November 2, 2011
Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York
The State Capital
Albany, NY 12224
Dear Governor Cuomo:
We, the undersigned, strongly support safeguarding the environment, public health, natural resources and scenic splendor of New York’s Catskills, Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions. With that goal in mind, we request that you immediately withdraw the Marcellus Shale revised draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (RD SGEIS) in order to resolve the fundamental shortcomings documented herein.
There is a de facto moratorium on horizontal hydrofracturing in New York’s Marcellus Shale pending adoption of a Final SGEIS. The Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) 2009 Draft SGEIS received such withering criticism that Governor Paterson signed Executive Order No. 41 requiring DEC to: “make such revisions to the Draft SGEIS that are necessary to analyze comprehensively the environmental impacts associated with high-volume hydraulic fracturing combined with horizontal drilling, ensure that such impacts are appropriately avoided or mitigated …” On 1/1/11, you signed a “continuation” of that Order.
The RD SGEIS Must Be Withdrawn Due to DEC’s Failure to Fulfill Executive Order No. 41
DEC’s RD SGEIS fails to fulfill the mandate of Executive Order No. 41. First and foremost, it is based on the erroneous assertion that:
“No documented instances of groundwater contamination are recorded in the Department’s files from previous horizontal drilling or hydraulic fracturing projects in New York. No documented incidents of groundwater contamination in public water supply systems were reported by the NYSDOH central office and Rochester district office... References have been made to some reports of private well contamination in Chautauqua County in the 1980s that may be attributed to oil and gas drilling... The reported Chautauqua County incidents, the majority of which occurred in the 1980s and which pre-date the current casing and cementing practices and fresh water aquifer supplementary permit conditions, could not be substantiated because pre-drilling water quality testing was not conducted, improper tests were run which yielded inconclusive results and/or the incidents of alleged well contamination were not officially confirmed.”
This statement is factually incorrect and deliberately misleading. Hundreds of natural gas and oil drilling, hydrofracturing and related problems have reportedly impacted private water wells, homes and the environment in New York. Those problems are documented by DEC as well as health authorities in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties.
Ferrugia’s “Well Documented” Drinking Water Problem “Seemingly Related to Gas Well Development”
For example, DEC is well aware that the Ferrugia family near Jamestown, NY has not been able to drink their well water since 2007 after a gas well was drilled approximately 300 feet from their home. Their water is so polluted that their veterinarian even warned them not to allow their dogs to drink the water. Chautauqua County Health authorities determined: “This is a well documented case showing drinking water impacts that are seemingly related to gas well development.” Yet, DEC has refused to assist this family.
The Ferrugia’s problem directly refutes the RD SGEIS assertions about gas drilling incidents in Chautauqua County because it: a) occurred relatively recently and is on-going; b) was not prevented by DEC regulatory safeguards or gas well drilling and production improvements; c) is documented by pre-drilling and post-drilling drinking water baseline testing and d) was confirmed by local health officials.
See an interview with Mr. David Ferrugia and extensive documents regarding his water well problem at: and
Dave Eddy’s Confirmed Drinking Water Contamination in Andover, NY
The Ferrugias are not the only New Yorkers who reportedly were impacted by inadequate regulation of gas drilling. Mr. Dave Eddy and his family experienced drinking water contamination and gas intrusion into their home, reportedly due to hydrofracturing of nearby gas wells. His water pollution was confirmed by the gas drilling firm. See: and
Recently Reported Natural Gas and Oil Spills Further Document DEC’s Regulatory Shortcomings
DEC's hazardous materials spills database identifies hundreds of on-going failures to clean up oil and gas drilling pollution impacts, including at least 72 recently reported natural gas and oil concerns. See: These problems further document DEC’s regulatory enforcement shortcomings. For example:
POYSA WELL #E1 - 61 BRIGGS HILL ROAD VAN ETTEN, NY, 4/8/2011: EQUIPMENT FAILURE – BRINE – 693 gallons. “Valve on brine tank at closed-in well froze and cracked allowing a release of 16.5 barrels of fairly fresh brine.” Meets Cleanup Standards: NO.
TUSCARORA BRINE APPLICATION – TOWN OF TUSCARORA DIRT ROADS TUSCARORA, NY, 6/21/2010: DELIBERATE – BRINE. “Caller states Town is using brine from gas wells to control dust on dirt roads and are applying it way too heavy causing runoff to ditches and streams. Also concerned about his well and what might be in the brine.” Meets Cleanup Standards: NO.
A total of more than 400 historic natural gas and oil concerns are documented by DEC and local health authorities. These concerns refute DEC’s assertion that gas extraction problems do not exist: and
At Least 16 Additional Reasons Why the RD SGEIS Must be Immediately Withdrawn
In addition to the regulatory enforcement problems noted above, the RD SGEIS must be immediately withdrawn and sent back to the drawing board because it does not resolve key concerns voiced by Region 2 of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), academic researchers, citizens and local officials. It fails to:
1. Afford equal health protection to all New Yorkers living above the Marcellus Shale formation. The RD SGEIS proposes to ban Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing in the New York City and Syracuse watersheds and above State Lands and primary aquifers (at least temporarily). If horizontal hydrofracturing is not allowed in those areas, it cannot be considered “safe” for other areas of New York.
