12/27/12 |
Government Officials Request that Governor Cuomo Require Public Participation for DOH Review/Assessment |
11/29/12 |
Coalition Letter To Governor Cuomo Requests Termination of DEC Shale Gas Rulemaking Proposal as well as a Restart of SGEIS Proceeding |
05/10/12 |
New Coalition Letter to Governor Cuomo: Oppose a Possible Southern Tier Fracking Demonstration Project and Require Full Enforcement of Executive Order No. 41 |
11/01/11 |
Coalition Letter to Governor Cuomo to Withdraw RD SGEIS |
01/03/11 |
Coalition Letter to Governor Cuomo Regarding Executive Order No. 41: Requiring Further Environmental Review of High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Combined With Horizontal Drilling |
11/13/09 |
Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Paterson Withdraw the Department of Environmental Conservation's Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (dSGEIS) for Oil and Gas Mining |