meadow Road
Cooperstown, NY |
Xander Moffat
440 Beaver Meadow Road
Cooperstown, NY |
Maresfield Farm
440 Beaver Meadow Road
Cooperstown, NY |
Francine Miller
115 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, New York |
Eleanore MacDougall
8 Lake Street
Cooperstown, NY |
Constance O'Hare
6832 Lake Salubria Dr.
Bath, New York |
Vanessa Bley
Founder / Co-Host
39 ave a box 113 ny ny 10008
New York, New York |
helen Fogarty
938 Elting Rd
Rosendale, NY |
Diana Pryntz
3441 Irish Settlement Rd
Belmont, NY |
Mary Moyer
9813 Fleet Rd
Hammondsport, NY |
Anthony K. Pearsall
Old Milford Rd.
Brookline, NH |
Charles Reiman
228 Campbell hill Road
Cooperstown, New York |
Carla Beckwith
45 Mill Street
Nunda, NY |
Naomi Pless MD
83 Cattaragus Drive
Rochester, NY |
Nathan Couchon
14141 41st Ave
Flushing, NY |
Adrian Kuzminski
279 Donlon Road
Fly Creek, NY |
Margaret Strumpf
514 Bannister Road
Breesport, NY |
Tracey Hancock
48 W. George Avenue
Pearl River, NY |
Peter Strumpf DDS
514 Bannister Road
Breesport, New York |
Timothy Montroy
306 Stafford Rd.
Palmyra, N.Y. |
Douglas Miller
Business Owner
116 Donlon Rad
Fly Creek, NY |
Martha Oldfield
142 Daffodil Dr.
Horseheads, NY |
Bette A Hayes
5631 Van Allen Rd
Belfast, NY |
Domenica Brockman
28 Whig street
Trumansburg, Ny |
Michael Houk PhD
77 Squirrels Heath Road
Fairport, NY |
Jim Carr
4895 Pinecrest Rd.
Millport, N.Y. |
Kim Beck RN, CNM
PO Box 134
Middleburgh, NY |
Ellen McHugh MD
33 Hancock Drive
Horseheads, NY |
Patricia Rigby Mrs.
9327 State Hwy 30
Downsville, NY |
Melissa Carlson
246 Castlebar Road
Rochester, NY |
Clare Chollet
722 Latta Brook Rd.
Elmira, NY |
Avi Pryntz-Nadworny
345 Grosvenor rd
Rochester, NY |
Alyce Adams RN
66 Glen Road
Rochester, NY |
Lynn Malooly
107 Wheelock Road
Penfield, NY |
Alison Carper PhD
45 Kew Gardens Road #6B
Kew Gardens, NY |
Kelly DiPietro MA
55 Allwood Dr
Rochester, NY |
James Dean
Village Trustee and Chairman of Environmental Conservation Committee
15 Delaware Street
Cooperstown, New York |
Robert Schecter
10 Lancaster St
Cherry Valley, NY |
Donnie Nickerson
304 Stonehouse Road
Maryland, NY |
Kristine Leintz
1900 S 25th St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Erica Mayer
209 Back West Creek Rd
Newark Valley, New York |
dave porter
920 county highway 8
morris, new york |
audrey allis
920 county highway 8
morris, new york |
Ellen Pope
Executive Director
28 Elm Street, Apt C
Cooperstown, NY |
john penny
187 bell hill road
morris, new york |
dorthy penny
187 bell hill road
morris, new york |
Beth Rosenthal Honorable
Otsego County Representative, District 7
500 County Hwy 50
Cherry Valley, NY |
Donna Homuth
74 Thornapple Drive
Elmira, NY |
Daniel Hanney
168 North Street
Arcade, New York |
David Korman
435 West 46th Street #5RE
New York, NY |
Paul Willsea
8415 Garlinghouse rd.
Naples, NY |
Lauren Sample
173 Weldon Street
Rochester, New York |
Margaret Bald
4 Stone House Road
Newfield, N. Y. |
Mark Sample
Professor of History
173 weldon st
rochester, NY |
peter wiedmann
po box 6841
ithaca, nY |
Lori Solensten
152 Hall Rd
Maryland, NY |
scott brady
1165 co hwy 34
schenevus, ny |
Alice Siegfried
67 Church Street
Oneonta, ny |
Judith Molner, MA
97 Middlesex Road
Rochester, NY |
kevin grady
po box 64
cooperstown, ny |
kevin grady
93 main st
cooperstown, ny |
Doug Couchon Ph.D.