2. Resolve mortgage lending problems associated with gas leasing. The RD SGEIS ignores gas leasing impacts on mortgage lending documented by lenders, including lender reluctance to secure mortgage loans with properties with gas leases; concerns about property valuation and marketability; "set-back" issues regarding the sale of mortgage loans on the "secondary" market and potential voiding of title insurance. See:
3. Assess horizontal hydrofracturing conducted at the same well pad in both Marcellus Shale and underlying Utica Shale. The RD SGEIS does not address this potential practice, but EPA views it as a matter of grave concern. See:
4. Ban gas drilling wastewaters from being discharged into Publicly Owned Treatment Works designed for sanitary waste or adopt strict pretreatment standards. POTWs are not designed, constructed or maintained to remove or break down the high levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), toxic petroleum constituents and radionuclides documented in gas drilling wastewater. EPA reports that shale gas extraction wastewater contaminants may "'pass through' the POTW, causing the POTW to violate its permit, cause 'interference' with the POTW's operation, or contamination of biosolids..." Pennysylvania has banned this practice. EPA has just begun the process of adopting national pretreatment standards for gas drilling wastewaters. See:
5. Ban toxic gas drilling wastewater from being recycled as hydrofracturing or drilling fluid. Gas drilling wastewaters, including "flowback" as well as "brine" or "produced water," are currently exempted from “GA” effluent limitations designed to safeguard drinking water drawn from the ground in New York. The RD SGEIS fails to eliminate this exemption even though gas drilling wastewater is documented to contain up to 413,000 parts per million of TDS, 72,600 parts per billion of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the diesel range as well as benzene up to 660 parts per billion. Those pollutant concentrations would vastly exceed applicable GA effluent limitations. For example, benzene is only allowed at one part per billion in permitted groundwater discharges.
6. Ban land-spreading of toxic gas drilling wastewaters. DEC allows gas drilling brine to be spread on land for dust control, roadbed stabilization and melting ice and snow. EPA recommended: "A program must be implemented to properly manage the elevated radionuclide concentrations in the brine to protect the worker health, public health, and the environment." The practice of gas drilling wastewater spreading must be halted.
7. Resolve inadequate DEC staffing problems. The infamous memo that caused DEC Commissioner Grannis to be fired noted: "Many of our programs are hanging by a thread. The public would be shocked to learn how thin we are in many areas;" The memo further noted: "While the risks to human health have already increased due to cuts to certain environmental quality programs, and especially to enforcement activities related to pollution sources, further cuts would result in unacceptable risks to New Yorkers and unacceptable liability for New York State government (emphasis added)." Governor Cuomo cut DEC’s budget in 2011. See:
8. Identify New York areas prone to higher seismic activity and propose measures to prevent earthquakes potentially associated with horizontal hydrofracturing. EPA reported that: "The dSGEIS notes that the State of New York is fairly active seismically. EPA recommends that NYSDEC limit the number of wells in areas of higher seismic activity, or require additional protective measures and monitoring." See:
9. Adopt comprehensive radionuclide standards to safeguard gas drilling workers, public health and the environment. EPA notes that "radionuclide concentrations specified in the DSGEIS represent elevated radionuclide concentrations and need to be handled, managed, and disposed of appropriately to avoid unnecessary exposure to workers, the public, and the environment." EPA also determined that "such concentrations are considered elevated and may pose unacceptable human health risk mainly via external exposure, inhalation of radon and thoron decay products, and to some degree via inadvertent ingestion."
10. Resolve EPA concerns about inadequate protection of Ecosystems and Wildlife. EPA reported: "This section [7.4] is incomplete, and does not account for the changes in the ecosystems in New York State since the preparation of the 1992 GEIS. For example, more animals and plants are on federal and state endangered species lists, habitats of all kinds are more fragmented, invasive species have impacted existing animal and plant populations, and climate change has impacted plant and animal ranges and migrations.”
11. Assess "cumulative impacts" on a comprehensive basis. EPA notes that it is "concerned that cumulative and indirect impacts need to be more thoroughly discussed in the dSGEIS. Even with its generic format, the EIS should discuss the impacts that may result from past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects as well as those impacts associated with drilling and hydrofracturing that may occur later in time and/or further from the immediate project site."
12. Update the 1992 GEIS. EPA notes that it is "concerned that over the past 17 years since the 1992 GElS was written, the 'existing' environment and conditions in New York State have changed sufficiently that using the information from that report as a baseline for the dSGEIS will not take into account the cumulative impacts from habitat fragmentation, population increase, and climate change that may have occurred during that time."
13. Require compliance with a critical EPA policy change regarding air quality assessment. Shortly after the draft SGEIS was released on 9/30/09, EPA adopted a major new policy regarding New Source Review (NSR) and Title V permitting programs pursuant to the Clean Air Act. This reversed the EPA policy in effect when the draft SGEIS was prepared. The new policy changes the requirements for "source aggregation" for air permitting programs. According to a DEC Powerpoint slide: "Since level of aggregation must be case by case, SGEIS cannot provide definitive answers (emphasis added)." See: and
14. Eliminate DEC’s current hazardous waste regulatory exemption for gas drilling wastes and impose strict liability for cleaning up gas drilling pollution hazards.
15. Require the New York State Department of Health to share co-lead agency status with DEC and assess health impacts on a comprehensive basis.
16. Require immediate disclosure of uncontrolled gas drilling pollution releases, establish a dedicated fund to remediate gas drilling hazards and require gas drilling firms to provide financial surety for remediating problems by posting bonds or providing insurance coverage.
The RD SGEIS fails to provide a meaningful plan to safeguard New York from the irreparable harm that could be caused by the vast industrialization associated with Marcellus Shale horizontal hydrofracturing. Unless and until DEC resolves its regulatory enforcement problems and addresses the additional concerns documented herein, New York’s de facto moratorium on horizontal hydrofracturing in Marcellus Shale must not be lifted.
We trust that you will find our request self-explanatory. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to your prompt reply.
