I trust that all Fractivists are still basking in the glow of thwarting National Fuel's proposed $455 Million Northern Access fracked gas pipeline in Western New York. See below a nice note from an activist in Pendleton who helped carry the fight and appreciates our assistance.
Thank You For Supporting Toxics Targeting's Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Campaign
Many thanks, again, to everyone who helped win this stupendous victory.
In the entire nation, I believe that only two interstate gas pipelines conditionally approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) have ever been stopped. With your unstinting help, Toxics Targeting's Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Campaign played an instrumental role in killing BOTH of those pipelines dead in their tracks: Constitution Pipeline almost a year ago and Northern Access just now.
Before our campaign got underway on 12/17/15, activists in New York were unable to halt any proposed fracked gas pipelines (Spectra, AIM) or power plants (CPV, Cricket Valley). Not-In-My-Backyard campaigns as well as other environmental organizing and legal challenge strategies all fell short.
Our 15-month, 24/7 campaign packs a unique wallop because Toxics Targeting brings more than 40 years of professional political organizing and policy advocacy experience to this fight. Thank you for assisting our relentless efforts to safeguard New York from shale fracking and all proposed fossil fuel infrastructure projects.
Read the Northern Access Section 401 Water Quality Certification Denial Letter
I write today to invite you to peruse the wonderful letter which fulfilled our request that Governor Cuomo DENY the Section 401 Water Quality Certification required for the Northern Access Pipeline to be built. In turn, this resulted in denials of requisite wetland and stream disturbance permits.
You will immediately appreciate that this decision's language and legal underpinnings address the exact linchpin issues which we have hammered since the launch of our campaign. We have never deviated from that single-minded focus and it has paid off.
Best of all, the bottom line is that the Governor did what we asked: DEC 4/7/17 Denial of Northern Access Pipeline Section 401 Water Quality Certification Request
Implementation of Our Sophisticated Strategy
We have consistently requested that Governor Cuomo not issue Section 401 Water Quality Certifications for proposed fracked gas infrastructure projects because he cannot certify that they will not cause water quality violations. As a result, he cannot comply with the U. S. Clean Water Act.
In order to support our request, we documented that New York failed to prevent nearly 150 massive explosions, fires and uncontrolled pollution releases at existing pipelines, gas storage facilities and compressor stations. We also revealed that resulting water pollution violations were often never cleaned up to state standards.
In the case of Northern Access, Toxics Targeting detailed National Fuel's inadequate environmental compliance record using New York's own data: DEC-Reported National Fuel Spills
Our advocacy efforts were underscored by legions of sophisticated Fractivists. The Second Floor was bombarded with your phone calls. The Governor received thousands of your poignant, personalized letters which echoed our request that he adopt a moratorium on all fossil fuel infrastructure project approvals.
Many of the most powerful State Legislators in the Capitol supported our moratorium request. Please thank them for their valiant stand: Legislators Sign-on Letter Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals
In order to keep batting 1.000, we must use the Northern Access decision to full advantage. We must crank up the heat to require the Town of Dryden and Governor Cuomo to REVOKE the fatally flawed Dominion New Market Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and all other approvals required for the proposed project.
Pendleton and other communities in Western New York battled Northern Access Pipeline tooth and nail. That is how they won.
In stark contrast, Dryden is doing almost nothing to stop the polluted Borger Compressor Station from being expanded. The Town must be required to take immediate action to prevent Dominion New Market from proceeding.
Have at it. Bring it on. Promise to remember in November.
Call and email Dryden Town Supervisor Leifer and Board Members:
Call Governor Cuomo at 518 474 8390 and write him using our new personalized form letter.
In conclusion, we must require Governor Cuomo to enforce New York's environmental and public health protection requirements instead of ignoring those onerous mandates. The fossil fuel infrastructure contamination problems that Toxics Targeting documented are part and parcel of a much larger statewide pollution legacy that must be resolved without any further delay.
More shortly.
Thank you so much for all your help.
Very best regards,
"Thanks so much for all your help. Can you believe this? Winning is way better than losing." I could have written this to you! And, winning is better than losing! I still cannot believe it! I'm truly at a loss of words. I know the fight is still on, but this victory feels good tonight. It definitely helps reinvigorate us in the fight. Thank you for all of the help. The countless talks and boosts of morale along with the undeniable guidance that you provided me. Many thanks! It truly is a victory for all of NYS!