November 2, 2011
Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York
The State Capital
Albany, NY 12224
Dear Governor Cuomo:
We, the undersigned, strongly support safeguarding the environment, public health, natural resources and scenic splendor of New York’s Catskills, Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions. With that goal in mind, we request that you immediately withdraw the Marcellus Shale revised draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (RD SGEIS) in order to resolve the fundamental shortcomings documented herein.
There is a de facto moratorium on horizontal hydrofracturing in New York’s Marcellus Shale pending adoption of a Final SGEIS. The Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) 2009 Draft SGEIS received such withering criticism that Governor Paterson signed Executive Order No. 41 requiring DEC to: “make such revisions to the Draft SGEIS that are necessary to analyze comprehensively the environmental impacts associated with high-volume hydraulic fracturing combined with horizontal drilling, ensure that such impacts are appropriately avoided or mitigated …” On 1/1/11, you signed a “continuation” of that Order.
The RD SGEIS Must Be Withdrawn Due to DEC’s Failure to Fulfill Executive Order No. 41
DEC’s RD SGEIS fails to fulfill the mandate of Executive Order No. 41. First and foremost, it is based on the erroneous assertion that:
“No documented instances of groundwater contamination are recorded in the Department’s files from previous horizontal drilling or hydraulic fracturing projects in New York. No documented incidents of groundwater contamination in public water supply systems were reported by the NYSDOH central office and Rochester district office... References have been made to some reports of private well contamination in Chautauqua County in the 1980s that may be attributed to oil and gas drilling... The reported Chautauqua County incidents, the majority of which occurred in the 1980s and which pre-date the current casing and cementing practices and fresh water aquifer supplementary permit conditions, could not be substantiated because pre-drilling water quality testing was not conducted, improper tests were run which yielded inconclusive results and/or the incidents of alleged well contamination were not officially confirmed.”
This statement is factually incorrect and deliberately misleading. Hundreds of natural gas and oil drilling, hydrofracturing and related problems have reportedly impacted private water wells, homes and the environment in New York. Those problems are documented by DEC as well as health authorities in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties.
Ferrugia’s “Well Documented” Drinking Water Problem “Seemingly Related to Gas Well Development”
For example, DEC is well aware that the Ferrugia family near Jamestown, NY has not been able to drink their well water since 2007 after a gas well was drilled approximately 300 feet from their home. Their water is so polluted that their veterinarian even warned them not to allow their dogs to drink the water. Chautauqua County Health authorities determined: “This is a well documented case showing drinking water impacts that are seemingly related to gas well development.” Yet, DEC has refused to assist this family.
The Ferrugia’s problem directly refutes the RD SGEIS assertions about gas drilling incidents in Chautauqua County because it: a) occurred relatively recently and is on-going; b) was not prevented by DEC regulatory safeguards or gas well drilling and production improvements; c) is documented by pre-drilling and post-drilling drinking water baseline testing and d) was confirmed by local health officials.
See an interview with Mr. David Ferrugia and extensive documents regarding his water well problem at: and
Dave Eddy’s Confirmed Drinking Water Contamination in Andover, NY
The Ferrugias are not the only New Yorkers who reportedly were impacted by inadequate regulation of gas drilling. Mr. Dave Eddy and his family experienced drinking water contamination and gas intrusion into their home, reportedly due to hydrofracturing of nearby gas wells. His water pollution was confirmed by the gas drilling firm. See: and
Recently Reported Natural Gas and Oil Spills Further Document DEC’s Regulatory Shortcomings
DEC's hazardous materials spills database identifies hundreds of on-going failures to clean up oil and gas drilling pollution impacts, including at least 72 recently reported natural gas and oil concerns. See: These problems further document DEC’s regulatory enforcement shortcomings. For example:
POYSA WELL #E1 - 61 BRIGGS HILL ROAD VAN ETTEN, NY, 4/8/2011: EQUIPMENT FAILURE – BRINE – 693 gallons. “Valve on brine tank at closed-in well froze and cracked allowing a release of 16.5 barrels of fairly fresh brine.” Meets Cleanup Standards: NO.
TUSCARORA BRINE APPLICATION – TOWN OF TUSCARORA DIRT ROADS TUSCARORA, NY, 6/21/2010: DELIBERATE – BRINE. “Caller states Town is using brine from gas wells to control dust on dirt roads and are applying it way too heavy causing runoff to ditches and streams. Also concerned about his well and what might be in the brine.” Meets Cleanup Standards: NO.