Very truly yours,
M Goldstein
2922 Morgan Drive
Wantagh, NY |
Xenia Lynn Teresa Williams
HeartSoul Ekonomia Institute
2 Steuben Park Ste 2B
Utica, New York |
Anne Furman
P.O. Box 722
Trumansburg, New York |
Cecile Lawrence
Tioga Peace and Justice
14 Alpine
Apalachin, NY |
Bill Nealis
3246 state hwy 51
Morris, New YORK |
Joan Dwyer
Beaver Meadow Road
Cooperstown, NY |
Karen Vaughan
20 Park Street
Cortland, New York |
Karen Biesanz
215 Watauga Av
Corning, NY |
david green
114 taylor road
morris, new york |
Jeanne Curtis
240 School Hill Road
Goshen, CT |
Ron Riddle
235 Harvey Hill Rd
Ithaca,, NY |
Nathan Litwin
513 Valley Road
Brooktondale, NY |
Douglas Ernst
713 Jones Rd
New Berlin, New York |
Peter Exton
Concerned Citizens of the Town of Oneonta
602 East Street
Oneonta, NY |
monteith mccollum
230 brown rd
vestal, ny |
Amanda Byrnes
127 Co. Hwy. 5
Otego, NY |
Amy Anderson
424 West Saugerties Road
Saugerties, New York |
Daniel Auflick
2782 Butts Road
Ashville, NY |
Louise Henrie
417 Second Street
Ithaca, NY |
Linda MacNeill
295 Ocean Parkway
Brooklyn, New York |
Evan Romer
51 Chestnut St
Windsor, NY |
Fay Gougakis
171 East State Street
Ithaca, NY |
Dimitri Levas
108 W Houston Street
New York, New York |
Matthew grady
Stagecoach Coffee
2135 county highway 33
cooperstown, NY |
Mary Lovelace
2504 State Route79
Trumansburg, New York |
Carleen Wilson
2 WhiteTail Lane
Penn Yan, NY |
Roy Bartoo
103 Woodview Ln.
Morris, New York |
Sarah Mansfield
118 West King Road
Ithaca, NY |
Stephan Phillips
210 East Lincoln St
Ithaca, NY |
Dan Ceppa
240 N Harrison St
Johnson City, NY |
Sydney Frankel
704 Hunters Run
Dobbs Ferry, New York |
Lori Jo Siegel
72 Truesdale Drive
Croton on Hudson, Ny |
Donna Biondollilo
73 county route 12
Westtown , NY |
Amanda Donahue
31 McNamara Ave
Binghamton, NY |
Jacqueline Cooperman
CURE, Citizens United for Responsible Evironmentalism
11 Clark Court
Larchmont, New York |
Karen Perna
322 Old Dutch Hollow Rd.
Monroe, NY |
Theresa Yajko
29 Mill St. Apt. 3
Binghamton, NY |
Vickie Smith
52 Orton Ave. Apt.2
Binghamton, New York |
Betsy Wohl
958 Tallow Hill Road
Spencer, New York |
Carolyn Tavares
2192 Mec klenburg Rd
Ithaca, NY |
james stevenson
655 fish rd.
ithaca, ny |
Margot Becker
689 Columbus Avenue, 2H
New York, NY |
Merry Rozzelle
Studio Moon
6124 Routes 5 and 20
Canandaigua, NY |
Margo Alexander
5585 Searsburg Rd
Trumansburg, New York |
Abigail Tavares
2192 Mecklenburg Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Anne Lazarus
524 East 20th St. 2G
New York, New York |
Andrew Tavares
2163 Mecklenburg Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Steven Weissburg
958 Tallow Hill Road
Spencer, New York |
Elijah Wohl
958 Tallow Hill Road
Spencer, New York |
Emily Tavares
2192 Mecklenburg Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Johanna Matte
2418 Mickle Avenue
Bronx, NY |
Lisa Nielson
2820 Mayfield Road, #1
Cleveland Heights, OH |
kaitlin hascup
231 durfee hill rd
ithaca, new york |
James Moomaw
24 Gateway Road
Fairport, New York |
John D. Tavares
2192 Mecklenburg Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Jill Wiener
Po box 198
Callicoon center, NY |
Nancy Corl
7502 Northfield Lane
Manlius, NY |
Heather Tavares
23 Teds Way
Moravia, NY |
Pat Kolesar
949 E. Maine rd
Maine, NY |
meryl young
221 duboise rd
ithaca, n.y. |
Emily Sorel
2498 Slaterville Road
Slaterville Springs, New York |
Peter Mechalke
27 Bradley st
Trumansburg, New York |
Pamela Quattrini
People for a Healthy Environment, Inc.
600 Vista Lake Dr., #203
Candler, NC |
Terrence Cuddy
Cayuga Anti-Fracking Alliance
130 North Street
Auburn, NY |
Timothy Clark
140 Pine Tree Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Charles Izzo
1108 North Cayuga St
Ithaca, NY |
Alan Johnson
Skaneateles Committee on Hydrofracking
59 West Genesee St.
Skaneateles, NY |
Elizabeth O'Brien
PO Box 88
Oneonta, NY |
Bill Ferullo
4834 LeRaysville Rd.
Warren Center, PA |
Michael O'Brien
400 West 23 St.
New York, New York |
sarah Locke
738 Elm St
Ithaca, NY |
Joan Farber
400 West 23 St.
New York, New York |
Richard Andrews
2663 Slaterville Rd
SlatervilleSprings, NY |
Robert Snyder
Sustainable Otsego
739 County Highway 44
Oneonta, NY |
Theresa Evans
ADK; FLT; Sierra Club
131 Rigi Ave
Syracuse, NY |
John W. Tavares
2192 Mecklenburg Road
Ithaca, New York |
Jane Bonacci
71 Snell Rd.
Geneva, NY |
Gary Stephens
9905 Turnpike Road
East Meredith, New York , new York |
Holly Drisler
120 New Virginia Rd
Oxford, NY |
Dorothy Pomponio
Groton Resource Awareness Coalition
206 Elm Street
Groton, New York |
mary boland
121 Moze Lane
milford, ny |
Toby Stover
81 Clove Valley Road
High Falls, NY |
Beverly Singer, MLIS
2 Denton Road
Binghamton, NY |
Susan Van Dolsen
Westchester for Change
29 Highland Rd.
Rye, NY |
Stella Reschke
63 Ballou Road
Owego, NY |
marguerite grindrod
8509 hudson rd.
wayland, ny |
Dave Edwards
Town of Middlefield
Cooperstown, New York |
Adam Law
16 Muriel St
Ithaca, NY |
Mildred Gittinger
1197 South Country Club Drive
Niskayuna, NY |
Diane Stratton Smith
7069 Harder Rd
Hemlock, NY |
colleen runner
4763 west swamp road
stanley, new york |
Jennifer Wilson
P.O. Box 69/2 Calvert St.
