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Take Urgent Action to Kill Newly Requested Wetland and Waterway Protection Variances for Dominion New Market Pipeline

URGENT UPDATE For Our Dominion New Market Pipeline Fight.

Watch this new video to see what Fractivists must accomplish starting Monday at 9:00 AM:

Greetings. We have a critical NEW OPPORTUNITY to kill the Dominion New Market Pipeline, but we must act immediately. This could be our LAST DITCH DEFENSE against the proposed 200-mile fossil fuel monstrosity that Governor Cuomo recently issued approvals for.

On 1/24/17, Dominion requested that FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) grant variances for wetland and waterway protections required along the proposed New Market pipeline route. The Borger Compressor Station Site on Ellis Hollow Creek Road in Ithaca, NY is most likely to cause irreparable harm because it adjoins wetlands and waterways on three sides.

Dominion's variance request is based on a fatally flawed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan which determined that, "Several existing wetlands and waterbodies were discovered at the Borger Compressor Station. However, all of these features are located outside (emphasis added) of the proposed Limit of Disturbance (LOD)."

This conclusion is evidently dead wrong. We know Dominion failed to map multiple protected wetlands and buffer zones within the LOD because Toxics Targeting just compiled that existing information in order to document extensive contamination hazards at the Borger site that had never been cleaned up to state standards.

Toxics Targeting has already petitioned Governor Cuomo and FERC in order to document these concerns. Now we must brutally crank up the heat.

You can see Dominion's mapping errors plain as day at: Request That Governor Cuomo Immediately Revoke Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

Dominion requested that FERC respond by 2/7/17. That is Tuesday. We must kill the variance requests and require the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to be REVOKED because it has been documented to be fatally flawed.

This will require a tremendous outpouring of calls starting tomorrow. Take Emergency Action Starting Monday at 9:00 AM.

1. Our top priority is to require FERC to DENY all wetland and waterbody variance requests for Dominion New Market Pipeline. Refer to Docket Nos. CP14-497-000. Also demand that FERC REVOKE New Market's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan because it has been documented to be fatally flawed. We must require FERC NOT to grant a Notice to Proceed given these concerns.

Call and demand to speak to these key officials. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE!!!

Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary of the Commission, 202 - 502 - 8400.

Cheryl A. LaFleur, Acting FERC Chair, 202 - 502 - 8961

Steven Wellner, Acting Chief of Staff, 202 - 502 - 8306

See my FERC Petition: Please Deny Dominion New Market Variance and Notice to Proceed Request

2. Call Governor Cuomo at 518 474 8390. Tell him to require FERC to DENY all wetland and waterbody variance requests for Dominion New Market Pipeline and to make sure that FERC does NOT grant a Notice to Proceed. Tell the Governor to REVOKE New Market's State Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan because it has been documented to be fatally flawed.

See: Request That Governor Cuomo Immediately Revoke Proposed Dominion New Market Pipeline Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

The Governor's switchboard operators have reported for weeks that they are getting "DELUGED WITH CALLS" about Dominion New Market. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE. Speak to an operator and drive your points home. Promise to hold Governor Cuomo accountable.

3. Use our new personalized form letter to require Governor Cuomo to rescind his authorization for Dominion New Market Pipeline and adopt a statewide moratorium on all fossil fuel infrastructure project approvals. Fill in the blanks. Toxics Targeting forwards each and every one of your letters.

Many thanks to Emily Adams at Tompkins Progressives for her video. Best of luck to this new group which includes many seasoned Fractivists.


I am so grateful to everyone who has helped with this campaign. We are in this together. Do not stop until you drop. GO, GO, GO!!!



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