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More Important Information to Require the Town of Dryden and Governor Cuomo to Revoke all Approvals for the Proposed Expansion of the Dominion New Market Borger Compressor Station


Many thanks to the legions of Fractivists who have been calling and writing Town of Dryden officials and Governor Cuomo to REVOKE approval for the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan required for the proposed expansion of the Dominion New Market Pipeline Borger Compressor Station.

We now have more important information to stop this project from proceeding due to a shocking lack of regulatory oversight. I recently met with Dryden Town planning and code enforcement staff. In order to address their concerns, I reviewed FERC's (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) Environmental Assessment of the proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Project.

FERC only identified a total of 12 residences near the Borger Compressor Station. Toxics Targeting documented that FERC's 10/15 Dominion New Market Environmental Assessment Failed to Identify 133 Residences "In the Vicinity" of the Borger Compressor Station

Read my detailed letter below to the Town Board regarding FERC's stunningly inadequate Environmental Assessment and at: Letter to Town of Dryden Board Regarding FERC's Inadequate Environmental Assessment of Dominion New Market

Enough is Enough.

FERC's ridiculously incomplete Environmental Assessment and Dominion's fatally flawed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan simply cannot protect Dryden, NY. They must be rejected and sent back to the drawing board to be redone.

Call Dryden Town Supervisor Leifer at (607) 844-8888 and press 6. Email him at:

Call and email other Town Board members at:


RESCIND All LOCAL APPROVALS for the proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion Project and REQUIRE GOVERNOR CUOMO to stop that fossil fuel monstrosity from proceeding due to an appalling lack of State regulatory oversight.

Keep Calling Governor Cuomo at 518 474 8390 to echo that message. Write him using our new personalized form letter.

Onward and upward,


To: Members of the Dryden Town Board
From: Walter Hang
Re: Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion of the Borger Compressor Station


I write to bring to your attention critical shortcomings in the Dominion New Market Pipeline Environmental Assessment conducted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

I believe that this improper Environmental Assessment warrants your urgent action. The inadequacies I will document for your review support my request that the Town of Dryden immediately write Governor Cuomo to require him to stop the proposed New Market Pipeline Project from proceeding at this time due to New York's inadequate regulatory oversight of this massive project.

FERC's Analysis of "Residences in the Vicinity" of the Borger Compressor Station Missed 133 Homes

As part of FERC's Environmental Assessment, a total of 12 residences were identified "in the vicinity" of the Borger Compressor Station. See PDF page 62: FERC Environmental Assessment

Toxics Targeting mapped a total of 133 additional residences in the area covered by FERC's analysis. These homes would be obvious to anyone who is familiar with that area of the Town of Dryden.

See: FERC's 10/15 Environmental Assessment Residences Survey Failed to Identify 133 Residences "in the vicinity" of the Borger Compressor Station

An Environmental Assessment that fails to identify more than 100 nearby homes which could be harmed by the proposed expansion of the Borger facility is unacceptable. This basic analysis is absolutely paramount to safeguarding local residents from catastrophic natural gas accidents and toxic pollution releases.

FERC's Environmental Assessment Failed to Address Existing Toxic Problems at the Borger Facility

FERC's Environmental Assessment did not include any baseline analysis of the Borger Compressor Station's existing contamination hazards which I later brought to public attention. As a result, FERC failed to assess how the proposed expansion of the Borger facility might exacerbate existing toxic problems which already exceed state clean up standards. This fundamental inadequacy warrants action by the Town of Dryden.

FERC's Environmental Assessment Included the Area South of Ellis Hollow Creek Road Just Granted Wetland and Waterbody Protection Variances

The "Limits of Study" area for the Borger Compressor Station clearly included a portion of the facility south of Ellis Hollow Creek Road. This area was also included in the "Approved Limits of Disturbance" for the New Market's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. FERC just granted Dominion's request for wetland and waterbody protection variances for that area.

See PDF page 23: FERC Environmental Assessment

This same area south of Ellis Hollow Creek Road was also included in the Wetland Delineation and Waterbody Identification Study conducted for the proposed New Market Pipeline Project.

See page 21: Resource Report 2 - Water Use and Quality

The Town of Dryden's consultant stated that the New Market Pipeline Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan was properly conducted even though this area south of Ellis Hollow Creek Road was not originally included in the proposed SPPP.

I believe, however, that the SPPP is fatally flawed and must be revoked because it failed to address that area of the proposed New Market Pipeline Project. If the consultant did not review the two other studies, he might not have known about this area's inexplicable exclusion from the SPPP.

This key area adjoins a protected wetland that drains into Cascadilla Creek, a major tributary to Cayuga Lake. The Town of Dryden wisely opposed the granting of wetland and waterbody protection variances for this area.

For all the reasons that I have documented, I reiterate my request that the Town of Dryden withdraw its approval of the SPPP.


I believe that FERC's shockingly inadequate Environmental Assessment and a factually incorrect SPPP for the proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline underscore why the Town of Dryden must immediately require Governor Cuomo to take all appropriate action to halt the proposed project at this time.

Until their fundamental shortcomings have been resolved, the inadequate Dominion New Market Pipeline Environmental Assessment and New Market SPPP must not be used for regulatory compliance purposes because they cannot protect the Town of Dryden and its residents.

For all these reasons, I respectfully implore the Town of Dryden to exercise its home rule authority to address these inadequate regulatory proceedings.

I trust that you will find my request to be self-explanatory, but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions that I might be able to answer. Thank you for your consideration.

Very best regards,

Walter Hang

cc: Honorable Kimberly D. Bose
Honorable Barbara S. Lifton
Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Honorable Basil Seggos
Honorable Howard Zucker
Honorable Walter Mugdan