Cortland, New York |
Bill Ryan
12 Sandy Lane
Binghamton, N.Y, |
hilda wilcox
6 Pine Blvd
Cooperstown, NY |
Ian Connerty
9 Seneca Street
Trumansburg, New York |
Kathleen Lilley, LCSW
111 Lake St
Ithaca, NY |
Hillary Meyer
10 Ross Lane
Middletown, New York |
jennifer whispell
19 cedar drive
accord, New York |
darin murray
po box 112
lake katrine, new york |
Jan Quarles
7342 Wyers Point Rd
Ovid, NY |
Patrick Knapp
8274 Kellogg St.
Clinton, NY |
Gerri Wiley
19 Lake Street
Owego, NY |
Marian Rose
9 Old Corner Road
Bedford , NY |
Madelyn Glase
38 Old Payne Rd.
Newfield, NY |
Joshua Mandel
11 Marlene Dr.
Albany, New York |
Patrick Heaton
Chenango Lake Property Owners Association
600 Oakwood Street
Fayetteville, NY |
Fran Fulwiler
2124 NE 43rd Ave.
Portland, OR |
Timothy Johnson
187 Creamery Rd
Brooktondale, NY |
Victoria Xlander
3765 Brady Hill Road
Binghamton, New York |
Richard Lewis
4211 State Route 13
Truxton, New York |
Nancy Goehner
PO Box 95
Morris, NY |
Robert Love
770 Elm St Ext #1
Ithaca, NY |
Susan Marks
1772 W Meeting House Rd
Cortland, NY |
Kristine Serbonich
702 Kirkham St
San Francisco, CA |
Lisa Distin
23 Boland Rd.
Binghamton, NY |
Sophy Ginn
501 Westbrook Hills Dr.
Syracuse, NY |
Jack Ramsden
1904 West Colvin Street
Syracuse, New York |
Lauren Mattina
79 oak street
Binghamton, NY |
Peter Gamba
committee to Preserve the finger Lakes
4613 Belknap hill road
branchport, ny |
Christopher Nicoll
240 spisak road
Afton, New york |
Robert Nungesser
7978 Tuttle Road
Prattsburgh, New York |
Julie ByWater
571 Saint John Road
Afton, NY |
Chris Wheeler
7284 Route 13
Sylvan Beach, NY |
Natasha Suter
21 Brooktondale Rd.
Ithaca, NY |
mark venuti
329 white springs road
geneva, NY |
Maggie Block
365 West 25 Street, apt.18B
New York, NY |
Kathleen and Thomas Chase
250 Red House Hill Road
Cooperstown, NY |
Sueane Hemmer Goodreau
633 Ringwood Road
Ithaca, NY |
Michael Distin
23 Boland Rd.
Binghamton, NY |
Nancy Lazarus
63 Howland Road
Spencer, NY |
judith ackerman
636 west end av
nyc, ny |
Ruby Turner
85 Autumn Ridge Circle
Ithaca, NY |
stephen fitzstephens
natalie pelella
po box 8066
kingston, ny |
Catherine Barr
POB 247
Gilbertsville, NY |
Gloria Foster, MSW
3906 Chatham Lane
Canandaigua, New York |
Dennis E. Lauchman
P.O. Box 326
Gilbertsville, New York |
Sally Doty
Afton NY
Afton, NY |
Naomi Teppich
Damascus citizens for sustainability
85 South Street
NY, NY |
Jean Siracusa
35 Charles Street
Auburn, NY |
Vincent Gleason
48 Perry St
Auburn, NY |
Carol McAmis
168 Graham Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Devin McMahon
113 College Ave
Ithaca, NY |
Peter Hudiburg
CDOG Chenango, CCARE, Sustainable Otsego
P.O. Box 61
South Plymouth, New York |
Steven Hatfield
1491 County Hwy. 34
Schenevus, NY |
Walter Aikman
17 Liberty Street
Auburn, NY |
Angelica Palmer
Action Otsego
PO Box 112
Hartwick, NY |
Eva Sarsfield
9 Farview Heights
Utica, NY |
Hugh Seidman Seidman
463 W. St.
NY, NY |
Zoe Chanin
355 South End Ave.
New York, New York |
ann mcgillicuddy
6347 state route 28
phoenicia, ny |
Diane Wald
741 2nd Ave
Kingston, NY |
John Suter
21 Brooktondale Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Cynthia Hsu
4 Elmwood Place
Geneva, New York |
amanda david
rootwork herbals
po box 13
alpine, ny |
Bronwen Mahardy
10 Clarkson Ave- Box 3835
Potsdam, NY |
Angelika Rashkow
Greenough Rd
Cooperstown, NY |
Sandy Wraight
9 Redwood Lane
Ithaca, NY |
James Krivo
8 Bayview Avenue
Beacon, New York |
elizabethanne spiotta
1051 cold brook road
boiceville, ny |
Gretchen Pingel
166 Midland Avenue
Bronxville, NY |
Daniel Broadway
6 Maple Ave
Lansing, NY |
Kathleen Barrett
5055 Van Zandt Rd.
Syracuse, NY |
Kristan Kennedy
3034 Se Yamhill Street
Portland , Oregon |
Leaf Turner
85 Autumn Ridge Circle
Ithaca, NY |
John Bowers
1406 Trumansburg Road
Ithaca, NY |
Devon Roblee
7 Orchard Street
Auburn, NY |
Joseph Bistrovich
4699 Country Club Dr
Syracuse , NY |
Kathleen Taylor
POB 216
Cherry Valley, NY |
Judith Rothenberg
1703 Coddington Rd.
Brooktondale, NY |
Michael Gorr
8 Deer Run
Skaneateles, NY |
Darin Robbins
Green Party
78 Sterling St.
Corning, New York |
Jacqueline Lopez
8 Genung Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Amanda Fraher
74 Nelson St.
Auburn, ny |
Karl Klein
4648 N Tower Rd.
Cincinnatus, NY |
anne ferguson
4573 syracuse rd
cazenovia, ny |
April Gampp
249 goundry
North tonawanda , Ny |
Stephen Taylor
Taylor Drafting
1047 F Street
Salida, CO |
Marianne Krieg
614 S. Plain Street
Ithaca, NY |
Polly Howells
484 First Street
Brooklyn, NY |
Chantelle Daniel
418 Chestnut St.
Ithaca, NY |
Benjamin Oswald
1225 Hinging Post Road
Ithaca, New York |
Diana and Joe Whiting
33 Griffin St.
Skaneateles, NY |
Linda Karl
123 Robinson Stub Rd
Bainbridge, NY |
Daniela Gioseffi and, Green Peace, Sierra Club, etc.