P. O. Box 504
Horseheads, NY |
Lia Solensten
152 Hall rd. Maryland Ny 12116
Maryland , New York |
David Turek
5672 Holmes Hill Rd.
Conesus, NY |
joann roseboom
203 bell hill road
morris, new york |
troy roseboom
203 bell hill road
morris, new york |
Karen James
146 Burleigh Drive
Ithaca, NY |
Kim Ellis q
14 Van Kleeck Ave
New Paltz, NY |
Elizabeth Adams MSPH
103 Larkspur Lane
Cary, NC |
Darla Youngs
Executive Director
101 Main Street, PO Box 931
Cooperstown, NY |
Alicia Beebe
8 White Hawk Lane
Ithaca, NY |
Mary Langendorfer
10 Allen St.
Bath, NY |
Judith Galgoczy
1006 East State Street
Ithaca, NY |
Elizabeth Kelley
91 Central Park West #2C
New York, NY |
Ann Schauman
1206 Nolan Road
Macedon, NY |
carolyn grey Ph.D., ABPP
252 Seventh Ave. #10 U
new york, NY |
Pamela Noonan
pob 371
Cherry Valley, NY - New York |
Colleen Keifer
6085 Podunk Rd
Trumansburg, NY |
Pamela Lea DVM
1441 County Hwy. 23
Richfield Springs, New York |
Vladimir von Tsurikov Ph.D.
1355 County Highway 33
Cooperstown, NY |
Christine Leskovec RN
3381 Perry City Rd.
Trumansburg, NY |
Deb Balcourt RN
14-5 Kings Ct.
Camillus, NY |
Scott Breese
983 Upland Drive
Elmira, NY |
Dorian Yablin
101 Broad street
plattsburgh, NY |
Deena Rambaum
161 Gray Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Madeleine Mattichak
168 Miller Street, Apt B306
Horseheads, NY |
Martha Robertson
320 N. Tioga St.
Ithaca, NY |
Adrian Williams
345 Giles St
Ithaca, NY |
Sandra Repp
3134 Van Dorn Corners Road
Ithaca, NY |
Harry T. Seichepin
3134 Van Dorn Corners Road
Ithaca, New York |
Brian Trumbull
225 river road
fort plain, ny |
Jeffery Smith AIA
1908 Foster Valley Road
Owego, NY |
Tim Horvath
5934 state highway 80
cooperstown, ny |
dorothy wechter
447 E 14 St
ny, ny |
Willard Harman PhD,CLM
Director, Distinguished Service Professor
6962 ST HWY 80
Cooperstown, New York |
Shirley Brown
5664 Pine Ridge Road
Trumansburg, NY |
premilla Dixit Nag
81 Clove valley Road Highfalls
Highfalls, NY |
Jim Cain
315 Burton St.
Bath, NY |
Mechthild Nagel PhD
12 Frederick Ave
Cortland, NY |
Christopher Merkley
5683 Cheningo Solon Pond Rd.
Cincinnatus, NY |
colleen kattau PhD
16 james street
cortland, ny |
Niels Schulz
2658 Holler RD
Virgil, NY |
Catherine Burke
Park Rd
Pittsford, NY |
Howard Botwinick PhD
Associate Professor of Economics, SUNY Cortland
106 Washington St.
Ithaca, New York |
Joanne Barry
76 1/2 Hamlin Street
Cortland, NY |
Jim Barry
76 1/2 Hamlin Street
Cortland, NY |
Lisa Miller Dr.