A total of more than 400 historic natural gas and oil concerns are documented by DEC and local health authorities. These concerns refute DEC’s assertion that gas extraction problems do not exist: and
At Least 16 Additional Reasons Why the RD SGEIS Must be Immediately Withdrawn
In addition to the regulatory enforcement problems noted above, the RD SGEIS must be immediately withdrawn and sent back to the drawing board because it does not resolve key concerns voiced by Region 2 of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), academic researchers, citizens and local officials. It fails to:
1. Afford equal health protection to all New Yorkers living above the Marcellus Shale formation. The RD SGEIS proposes to ban Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing in the New York City and Syracuse watersheds and above State Lands and primary aquifers (at least temporarily). If horizontal hydrofracturing is not allowed in those areas, it cannot be considered “safe” for other areas of New York.
2. Resolve mortgage lending problems associated with gas leasing. The RD SGEIS ignores gas leasing impacts on mortgage lending documented by lenders, including lender reluctance to secure mortgage loans with properties with gas leases; concerns about property valuation and marketability; "set-back" issues regarding the sale of mortgage loans on the "secondary" market and potential voiding of title insurance. See:
3. Assess horizontal hydrofracturing conducted at the same well pad in both Marcellus Shale and underlying Utica Shale. The RD SGEIS does not address this potential practice, but EPA views it as a matter of grave concern. See:
4. Ban gas drilling wastewaters from being discharged into Publicly Owned Treatment Works designed for sanitary waste or adopt strict pretreatment standards. POTWs are not designed, constructed or maintained to remove or break down the high levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), toxic petroleum constituents and radionuclides documented in gas drilling wastewater. EPA reports that shale gas extraction wastewater contaminants may "'pass through' the POTW, causing the POTW to violate its permit, cause 'interference' with the POTW's operation, or contamination of biosolids..." Pennysylvania has banned this practice. EPA has just begun the process of adopting national pretreatment standards for gas drilling wastewaters. See:
5. Ban toxic gas drilling wastewater from being recycled as hydrofracturing or drilling fluid. Gas drilling wastewaters, including "flowback" as well as "brine" or "produced water," are currently exempted from “GA” effluent limitations designed to safeguard drinking water drawn from the ground in New York. The RD SGEIS fails to eliminate this exemption even though gas drilling wastewater is documented to contain up to 413,000 parts per million of TDS, 72,600 parts per billion of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the diesel range as well as benzene up to 660 parts per billion. Those pollutant concentrations would vastly exceed applicable GA effluent limitations. For example, benzene is only allowed at one part per billion in permitted groundwater discharges.
6. Ban land-spreading of toxic gas drilling wastewaters. DEC allows gas drilling brine to be spread on land for dust control, roadbed stabilization and melting ice and snow. EPA recommended: "A program must be implemented to properly manage the elevated radionuclide concentrations in the brine to protect the worker health, public health, and the environment." The practice of gas drilling wastewater spreading must be halted.
7. Resolve inadequate DEC staffing problems. The infamous memo that caused DEC Commissioner Grannis to be fired noted: "Many of our programs are hanging by a thread. The public would be shocked to learn how thin we are in many areas;" The memo further noted: "While the risks to human health have already increased due to cuts to certain environmental quality programs, and especially to enforcement activities related to pollution sources, further cuts would result in unacceptable risks to New Yorkers and unacceptable liability for New York State government (emphasis added)." Governor Cuomo cut DEC’s budget in 2011. See:
8. Identify New York areas prone to higher seismic activity and propose measures to prevent earthquakes potentially associated with horizontal hydrofracturing. EPA reported that: "The dSGEIS notes that the State of New York is fairly active seismically. EPA recommends that NYSDEC limit the number of wells in areas of higher seismic activity, or require additional protective measures and monitoring." See:
9. Adopt comprehensive radionuclide standards to safeguard gas drilling workers, public health and the environment. EPA notes that "radionuclide concentrations specified in the DSGEIS represent elevated radionuclide concentrations and need to be handled, managed, and disposed of appropriately to avoid unnecessary exposure to workers, the public, and the environment." EPA also determined that "such concentrations are considered elevated and may pose unacceptable human health risk mainly via external exposure, inhalation of radon and thoron decay products, and to some degree via inadvertent ingestion."