57 Montague St. Apt. 8-G
Brooklyn, New York |
Daniel Otis
OWS, among others
815 North Tioga
Ithaca, NY |
elizabeth path
25 elm ave
homer, ny |
Rachel Dickinson
31 Main Street, P.O. Box 341
Freeville, NY |
James Karl
123 Robinson Stub Rd
Bainbridge, NY |
mary katzenstein
1189 ellis hollow road
ithaca, ny |
Todd Place
79 Kishpaugh Rd
Waverly, NY |
David Kalb
171 Groton Rd
Freeville, NY |
Ian Shapiro
4088 Garrett Road
Ithaca, NY |
Daniel Rapaport
433 Tupper Rd
Newfield, NY |
Anne Klingensmith
41 Muzzy Road
Ithaca, NY |
thomas warner
2513 brookview road
castleton, New York |
Penny J. BEEBE
P.O. 102
Jane Hogg
365 W. 25th St. apt. 4C
New York, New York |
Elisabeth Hegarty
2 Asbury Drive
Ithaca, NY |
Sigrid Kulkowitz
120 East York Street
Ithaca, NY |
Theresa Kalb
171 Groton Rd
Freeville, NY |
Julie Stone
42 Albany Ave.
Johnson City, NY |
Omar Green
306 E. State St
Ithaca, New York |
Christine Milisavljevich
14 Butterfield Road
Richford, NY |
Meredith Palmer
SL Coop.
