08/10/18 |
Happy Fractivist Thanksgiving |
08/10/18 |
Important Day Looming/Tale of Two Cities/Live and Learn |
08/10/18 |
What All of Our Hard Work Has Achieved/New York Could Soon be the First State in the Union to Halt All Fossil Fuel Production |
08/10/18 |
Thank You for All Your Generous Support/Please Help Toxics Targeting End New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuels |
08/10/18 |
Take Urgent Action to Require Town of Dryden Officials to Halt the Borger Compressor Station Expansion by Enforcing Local Regulatory Requirements and a Public Utility Approval Moratorium |
08/10/18 |
Demand That Dryden Supervisor Jason Leifer Immediately Enforce the Town's Public Utility Approval Moratorium Regarding Dominion New Market Pipeline/Accept No Excuses/Promise to Remember in November |
08/10/18 |
Beat the Bushes for More Signatories/Dryden Public Utility Approval Moratorium Could Stop Dominion New Market Expansion of the Borger Compressor Station |
08/10/18 |
Urgent Alert to Require the Town of Dryden to Enforce Its Own Public Utility Approval Moratorium for Dominion New Market Expansion of the Borger Facility |
08/10/18 |
WE DID IT!!!!!! /Town of Dryden Announces Suspension of Local Approvals for Dominion New Market Pipeline and Will Require a Special Use Permit Proceeding for Borger Compressor Station |
08/10/18 |
Pour It On. Take Immediate Action to Require Dryden Town Supervisor Jason Leifer to Halt Dominion New Market Pipeline |
08/10/18 |
5/1/17 Atlantic Bridge Pipeline Approval is a Cautionary Tale/We Are Down to the Nitty Gritty in Our Efforts to Halt Dominion New Market Pipeline |
08/10/18 |
Take Urgent Action to Halt Dominion New Market Pipeline/Demand That the Town of Dryden Withdraw All Local Approvals and Require Governor Cuomo to Revoke the SPPP |
08/10/18 |
Thanks to Everyone Who Attended the Amazing Dominion Energy Public Meeting on May 1, 2017/Take Urgent Action to Stop the Proposed Expansion of the Borger Compressor Station on Ellis Hollow Creek Road in Dryden, NY |
08/10/18 |
Calling All Fractivists/Show up at a Crucial Dominion Energy Public Meeting on May 1, 2017 to Stop the Proposed Expansion of the Borger Compressor Station on Ellis Hollow Creek Road in Dryden, NY |
08/10/18 |
Thanks to One and All Who Helped Stop Northern Access Pipeline/Read the Enthralling Section 401 Water Quality Certification Denial Letter |
08/10/18 |
Another Hugely Important Interstate Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Kill/Thanks and Congrats to Everyone Who Helped Thwart Northern Access Pipeline |
08/10/18 |
More Important Information to Require the Town of Dryden and Governor Cuomo to Revoke all Approvals for the Proposed Expansion of the Dominion New Market Borger Compressor Station |
08/09/18 |
Time is of the Essence: Keep Calling and Writing to Kill Newly Requested Wetland and Waterway Protection Variances for Dominion New Market Pipeline |
08/09/18 |
08/08/18 |
New Campaign to Require Governor Cuomo to Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Pipelines, Power Plants, Compressor Stations is Off to a Stupendous Start |
08/08/18 |
Take Immediate, Urgent Action to Require Governor Cuomo to DENY the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the Constitution Pipeline |
08/08/18 |
New Pipeline Safety Oversight Audit by State Comptroller Confirms Widespread Natural Gas Hazards Documented in Toxics Targeting's Compilation of 114 Pipeline Explosions, Fires, Ruptures and Toxic Releases |
08/08/18 |
Keep Calling Governor Cuomo to Request That He Deny the Section 401 WQC for the Proposed Constitution Pipeline/More Press Coverage/Ugly FB Debate/Where We Stand |
08/07/18 |
Congrats on Another Glorious Day in New York Without Shale Fracking/More News Coverage for our Dominion New Market Pipeline and Crestwood Gas Storage Campaign Efforts |
08/07/18 |
How Far We Have Come/Keep Calling and Writing Governor Cuomo to Kill Dominion New Market and Crestwood Gas Storage/More Important News Very Shortly |