10. Resolve EPA concerns about inadequate protection of Ecosystems and Wildlife. EPA reported: "This section [7.4] is incomplete, and does not account for the changes in the ecosystems in New York State since the preparation of the 1992 GEIS. For example, more animals and plants are on federal and state endangered species lists, habitats of all kinds are more fragmented, invasive species have impacted existing animal and plant populations, and climate change has impacted plant and animal ranges and migrations.”
11. Assess "cumulative impacts" on a comprehensive basis. EPA notes that it is "concerned that cumulative and indirect impacts need to be more thoroughly discussed in the dSGEIS. Even with its generic format, the EIS should discuss the impacts that may result from past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects as well as those impacts associated with drilling and hydrofracturing that may occur later in time and/or further from the immediate project site."
12. Update the 1992 GEIS. EPA notes that it is "concerned that over the past 17 years since the 1992 GElS was written, the 'existing' environment and conditions in New York State have changed sufficiently that using the information from that report as a baseline for the dSGEIS will not take into account the cumulative impacts from habitat fragmentation, population increase, and climate change that may have occurred during that time."
13. Require compliance with a critical EPA policy change regarding air quality assessment. Shortly after the draft SGEIS was released on 9/30/09, EPA adopted a major new policy regarding New Source Review (NSR) and Title V permitting programs pursuant to the Clean Air Act. This reversed the EPA policy in effect when the draft SGEIS was prepared. The new policy changes the requirements for "source aggregation" for air permitting programs. According to a DEC Powerpoint slide: "Since level of aggregation must be case by case, SGEIS cannot provide definitive answers (emphasis added)." See: and
14. Eliminate DEC’s current hazardous waste regulatory exemption for gas drilling wastes and impose strict liability for cleaning up gas drilling pollution hazards.
15. Require the New York State Department of Health to share co-lead agency status with DEC and assess health impacts on a comprehensive basis.
16. Require immediate disclosure of uncontrolled gas drilling pollution releases, establish a dedicated fund to remediate gas drilling hazards and require gas drilling firms to provide financial surety for remediating problems by posting bonds or providing insurance coverage.
The RD SGEIS fails to provide a meaningful plan to safeguard New York from the irreparable harm that could be caused by the vast industrialization associated with Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing. Unless and until DEC resolves its regulatory enforcement problems and addresses the additional concerns documented herein, New York’s de facto moratorium on horizontal hydrofracturing in Marcellus Shale must not be lifted.
We trust that you will find our request self-explanatory. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to your prompt reply.
Very truly yours,
vani akula |
carole sink |
suzanne miyazato |
Diana Osterfeld |
Lauren Martin |
Arlene Senzer |
rj solbach |
Dorothy Regazzi |
Jessica Juliana Fischer-Smith |
Antoni Kolev |