211 Stewart Ave.
Ithaca, NY |
sally gross
463 west st. 609c
ny, ny |
Amy Peters
45 Harwood Dr E
Glen Cove, NEW YORK |
David Dahle
103 West Yates Street
Ithaca, New York |
Doris Gottschalk-Fielding
1937 Amnaste Lane
Marcellus, NY |
Laurie Roe
108 West Buffalo Street
Ithaca, NY |
Hannah Amsili
409 hanshaw rd
Ithaca, Ny |
Dyan H-Lombardi
P.O. Box P.O. 23
McLean, NY |
Anne Mantey
3045 White Rd.
Moravia, NY |
Anne ProudFire
658 Seward St.
Rochester, NY |
Erin Heaton
Chenango Community Action for Renewable Energy
40 Sarles Street
Armonk, NY |
Andrew Mason
1039 Peck St.
Jefferson, NY |
Kathleen O'Neil
533 Cayuga Heights Road
Ithaca, NY |
Michael Goldstein
28 Cemetery Lane
Mc Lean, NY |
Susan Parmenter
79 Wheaton Road
Erin, NY |
Ronald Olander
3202 Derry St
Harrisburg, PA |
Mark Pezzati
56 Mayer Road
Andes, New York |
James Ross
163 Magic Carpet Lane
Ridgway, CO |
Mary Guzzy
1Catherine Drive
Corning, NY |
bernie handler
Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
30 delaware ave
damascus, pa |
Kay Olan
34 Clubhouse Drive
Saratoga Springs, NY |
Jennifer Brickley
1357 State Highway 51
Gilbertsville, NY |
Ellen Harrison
2050 Ellis Hollow Road,
Ithaca, NY |
Barbara Tiffany
3715 Shingle Point Road
Himrod, NY |
Nina Kethevan
250 Dubois Road
Ithaca, New York |
Eve Sicular
521 East 12th St
New York, NY |
Katharine Lloyd
435 Greenough Rd
Cooperstown, NY |
Denise Evans
344 Big Island Rd
Florida, NY |
Helena Cooper
1002 N. Cayuga Street
Ithaca, NY |
cristian graca
663 cattail rd
livingston manor, new york |
Barnie graca
663 cattail rd
livingston manor, new york |
Jennifer Bergen
663 cattail rd
livingston manor, new york |
Jillian Rejman
53 Grant Street
Auburn, NY |
Tammy Reiss
Working family
181 Wilbur hill Road
Unadilla, N.Y. |
Barbara Schiesser
Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association
4986 Apple Road Extension
Dundee, New York |
Devin Henry
2593 E River Rd
Nichols, NY |
Emoretta YANG
40 Mill St
Lansing, NY |
Bruce Guyot
165 Goose St
Fly Creek, NY |
Greg Towne
PO Box 173
Henrietta, NY |
Doug Couchon
109 Foster Avenue
Elmira, NY |
ruth klein
99-24 63 Ave
Flushing, NY |
Mary Berke
31 Birch St.
West Hurley, NY |
Mary anne Kowalski
Seneca lake pure waters Pp
5733 lake hill drive
Romulus, Ny |
Michael Collis
605 MIldred ave
venice, ca |
Cynthia Hale
67 w first
Corning, Ny |
Sheila Geist
100 LaSalle st.
NYC, N.Y. |
danielle clark
140 pine tree rd
ithaca, NY |
Althea Farrell
2071 County Highway 39
Worcester, New York |
calin riffle
114 smith hughes road
narrowsburg , ny |
jane meader
59 palmear rd
freeville, NY |
ed haffmans
Frack Free Catskills
425 Co. Rt 2
accord, ny |
Jane Tolomello
21 FairGround Rd
Dallas, PA |
Joshua Turner
4400 Vestal Parkway East
Vestal, New York |
Donald W Argus jr
2411 E Calhoun St
Seattle, WA |
Timothy Quigley
221 E. 18th Apt. 6J
Brooklyn, NY |
James Redden
11754 SE Pine St.
Portland, OR |
warren marr
739 Oquaga Lake Rd
Deposit, NY |
Carol Akin
Otsego County Conservation Association
6539 Highway 80
Cooperstown, New York |
Dr. Marybeth Carlberg
783 Franklin St.
Skaneateles, NY |
Peter Bianco
Hydro Relief Web
190 Clinton Road
New Hartford, NY |
chri fontana
707 n tioga
ithaca, ny |
Duckett farms
Kathy Shimberg
Box 562
Mt. Vision, NY |
Alan Peckenpaugh
8116 searsburg rd
Trumansburg, Ny |
Michael Rider
1530 Ellis Hollow Road
Ithaca, New York |
Sarah Sands
PO Box 63
Gilbertsville, NY |
Herbert Witzen
1710 2nd Ave
New York, NY |
Joshua Maizel
120 Davis Ln
Red Bank, NJ |
Jenna Gillespie
113 Crescent Place
Ithaca, NY |
thor oechsner
1045 trumbulls corners Rd
newfield, ny |
Eleanor Dozier
11 Benjamin Hill Rd.
Newfield, NY |
MargaretAnn Bowers
Truth Reconciliation and Account Ability
433 N Geneva St.
Ithaca, New York |
Brian Webb
196 Williamsburg Court. Albany. NY. 12203
Albany, NY |
Melissa Tuckey
232 Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, NY |
Sara Schaffzin
313 Utica Street
Ithaca, New York |
Starke Donnally
141 Clarke Street
Syracuse, New York |
Melissa Stephenson
77 Peruville Road
Lansing, NY |
Brenda West
2805 Hall St
Endwell, NY |
Lisa Sanfilippo
1108 N Cayuga St
Ithaca, Ny |
Lawrence West
2805 Hall St
Endwell, NY |
Margaret Cook
7 Elm St.
Brooktondale, NY |
Allen Carstensen
23 Strowbridge St
Trumansburg, NY |
Dorothy Mermin
75 Hickory Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Stuart Greenfield
60 Johnson Road
Stone Ridge, NY |
Dorothy Tang
423 Beaver Meadow Road
Cooperstown, New York |
Duane Diviney
230 Valley Road
Ithaca, New York |
Nadine Hoover
Conscience Studio
90 W University St.
Alfred, NY |
Kirk Klingensmith
Twin Tiers Five Rivers, Federation of Fly Fishers
2461 Morrcrest Drive
Corning, NY |
Sue Schwartz
109 Maplewood Road
Ithaca, New York |
walter riesen
653 county highway 40
charlotteville, ny |
Paul Anderson
217 Bartlett Ave
Liverpool , N.Y. |
Edith Buffalohead
310 E Main St
Frankfort , NY |
Mary Beth OConnor
119 Middaugh Road
Brooktondale, NY |
Patricia Duncan
Roseboom Owners Awareness Response
PO Box 16
Roseboom, New York |
Jason Zorn
1739 Slaterville Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Glen Zeeck
6 Laurel Woods Drive
Blairstown, New Jersey |
Akhtar Ehtisham
Bath Peace
7124 Snyder road
Bath, N.Y. |
David Kramer
406 N Cayuga St
Ithaca, NY |
Shelly Gage
276 Dingman Hill Rd
Bainbridge, NY |
Cathy McNulty
464 Vandervort Hill Rd
Unadilla, NY |
Michelle Sutton
499 State Route 299
Highland , NY |
Taryn Hubbard
142 Giles St.
