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Take URGENT ACTION to Kill Dominion New Market Pipeline

1. Use our new personalized form letter to require Governor Cuomo to rescind his authorization for Dominion New Market Pipeline and adopt a statewide moratorium on all fossil fuel infrastructure project approvals. Fill in the blanks. Toxics Targeting forwards each and every letter.

The Governor has received nearly 400 personalized letters. Check out a compilation of amazingly powerful excerpts to see messages you should echo: Letters to Gov. Cuomo asking him to rescind Dominion New Market Pipeline permit

2. Keep calling the Governor at 518 474 8390. Switchboard operators report that they are getting "A LOT OF CALLS." Do NOT leave a message. Speak to an operator and drive your points home. Promise to hold Governor Cuomo accountable.

3. Beat the bushes for more signatories to our: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals. We are just shy of 1,200 signatories.


Fractivists from all over New York and around the nation are taking strong, unified action to require Governor Cuomo to rescind permits that would allow the 200-mile, $159 million Dominion New Market Pipeline to be built. We have just begun to fight. Pour it on.

Anti-fracking and renewable energy activists from coast to coast must work together with common purpose to halt GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE HYPOCRISY among elected officials, environmental groups and the fossil fuel industry.

We must not allow Governor Cuomo or anyone else to label themselves champions in the battle against global climate change unless they totally oppose proposed natural gas pipelines, storage facilities, power plants and shale fracking that would perpetuate America's addiction to fossil fuels for decades to come.

If we fail to require Governor Cuomo to rescind his approval for Dominion New Market Pipeline, it would set a precedent for permitting fossil fuel projects across New York, including, but not limited to:

Crestwood Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and expanded methane gas storage facilities on Seneca Lake in Reading, NY;

Millennium Valley Lateral Pipeline that is essential to fuel the Competitive Power Ventures power plant in Wawayanda, NY;

Pilgrim Pipeline;

Northern Access Pipeline;

Global Companies Crude Oil Facility in the Port of Albany, NY; and

Constitution Pipeline.

Some of those projects are being reviewed pursuant to the same pathetically inadequate and cursory Nationwide Permit (NWP) 12 proceeding used to approve Dominion New Market Pipeline.


Fractivists must be all for one and one for all. This is when our collective efforts really have to count. BE A FORCE MULTIPLIER. Get your local troops calling and writing non-stop. Our backs are against the wall.

Your grassroots advocacy efforts are closely coordinated with Toxics Targeting's ground-breaking research, news coverage and coalition building. Together our campaign packs a tremendous wallop, but we must crank up the heat in the days ahead.

More very shortly.

Thank you so much for all your help. Go Hard!!!



Rescind the Dominion New Market pipeline permits immediately!!!!!

Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
New York State Governor
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo:

I am very disturbed by the news that the DEC not only issued permits allowing the Dominion New Market Pipeline to proceed, but failed to announce this to the public. You and your administration seem to be talking the talk about taking climate change seriously, but when it comes to walking the walk, it seems that you are reaching out your hand to the fossil fuel industry. It's hard for me to say which is more disappointing and alarming: the pretense of concern about climate change and public health, or the sneakiness of hiding these permits from the public, given the high amount of interest around fracking, gas drilling and pipelines from both sides. Whose interests are you really serving?!

My interest in this topic is motivated both by scientific concerns and moral and religious values. My colleague, Rabbi Arthur __, uses the term global scorching rather than global warming to describe the perils of climate change and our dangerous addiction to fossil fuels. If you truly want to be known as a visionary leader in this area, you must stand up to the fossil fuels industry and do everything in your power to bring us towards renewable, clean energy that can help our world stop careening towards global scorching.

This is why I am writing to insist that you rescind the permits for the Dominion New Market pipeline immediately and deny any future permits. Let New York State be a climate leader, not a climate apologist.

At a time when scientific concerns are greater than ever that burning fossil fuels contributes to global climate change, there is a growing consensus that every state in the nation must reduce consumption of oil, natural gas and coal to the maximum extent feasible.

New York is in an ideal position to wean itself off of polluting fossil fuels because it has ample availability of natural gas and petroleum products as well as excess electrical generating capacity to meet energy demand for at least ten years.

Instead of reducing fossil fuel consumption, however, your administration has repeatedly approved new infrastructure projects that would perpetuate our state's addiction to oil and natural gas for decades to come.