Gloria Pleger |
Patricia Wallace |
James Mccabe |
Ellen Leo |
Greg Mays |
ken kliban |
Fernando De Hoyos |
Michelle Rose |
Mike Piller |
Debra Haimer |
Dalton Dale |
K Wiese |
shelly kornher |
Scott Ian Barry |
Lisa Sirkin |
Richard Ochs |
Elizabeth Hovencamp |
Meghan Genovese |
Sarah Rasmussen |
gail rodgers |
Nora Cosbey |
Whitney Wildman |
luis a. ramos |
Ruth Jensen |
Constantinos Anagnopoulos |
Caryn Sheckler |
Juris Jurjevics |
Susana Diaz |
alexis Greenidge |
Margo Orzel |
Rebecca Stulberger |
Mang Hang Yeung |
Yael Yomtov-Emmanuel |
jane walker |
Gary Siegel |
Mason Young |
Melissa Snyder |
Bette Cassaro |
Christopher Papazoglou |
Vivian Bower |
Chris Jones |
Helen Fehr |
Anastasia Griffith |
Lawrence Shainberg |
Linda Schmidt |
roberta rhodes |
Rich Barkey |
Lydia Bisaillon |
Jocelyn Kahn |
regina axelrod |
Sabahat Kenny |
Maureen Carver |
Lynn VanCox |
Elizabeth Knauer |
Meredyth Holmes |
Lyn Dobrin |
Donna Howard |
Frank Born |
lucie young |
L. Emma Mills |
Jane Manning |
sara hamburger |
Neil C Giannelli |
Frances DiPaulo |
Sam Castner |
maria b hajosy |
Eulene smith |
Nadine Shumway |
Ann Napolitano |
Daniel Dovi |
susan benagh |
Bill Ratcliffe |
Rosalie Gelyon |
steven vasalka |
Bryan Winters |
Alka Shah |
James Steinwachs |
John Hammond |
Irene Lee |
mike moore |
Anne Karle-Zenith |
teresa shaughnessy |
Tammy Colvin |
Lorraine Grems |
Barbara J. Hinds |
Alexis Broben |
Mark Tobey |
nicola moore |
Rick Cheung |
John Hudson |
Karen Arevalo |
Ashala Gabriel |
Alison Clarkson |
Mia R |
Deirdre Armitage |
Esther Gimelfarb |
Dr. Judith Horwitz |
Sally Armstrong |
Amelia nigro |
Phyllis Mollen |
MaryEllen Hecht |
Edith Smith |
michelle morris |
Chuck DeLaney |
Liz Williams |
Daniel Tracy |
Robert Weiner |
lumena atherton |
Susan Wasserman |
Sam DeFazio |
Annea Lockwood |
Maria Ines Hernandez |
Patricia Harris |
Linda Daignault |
Malachi Doane |
Bari Greenfeld |
mary mcammond |
Victoria Ebin |
Shaun Silverwood |
Sean Judge |
Bethany Cordova |
Benjamin McLane |
Kevin Yuhas |
Maxwell Schneider |
Erika Santosuosso |
William McConnell |
Pia Ankar |
Larry Federman |
William Sweeney |
Elizabeth Coffey |
edward pope |
Claudia Lozano |
Amanda Haskin |
Adam Kass |
John Lawyer |
Lindsey Guile |
Courtney O'Rourke |
Minori Kuraoka-Moors |
Joanne Wirth |
Jerry Stoopack |
Paul Lauenstein |
James Barbour |
Jayne Litoff |
Kevin Gallagher |
Manuel Malave |
Marilyn Watson
45 Willow Place
Albertson, NY |
Jason Berger |
Gregory S. Patsis |
William Mikell |
Rebecca Murtaugh |
Nancy Pfau |
David McLane |
Doug Morgano |
Fran O'Donnell |
Katherine Allen |
Tom Woodward |
Ruth Lipton |
debra harden |
Millie Ross |
Charles Lantz |
Tiffany Torre |
Jennifer Jackson |
Jason Schneiderman |
Norman Wilson |
Beth Galton |
Jeffrey Lockwood |
Kathe Kramer |
kathy darch |
Rose Jensen |
Lura Salm |
Zachary Gidding |
Elizabeth Friedman |
Chet Briggs |
Kristin Bergene |
Judith Chasnoff |
justin purtill |
Michael Reid |
Katie Cassolino |
robert gerenski |
Joan Back |
William Fitch |
Connie Clifford |
Richard Clifford |
Joseph Nagel |
Mark Wolgamuth |
Mary Donovan |
Lisa Belisle |
Annie Wells |
Amy Madsen |
Souzin Thau |
robert solheim |
Clyde Friedman |
Drew Lazelle |
Leslie Belsito |
Sandra Rosenbaum |
Joseph Audeh |
David Schwartz |
Rachel Ruderman |
Sarah Sachs |
Alexandra Manuso |
Richard Fahlbusch
9 Sound Beach Road
Bayville, NY |
Ray DesRoches |