Ithaca, NY |
Iva Lesky
127 Westview Lane
Ithaca, NY |
James Trondsen
11 Dogwood Lane
Painted Post, New York |
Stephen Keast
PO Box 105, Hurd Rd
Slaterville Springs, NY |
Rachel Lodder
1045 Trumbulls Corners Rd.
Newfield, NY |
Paul Tobin
Caretaker Society
215 moonhaw rd
West Shokan, NY |
Karen Friedeborn
877 Bostwick Rd.
Ithaca, NY |
Linda Wiley
25 1/2 Elm Ave
Homer, NY |
Matthew Cooper
7 Valley View Road
West Danby, New York |
Beth Cuddy
Cayuga Anti-Fracking Alliance
130 North St.
Auburn, NY |
John Friedeborn
877 Bostwick Rd.
Ithaca, NY |
bryant peters
233 w 19th st. #1re
ny, ny |
judith paskin
881 bostwick road
ithaca, ny |
Suzanne Redonnet Parker
2232 State Route 14 North
Geneva, NY |
Marie Burns
2409 Slaterville Road
Slaterville Springs, New York |
Todd Eichas
1138 Travis Rd
Penn Yan, NY |
Ronald Kuriloff
130 Norwood Avenue
Malverne, New York |
Dr. Richard Bower
4355 Cross Creek Drive
Liverpool, NY |
Barbara Dominie
3378 Pine hill Road
Marathon, NY |
Patricia Eakins
Fiction Writer
116 Pinehurst Avenue
New York, NY |
Elizabeth Cobb
136 Crescent Pl
Ithaca, NY |
Hope Zaccagni
1435 Waterwells Rd.
Alfred Station, NY |
Peter Reese
49 Starin Avenue
Buffalo, New Yor |
Michael Dineen
Back To Democracy
7342 Wyers Point Rd
Ovid, NY |
taylor price
Cayuga Anti-Frack Alliance
28 grover st
auburn, ny |
Theodore Jones
NYS Resident
109 D Danby Road
Willseyville, NY |
Rick Bonney
357 Decker Hill Road
Newfield, NY |
julien koschmann
705 ringwood road
ithaca, NY |
Gretchen Hildreth
519 Willow Ave
Ithaca, Ny |
leon beach
12 myrtle ave
oneonta, ny |
Andrea Torradi
1250 hinging post road
Ithaca, New York |
gregory crowell
166 phoenix mills cross rd
cooperstown, ny |
Richard Horridge
Po box 198
Callicoon center, NY |
Michael Empey
3962 St. Hwy. 23
W. Oneonta, NY |
Erin Edwards
1857 County Rte 10
Ancram, NY |
Bruce and Linda Smith
265 Merrill Creek Rd.
Marathon, NY |
beryl conklin
5706 McPherson Pt
Barbara McDowell
10 MacIntosh Lane
horseheads, NY |
Sarah McNaull
2521 West Danby Road
West Danby, NY |
Saralinda Lobrose
122 East Main St.
Plainfield, Ma |
John Burnside
1464 county highway 18
South New Berlin, NY |
Carol Marion
55 N. Applegate Rd.
Ithaca, New York |
Geo Kloppel
227 Tupper Rd
Spencer, NY |
Katherine Hanna
210 Eddy Street
Ithaa, NY |
Patricia Stoiko
19 Washington St.
Trumansburg, N.Y. |
darlene abajian
field miller road
otego, ny |
NANCY DiPace Pfau
597 State Highway 20
Sharon Springs, NY |
Steve Gabriel
Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
175 Leonard Rd
Newfield, NY |
Vincenzo Verrelli
Hinsdale Avenue
Floral Park, NY |
Larri Richmond
1139 Ellis Hollow Rd.
Ithaca, NY |
Jo Ellen del Campo
43 Hillcrest Drive
Alfred, NY |
Larry Wallace
1139 Ellis Hollow Rd.
Ithaca, NY |
Stefan Czapsky
464 Vandervort Hill Rd.
Unadilla , New York |
Patricia Urban
72 Trout Brook Road
Roscoe, NY |
john harrison
advocates of springfield
294 hoyer rd
east springfield, ny |
Karen Robinson
2534 Rt. 215
Cortland , New York |
Carol Henderson
225 Rachel Carson Way
Ithaca, New York |
julie kulik
Earth Arts Ithaca
bald hill rd
Spencer, ny |
Margaret Sutton
878 W. Elizabeth St.
Skaneateles, New York |
Trisha Koomen
297 spring st
Avon, Ny |
Laurie Raba
405 Utica Street
Ithaca, New York |
Carol Heaton
121 N. Broadway,22D
White Plains, NY |
Patricia Lia
227 Tupper Rd
Spencer, NY |
maria koomen
spring street
avon, ny |
Tyler Smart
693 County Route 10
Pennellville, NY |
Stephen Emlen
119 Eastlake Road`
Ithaca, New York |
Julie Biehn
208 Limekiln Rd
Inlet, NY |
Lawrence Ahenakew
17 Amy Lane
New Windsor, NY |
Cynthia Johnson
62 W. Main Street
Bainbridge, NY |
Christine carreiro
111 N. Quarry St.
Ithaca, NY |
Samantha Gallup
402 W. Yates St Upper
E. Syracue, NY |
Anna Cook
68 Van Dorn Rd. N.
Ithaca, NY |
Timothy O'Hara
Rancho Mastatal Sustainable Living Center
4013 Franklin Place
Vestal, NY |
Josh Dolan
Gardens 4 Humanity, Occupied Ithaca Journal
438 N. Geneva St.
Ithaca, NY |
Dennis Metnick
355 Hill Rd
Margaretville, NY |
Laurene Gilbert
656 Five Mile Dr
Ithaca, NY |
Heidi Stanton
Addvocates for Morris
18 Mill St. PO Box 366
Morris , NY |
Candace Cornell
1456 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca, NY |
Brenda Smith
620 Central Chapel Road
Brooktondale, NY |
Mary Beltzer
44752 Sargent River Rd.
Sargent, Nebraska |
Anthony Morris
8450 Gallagher Road
Hammondsport, NY |
Andrew Fowler
2334 Turk Hill Rd
Victor, NY |
Ronald Kenigson
116 Cascadilla Ave
Ithaca, NY |
Frederick Schminke
432 Sprout Brook Rd.
Garrison, New York |
Jane Higgins
Friends of Butternuts
60 Bloom St.
Gilbertsville, NY |
sara shinbach
po 474
phoenicia, ny |
Jeffrey Moore
29 Head Rd
Callicoon, NY |
Theresa Walsh
74 Mary Street
Auburn , NY |
Mary Herbst
3258 East River Road
Grand Island, New York |
Florence Carnahan
Concerned Burlington Neighbors
5626 State Highway 51
Burlington Flats, NY |
Sharon Walsh
78 Cherry St
Geneva, NY |
Rob Cook
68 Van Dorn Rd. N.
Ithaca, NY |
Jerry Fong
672 Backer Road
Beaver Dams, New York |
Margaret Jefferds
6 Erie Avenue
Almond, New York |
Robert Sawchuk
20 Calico Tree Road
Hauppauge, New York |
Donald Jefferds
6 Erie Avenue
Almond, New York |
Nancy Koschmann
705 Ringwood Road
Ithaca, NY |
Nathan Richardson
519 Willow Avenue
Ithaca, New York |
Cindi Girard
3500 Watson Blvd.
Endwell, New York |
Rae Urban
3440 Dolphin Dr.
Blasdell, NY |
Michael Roberts
146 Pearsall Pl.
Ithaca, New York |
richard tiffany
3715 shingle point rd.