Fossil Fuel Infrastructure - I am so disappointed in my Governor

Dear Governor Cuomo:

My name is M S and I live in Liberty, NY 12754.

I write today because I am so disappointed and so discouraged by your actions on December 31, 2016 when you QUIETLY granted air discharge permits to Dominion New Market Pipeline. Don't you care about the pure air and pure water of New York State? Don't you care about the health of New Yorkers? Don't you care about the polluting effect of fossil fuels on climate change? When you approve any expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure you do all of us harm. Human beings need the essentials to live -- water to drink, air to breathe. If you continue to promote the fossil fuel industry, you are choosing to pollute New York's environment and make New York an unsafe place to live.

You say one thing, but do another. I have chosen an ESCO that is 100% wind power. That is my way of helping to reduce New York State's dependence on fossil fuel. I am just one person. You as Governor can make decisions that affect all of us. You could leave behind a legacy as the only governor in the United States who protected his state from the contamination and pollution of fossil fuels. That would be a triumph.

At a time when scientific concerns are greater than ever that burning fossil fuels contributes to global climate change, there is a growing consensus that every state in the nation must reduce consumption of oil, natural gas and coal to the maximum extent feasible.

New York is in an ideal position to wean itself off of polluting fossil fuels because it has ample availability of natural gas and petroleum products as well as excess electrical generating capacity to meet energy demand for at least ten years.

Instead of reducing fossil fuel consumption, however, your administration has repeatedly approved new infrastructure projects that would perpetuate our state's addiction to oil and natural gas for decades to come.

Rescind your Secrete Dominion Pipe Line Authorization

Dear Governor Cuomo:

My name is S F and I live at __ Lane, Canandaigua, NY. I write today because I resent your secret approval of the Dominion Market Pipeline. All the talk about everything else is worthless if you are going to go behind our back and continue destroying our planet with fossil fuels. I don't know how you are going to be able to show your face in this State with such disregard for our well-being. Corporations have obviously bought you off. It’s you and Trump. I am ashamed for you for us.

At a time when scientific concerns are greater than ever that burning fossil fuels contributes to global climate change, there is a growing consensus that every state in the nation must reduce consumption of oil, natural gas and coal to the maximum extent feasible.

New York is in an ideal position to wean itself off of polluting fossil fuels because it has ample availability of natural gas and petroleum products as well as excess electrical generating capacity to meet energy demand for at least ten years.

Instead of reducing fossil fuel consumption, however, your administration has repeatedly approved new infrastructure projects that would perpetuate our state's addiction to oil and natural gas for decades to come.

Dominion New Market Pipeline Project

Dear Governor Cuomo:

My name is D B and I live at 160 W. __ #, NYC, NY.

I write today because I thought you were in support of efforts to protect the environment and health of the citizens of New York State. It has come to my attention that your administration has recently approved permits that allow further fossil fuel infrastructure to be built in our state. Also, these permits were not announced publicly or posted for public review. I am writing to let you know I am against projects that support expansion of our use of fossil fuels.

At a time when scientific concerns are greater than ever that burning fossil fuels contributes to global climate change, there is a growing consensus that every state in the nation must reduce consumption of oil, natural gas and coal to the maximum extent feasible.

New York is in an ideal position to wean itself off of polluting fossil fuels because it has ample availability of natural gas and petroleum products as well as excess electrical generating capacity to meet energy demand for at least ten years.

Instead of reducing fossil fuel consumption, however, your administration has repeatedly approved new infrastructure projects that would perpetuate our state's addiction to oil and natural gas for decades to come.

fossil-fuel infrastructure

Dear Governor Cuomo:

My name is R B, and I live at __ Court West, in Ithaca, NY.

I write today because I just learned that you granted air discharge permits for the fracked gas Dominion New Market pipeline expansion project to be built. The permits were neither officially announced nor posted for public review.

You purport to be a champion in the battle against climate change, but you have now perpetuated New York's addition to fossil fuels for decades to come by authorizing five fracked gas pipelines and power plants.

At a time when scientific concerns are greater than ever that burning fossil fuels contributes to global climate change, there is a growing consensus that every state in the nation must reduce consumption of oil, natural gas, and coal to the maximum extent feasible.

New York is in an ideal position to wean itself off of polluting fossil fuels because it has ample availability of natural gas and petroleum products as well as excess electrical generating capacity to meet energy demand for at least ten years.