08/07/18 |
Another Stunning Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Victory in NYS/Crestwood's Proposed Arlington Methane Gas Storage Project Bites the Dust/Seneca Lake Not Yet Protected From Proposed LPG Fossil Fuel Storage Project |
08/07/18 |
Fire, Explosion and Illegal Toxic Wastewater Discharge Hazards Documented at LPG Storage Facility in Bath, NY/Take Action to Protect Seneca Lake from LPG Contamination Threats |
07/17/18 |
Proposed Finger Lakes/Crestwood LPG Gas Storage Facility in Reading, NY is DEAD/Governor Cuomo Fulfilled our Requests to DENY a Critical Gas Storage Permit/Fractivists Help Safeguard Seneca Lake |
07/17/18 |
Thanks For All Your Kind Words/Check Out an Excruciatingly Detailed After-Action Report on the Crestwood Gas Storage Battles in Reading, NY |
07/11/18 |
Deluge Governor Cuomo With Calls to Require Him to DENY the Gas Storage Permit Requested for the Proposed LPG Facility in Reading, NY on Seneca Lake |
07/10/18 |
Proposed LPG Salt Cavern Storage Leakage Concerns Near Seneca Lake Reported to DEC Circa 2011!!! / DEC Inexplicably Failed to Require an LPG Salt Cavern Leakage Study to be Conducted Immediately |
05/25/18 |
Urgent Crestwood Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Storage Action Alert/Require Governor Cuomo to DENY a Critical Gas Storage Permit In Order to Protect Seneca Lake |
11/01/17 |
Please Take Urgent Action TODAY to Halt Salt Mining Under Cayuga Lake in Order to Safeguard Drinking Water for More Than 30,000 Residents |
09/27/17 |
URGENT ACTION ALERT: Require Governor Cuomo to Eliminate Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms Which Threaten Drinking Water Sources for More Than 300,000 New Yorkers |
07/26/17 |
Take Action to Require Governor Cuomo to Protect Incomparable Cayuga Lake From Salt Mining Pollution Threats |
04/25/17 |
New Initiative to Require Governor Cuomo to Fulfill DEC's Onerous ExxonMobil Contamination Clean Up Pledge/Congrats on Your Hard-Won Praise |
03/27/17 |
Keep Writing and Calling to Require the Town of Dryden to Withdraw all Local Approvals for the Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion of the Borger Compressor Station/Hold Governor Cuomo Accountable |
03/22/17 |
Front-Page Coverage for Our Dominion New Market Campaign/Take Action to Require the Town of Dryden to Avoid Borger Compressor Station Pollution Problems It Acknowledged to Governor Cuomo |
03/20/17 |
FERC Grants Dominion New Market Pipeline Wetland and Waterbody Protection Variances/We Must Now Require the Town of Dryden and Governor Cuomo to Enforce Critical Local and State Environmental Safeguards |
03/09/17 |
Town of Dryden Supervisor Writes FERC to Oppose Granting Dominion's Requested Wetland/Waterbody Protection Variances and Notice to Proceed Until the Concerns We Documented Are Resolved |
03/06/17 |
Town of Dryden Dominion New Market Pipeline Campaign Update/Nothing Has Yet Been Resolved/We Are Moving Political Mountains But We Must Keep Pushing Hard |
03/01/17 |
Keeping Calling and Writing the Town of Dryden Board to Make Sure That Dominion New Market Pipeline Cannot Proceed |
02/28/17 |
Take Action to Persuade the Town of Dryden to Suspend or Withdraw Local Approvals for the Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline |
02/28/17 |
We Are Still Batting 1.000 to Kill All Proposed Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Projects, At Least for Now/Pour it on/We are Hanging by a Thread |
02/05/17 |
Take Urgent Action to Kill Newly Requested Wetland and Waterway Protection Variances for Dominion New Market Pipeline |
01/24/17 |
12/21/16 |
Take Action Today to Require President Obama to Make Sure That Donald Trump Cannot Frack America |
12/20/16 |
Take Urgent Action Today to Stop Donald Trump From Fracking America |
12/16/16 |
Update on Your Incredibly Powerful Personalized Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Moratorium Letters |
12/15/16 |