saundra friedman |
Jim Wacker |
Laura Schandelmeierl |
Barbara Reed |
John Baker |
Steven Miller |
diane tyson |
Megan Camillo |
Catherine Corbett |
Barbara Burton |
Joseph Teel |
sidonia gross |
Rochelle Persampieri |
Andrea Persampieri |
Terri Guest |
ben moore |
Karen Frishkoff |
Marion Reid |
Robin Greene |
Jerry Gerber |
Dianne Colontino |
Veronica Braun |
sally turkin |
Megan Monteleone |
ann esposito |
Naomi Rossabi |
shakti chris |
Nancy Schulman |
susan mackay |
Phyllis Murakami-Siu |
rachel higgins |
Kyle Edgar |
Bella Salerno |
Eugenia James |
Adam Isaev
2346 Bergen Avenue
Brooklyn, NY |
Alexsander Skrelja
56 Truesdale Drive
Croton on Hudson, NY |
Alice Beekman
1570 Marshall Street
Elmont, NY |
AngŽlica Membreno
205 Floyd Road
Shirley, NY |
Anthony Guastella
4325 Auburndale Lane
Flushing, NY |
Jonathan Lam
127 Ketchams Road
Syosset, NY |
Carol Witkovsky
322 1st Street
Mineola, NY |
Charles Caster-Dudzick
151 Sickles Avenue
Nyack, NY |
Charles Sabella
274 Noel Street
Staten Island, NY |
Colson Gregoire
185 Norfeld Blvd
Elmont, NY |
dana cariddi
91 Robinson Avenue
Staten Island, NY |
Danielle Montanino
800 Morton Avenue
Franklin Square, NY |
Darlene Shumen
637 Plainfield Street
Kingston, NY |
David Yarm
3461 Ocean Avenue
Oceanside, NY |
Denis Denisov
321 Edison Street 2R
Staten Island, NY |
Dominick Magnotta
736 152 Street
Whitestone, NY |
Elizabeth Walsh
63 Harris Road
Katonah, NY |
Fan Chen
214-34 35th Avenue
Bayside, NY |
Frank Gambocorto
8435 Quadrant Lane
Baldwinsville, NY |
Galia Ferraro
125 Grove Street
Mount Kisco, NY |
Greg Schenendorf
136 Reid Avenue
Port Washington, NY |
16 Cornflower Road
Levittown, NY |
James Keegan
17 Newton Avenue
Lynbrook, NY |
Joan Clemen
42 Fowler Road
Cortlandt Manor, NY |
John Davies
23 Maple Street
Irvington, NY |
judy palaferro
583 Henry Street
Brooklyn, NY |
karen argay
32 Schiller Avenue
Huntington Station, NY |
Laura Hansen
14 Park Place
Brooklyn, NY |
Lena LaFleur
31 Beacon Street
Malverne, NY |
Lina Atehortua
3 Rose Avenue
Floral Park, NY |
Linda Herring
5 Orchard Street
Dobbs Ferry, NY |
Lisa Grossman
24 Fishermans Drive
Port Washington, NY |
Mari Di Lena-Kuhn
192 Mountaindale Road
Yonkers, NY |
Marissa Torre
115 Catherine Ave
Franklin Square, NY |
Robert Murtha
8 South Peach St
Bethpage, NY |
michael capobianco
2959 Kinloch Rd
Wantagh, NY |
42 Jackson Drive
Stony Point, NY |
Michael Sauter
302 Senton Avenue
Lynbrook, NY |
Paul Hank
44 Howland Road
East Rockaway, NY |
paul merkelson
43 Park Avenue
Port Washington, NY |
Richard Kling
3 Felix Ct
Baldwin, NY |
63 Finger Street
Saugerties, NY |
Robert Boccone
3350 1 Street
Oceanside, NY |
Rob Doran
10 Brendan Avenue
Massapequa Park, NY |
Robin Goldberg
4 Winter Lane
Huntington Station, NY |
Rosalind Mendell
89 Joyce Road
Hartsdale, NY |
Ryan Malone
2573 Kensington Road
East Meadow, NY |
Shane Zwerman
98 Fairview Avenue
East Meadow, NY |
tamara pearson
2780 Cedar Avenue
Ronkonkoma, NY |
teresa royer
22 Main Street
Lake Grove, NY |
Thomas Oderwald
2104 Randall Avenue
East Meadow, NY |
Thomas Tyson
13 Lacy Court
Blue Point, NY |
Chris Monte
2 Lake Way
Purdys, NY |
Tracy Bruno
1625 Paine Street
Yorktown Heights, NY |
Russ Whitaker
11 Bennette Avenue
Saugerties, NY |
victoria Terrano
46 Elizabeth Drive
Bethpage, NY |
Vito Monti
35 Linden Lane
Farmingville, NY |
Yuko Horio-Scheld
8 Root Street
Cortlandt Manor, NY |