himrod, ny |
Phyllis Erwin
3047 West Henrietta Road
Rochester, NY |
Tracie Moore
204 Vardon St.
Liverpool, NY |
Dawn Willis
1883 Kohne Road
Dryden, New York |
Adam Perl
118 Auburn St
Ithaca, NY |
maria concilio
500 Hillside Terrace
south Orange, nj |
Laurie Shaver
147 Connecticut Hill Road
Newfield, NY |
Alanna Rose
Sustainable Otsego
156 Talbot Rd
West Winfield, NY |
Meridith Glabman
1009 County Route 11
Craryville, NY |
Eric Bopp
418 chestnut St
Ithaca, Ny |
Michael Twomey
16 John St.
Ithaca, NY |
Kelly Makosch
98 Gunderman Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Gita Devi
Gas Free Seneca
2475 Altay Road
Rock Stream, NY |
Enid Press
114 Franklin Ave., Unit 10
New Rochelle, NY |
Susan Kyser
113 Nelson Road
Ithaca, NY |
Andrew Goodell
1249 trumansburg rd
Ithaca, NY |
Sarah Reid
105 Sheldon Road
Ithaca, New York |
Robert Golden
Republican, Catholic, Holy Family Parish(Albion, NY), Social Justice Committee, Member of Diocesan Peace and Justice Commission, Past Chair of Pres. Reagan's Migrant health Advisory Committee'e
1750 Kent Rd
Kent, New York |
Susanne Lipari
Hecor Clean Waters
3991 Rt. 228
Alpine, NY |
Harvey McLain
11277 White Road
Cato, NY |
Caroline Glenn
2931 Marlin Rd #534
Bryn Athyn, PA |
John del Campo
43 Hillcrest Drive
Alfred, NY |
Anne Stork
24 Gilbert Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
ithaca, ny |
Chris Hoton
467 Trumbulls Corners Road
Newfield, NY |
Brian Dozoretz
308 Lake Avenue
Ithaca, NY |
Kalika Stern
75 Timberhill Lane, S. Fallsburg, NY 12779
S. Fallsburg, NY 12779, NY |
Lynne Wiley
7288 Silver Hill Path
Victor, New York |
Janet Bruno
82 Rockwell Street
Harrison, New York |
George Carter
62 Sterling Pl
Brooklyn, NY |
charles hooper
1857 trumansburg road
trumansburg, new york |
Rita Jongen
247 Rutgers Street
Rochester, NY |
Margaret Furino Golden
1750 Kent Rd
Kent, New York |
John Bruno
82 Rockwell Street
Harrison, New York |
Patti Duquette
PO Box 256
Bath, NY |
Carol Clarke
91 German Cross Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Megan Marks
4635 East Valley Rd.
Andover, NY |
Thomas Butler
476 Van Ostrand Rd.
Groton, NY |
Elizabeth McMahon
383 Ferguson Rd.
Freeville, New York |
Andy Mager
2013 E. Genesee St.
Syracuse, NY |
sherry eaton
116 washington st
binghamton, new york |
Gary Genetti
74 Walling Rd
Warwick, NY |
Joan McKiernan
10 Deer Lake Road
Windsor, NY |
Andra Leimanis
2831 LaFayette Road
LaFayette, NY |
Holly Payne
398 Ellis Hollow Creek Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Ann Harch
2 White Church Rd
Brooktondale, NY |
Chaeles Michael Norton
20 North Moore St
New York, New York |
Jon DeCoste
132 Crescent PL
Ithaca, NY |
Bonnie Logan, MA
3199 Grenell Road
Middle Grove, NY |
Frederick bays
3283 potter rd
troupsburg, NY |
John W. Parana
323 Mill Street
Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania |
Susan Kendrick
1228 Ellis Hollow Road
Ithaca, NY |
Adrienne Sosin
100 BEEKMAN ST. #23D
New York, New York |
Helen Cotton
317 Savage Farm Drive
Ithaca, United States |
David Christie
227 Bone Plain Road
Freeville, NY |
Hayley Corson-Rikert
303 Winthrop Drive
Ithaca, NY |
Cal Mendelsohn
80 Prospect avenue
Nanuet , NY |
David Werier
30 Banks Rd.
Brooktondale, New York |
Martha Cameron
696 President Street
Brooklyn, NY |
Anna Kukekova
1143 Easy Shore Dr., Apt.N
Ithaca, NY |
Jeffrey Wood
33 Genung Circle
Ithaca, New York |
kathryn Kennedy
163 swiss hill rd. n2
Kenoza Lake, NY |
Joan Martorano
9 Wodell Street
Beacon, NY |
Ritamarie Weigand
247 Woods Rd.
N. Babylon, NY |
William Marx
1605 Old Manor Drive
Derby, New York |
Ellen Baer
247 DuBois Rd
Ithaca, NY |
Jessica Hemingway
17 North Church Road
Lacona, New York |
Wendy Babiak
1004 Highland Rd.
Ithaca, NY |
Robert Lipari
3991 Rt. 228
Alpine, NY |
12 stage road
westhampton, MA |
Michele Farwell
643 county hwy 8
Morris, NY |
Wendy Wakula
377 Hunts Corners Road
Marathon, NY |
Theresa Johnson
511 County road 9
Chenango Forks, Ny |
Bill Kuebel
1406 E Ridge Rd
Rochester, NY |
Susan Terwilliger
136-19 58th Ave
Flushing, NY |
Mary Bergen
23 Wells Ave
Hartwick, NY |
David Johnson
511 County road 9
Chenango Forks, Ny |
Martin Steinhauser
15 Birch Ln
Fairport, NY |
Amanda Maartinez
3 Washington Square village, apt. 16A
New York, New York |
E. William Terwilliger
620 Elm Street Ext
Ithaca, NY |
Judith Raskin Rosenthal
525 West End Ave.
New York, New York |
Gail Flanery
1137 Hedgewood Lane
Niskayuna, NY |
Elizabeth Terwilliger
620 Elm Street Ext
Ithaca, NY |
Giorgi Upton
Aurora St.
Ithaca, NY |
Katherine Gottschalk
174 Sodom Road
Ithaca, New York |
Marianne Gagnier
151 Driggs Avenue, Apt. 1R
Brooklyn, NY |
Jeffrey Saeli
17 Park Street
Moravia, NY |
Paige Smith
205 Jones Rd
Oxford, NY |
Pamela Sargent
15 Crannell Avenue
Delmar, NY |
Deborah Merritt
432 anywhere
Anywhere, CA |
Susan Robinson
772 Bostwick Road
Ithaca, NY |
Rachel Bean, PhD
25 Tiger Lily Lane
Ithaca, NY |