box 456
McGraw, NY |
Anna Gibson
311 Bailor Rd
Brooktondale, NY |
Bonnie Marciante
Webster, NY |
Peter Glanville
3060 Dubois Road
Ithaca, NY |
John Gaynor
37 Arthur Ave.
Cortland, NY |
Robert McGrath
187 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn, NY |
Christine Viola DO
415 Ocean Parkway 4A
Brooklyn, NY |
Mark D Sager
17 Berrywood Lane
Dansville, New York |
Debra Eichten
239 Hector St.
Ithaca, NY |
T.Gunter Smith
PO BOX 188
Springfield Center, New York |
Aran Galligan
16 Tricor Ave
New Paltz, New York |
Edward Schreiber
PO Box 11
Lake Katrine, NY |
Andrejs Ozolins
VP for Touring
733 Cliff St
Ithaca, NY |
Ben Weirich
1246 Minnow Cove
Skaneateles, NY |
Mary Campbell
22 Main Street
Prattsburgh, NY |
Karina Naumer
5440 Route 30
East Branch, NY |
Molly Kornblum RN
217 Park Place
Ithaca, NY |
Joan Wile
263 West End Ave., Apt. 4B
New York, NY |
Steve Trimm
48 Kenosha St
Albany, New York |
Sue Heavenrich
115 Hubbard Hill Rd
Candor, NY |
Judith Prest LMSW
5223 Scotch Ridge Road
Duanesburg, NY |
Susan McDonnell
PO Box 271
Crompond, , NY |
Claire DeVoogd
31 Locust Street, Apt. 1R
Brooklyn, NY |
Jessica Ernst M.Sc.
Box 753
Rosebud, AB CANADA |
Ann Lyons
65 Pell Terrace
Garden City, NY |
Maureen Dill
PO Box 177
Morris, NY |
Brenda Marston MA. MLIS
111 Bridge St.
Ithaca , NY |
Koko Jaeger
Fairmount Ave
Oakland, CA |
S. Tier French
45 Susquehanna Ave.
Cooperstown, NY |
Elijah Vanaver
298 Mountain Road
Rosendale, NY |
Bill Vanaver Mr.
Music Director
298 Mountain Road
Rosendale, NY |
Deverie Stover
128 W 130th St
NY, NY |
Fode Sissoko
Musical Director
81 Clove Valley Road
High Falls, NY |
Evan Stover
Conifer Lane
Kingston, NY |
Outback Farm
81 Clove Valley Road
High Falls, NY |
David Winograd
PO Box 277
Kerhonkson, NY |
Gabriel Vanaver
298 Mountain Road
Rosendale, NY |
Michael Stover
81 Clove Valley Road
High Falls, NY |
Billiam Van Roestenberg
340 Crescent Avenue
Highland, NY |
Saul Braun MFA
PO box 208
Kerhonkson, NY |
Johanne Dion
274, First Street
Richelieu, Quebec |
Donna Moore Powers PhD
347 Prospect Hill Road
Horseheads, NY |
Bonnie Obrig
24 South Colorado Avenue
Indianapolis, IN |
Martha Clarvoe
Secretary & Volunteer Special Projects Manager
119 E Hill Rd
Hartwick, NY |
dianne eldridge
box 21
fly Creek, ny |
John Richardson MBA
10 Briar Patch
Rochester, New York |
Eric Newman
11 Stone Cutoff Rd.
Wendell, MA |
Rosalyn Cherry
PO BOX 187
New Paltz, New York |
Daina Leimanis RN
11 Stone Cutoff Rd.
Wendell, MA |
Peter Saltonstall
403 Lake Rd
King Ferry, NY |
Barbara Harman
6962 State Hwy 80
Cooperstown, NY |
christine mcnaughton
3674 co hwy 35
roseboom, ny |