deirdre heim
6 Blackbird Ln
Levittown, NY |
Kevin Ascher
26 Leonard Street
Mount Kisco, NY |
Maria Spizuoco |
Elizabeth Steyngrob |
Sarah Richards |
Michael Scafuri |
Erla Greaves |
Laura Alessi |
Anthony Glyadchenko |
Stephen Walsh |
David Jarembek |
Joan Corser |
Filis Coba |
Jeffrey Mucciolo |
Daniel Kopcow |
paul lotierzo |
James Tan |
Olive Fadda |
Patrick Liang |
Joanne Schenendorf |
karin kalabra |
lorenzo morrison |
linda hope |
Roberte Metellus |
Bill Hampton |
Pamela Inbasekaran |
Jonathan Culler |
jason duncan |
Robert Canzoneri |
Maria Garcia |
John Tyson |
Zoe Lynch |
Frederic Gannon |
philip moy |
Julia Pearlstein |
Thomas LaBarr |
Linda Baldwin |
Mary O'Reilly |
Allison Rutherford |
Roger Schulte |
Yoni FalksonYoniF |
Gianna Savoie |
Joyce Blum |
Isabel Hagen |
Amy Helbock |
Andrew Scully |
Michele Rubin |
Gerald M Kahn |
Eckhard Kuhn-Osius |
ebony chisholm |
Mike S |
Shanda Forbes |
Kevin Naylor |
Louise McKnight |
Pamela Miles |
Ken Courtney |
Ashley Bales |
Emily Morton |
Ann Raimes |
Yunfeng Deng |
jennifer murphy |
Robert Lazar |
Miguel Frasconi |
Jesse Harris |
Susan Bowen |
Anne Schenendorf |
Warren Spaeth |
Maureen Brennan Mercier |
Sandy Erickson |
Keith Crupi |
bari vapnek |
Lance Eggleston |
Alice Blackmon |
Jorge Burgos |
el prager |
Ariel Dickinson |
Oscar Nieves Jr. |
Stephen Nolde |
Marin George |
Maia Fedderly |
Benjamin Florman |
Melissa Sylvester |
Dr Andrew Werney |
Marla Fischl |
Cary Lamb |
susan wannwe |
Jessica Cohen |
Mary Ann Eddy |
Amy Lincoln |
Edward Paulino |
George Franz |
Christine Howard |
bianca indelicato |
Jesslyn Holbrook |
Robin Bell |
Rosemary MacKown |
Jon Crider |
Diana Swinburne |
Alexander Shuhan |
Tom Franciscovich |
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Cody Ann Kimball |
john katsigiorgis |
Brenda Loughery |
Kathryn Groat |
Ronnie Harmon |
Brian Donovan |
Manuel Sanudo |
Timothy Fay |
Dirk Ewers |
Nora Oconnor |
Tom France |
kelly schaeffer |
Daniel Scorse |
Mike McPhee |
glenn lawton |
Sarah Webb |
Audra Del Gaudio |
James Donley |
Marilyn Ries |
LInda Farwell |
Carole Okun |
Joy Macy |
sarah rau |
richard bard |
Herb Greenebaum |
paul weinstein |
eva mistretta |
Marianne Collins |
Shane Preston |
Holly Horne |
Connie Sawyer |
Mary Joan Waid |
Danielle Cregan |
Lisa Putrelo |
Carol Reisner |
Daz Caulton |
patti ratchford |
Eva Jerome |
Gia Machlin |
danielle demopoulos |
Jessica Ward |
Brian Elliott |
debra cole-weber |
Zena Collier Hampson |
jean rath |
aubrie drew |
Eavan Chambliss |
Karen Levine |
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richard jonas |
India Evans |
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Martin Lacatena |
andrea strongwater |
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natalie lukas |
marianne strother |
Emma Lederer |
Lucy Stevenson |
Mike Draper |
Birgitta McAlevey |
Shawn Carey |
Anthony Tuccillo |
Joe Farley |
G E Tyler |
Annette Jennings Bradley |
johanna goodman |
Nelly Bassi |
John Cox |
brian gorlick |
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Seena Frankel |
jack meyer |
michael hurd |
Chandler Webb |
Michael Daley |
Alisa George |
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linda corrado |
kate wirshing |
kate wirshing |
patricia barrett |
cristian cedacero |
Julie Beyer |
Janelle LaCatena |
Susan Piazza |
Lauren Wesp |
jen maloney |
Rima Singer |
L Tryon |