Please put resources in NY State toward truly renewable and sustainable sources of energy - not fossil fuel projects, and not nuclear energy

Dear Governor Cuomo:

My name is Judith F and I live at W. __ St, Apt __, Bronx, NY 10463.

I am writing to strongly urge you to do everything you can to put an end to New York's reliance on fossil fuels by halting all fossil fuel infrastructure approvals. We must do this to curb the existential threat of global warming, as well as to protect the environment and public health from the dangers of toxic contamination. There is a history of well-documented pipeline, compressor station and gas storage regulatory failures that have caused widespread environmental contamination hazards. This must stop!

To this end, I fervently request that you deny all Section 401 Water Quality Certifications, gas storage permits, air discharge permits and other state authorizations for pipelines, compressor stations, power plants or any fossil fuel infrastructure projects proposed in our state, including the Dominion New Market Pipeline and the Crestwood Liquefied Petroleum Gas and methane gas storage facilities.

In addition, the DEC should deny all infrastructure approvals because the agency cannot prevent or clean up environmental and public health hazards caused by fossil fuel facilities. Many toxic releases are never cleaned up to state standards.

In addition, please install comprehensive insulation, weatherization, energy efficiency and renewable energy efforts that would drastically cut consumption of natural gas, oil and coal.



Governor Cuomo Please DENY All Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approvals

Dear Governor Cuomo:

My name is G W and I live at __ Street, Owego, NY.

I write today because it appears that you have not taken into account the recent methane measurements that demonstrate the urgency of moving quickly to renewable energy for electricity, transportation, and space heating and abandoning shale gas development. Mitigating methane leakage buys us time to address carbon dioxide reduction so that we can prevent the average global temperature from rising to a level that we agreed at the Paris convention would be unacceptably high.

New York is in an ideal position to wean itself off of polluting fossil fuels because it has ample availability of natural gas and petroleum products as well as excess electrical generating capacity to meet energy demand for at least ten years.

Instead of reducing fossil fuel consumption, however, your administration has repeatedly approved new infrastructure projects that would perpetuate our state's addiction to oil and natural gas for decades to come.

Do not allow any movement toward fracking in New York State

Dear Governor Cuomo:

My name is B M and I live at 448 __ Street in Brooklyn, NY.

I write today because I am concerned about your recent approval of air discharge permits that can become the first step toward fracking in our state.

At a time when scientific concerns are greater than ever that burning fossil fuels contributes to global climate change, there is a growing consensus that every state in the nation must reduce consumption of oil, natural gas and coal to the maximum extent feasible.

New York is in an ideal position to wean itself off of polluting fossil fuels because it has ample availability of natural gas and petroleum products as well as excess electrical generating capacity to meet energy demand for at least ten years.

Instead of reducing fossil fuel consumption, however, your administration has repeatedly approved new infrastructure projects that would perpetuate our state's addiction to oil and natural gas for decades to come.

Governor Cuomo Please DENY All Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Approvals

Dear Governor Cuomo:

My name is C F and I live in the beautiful village of Moravia, NY.

I write today because I and all of my neighbors are so worried about what will become of us in this new age of alternate "truth" telling. I believe that New York State must do everything possible to demonstrate a common sense way of dealing with the deadly problems of fossil fuels and their acquisition. Especially now, in this time of unprecedented political upheaval with climate deniers determined and in a position to destroy all of our governmental regulations, insufficient as they are. New York State must show the world how we protect our precious resources.

At a time when scientific concerns are greater than ever that burning fossil fuels contributes to global climate change, there is a growing consensus that every state in the nation must reduce consumption of oil, natural gas and coal to the maximum extent feasible.

New York is in an ideal position to wean itself off of polluting fossil fuels because it has ample availability of natural gas and petroleum products as well as excess electrical generating capacity to meet energy demand for at least ten years.

Instead of reducing fossil fuel consumption, however, your administration has repeatedly approved new infrastructure projects that would perpetuate our state's addiction to oil and natural gas for decades to come.


Dear Governor Cuomo:

My name is S B and I live in Stone Ridge, NY.


At a time when scientific concerns are greater than ever that burning fossil fuels contributes to global climate change, there is a growing consensus that every state in the nation must reduce consumption of oil, natural gas and coal to the maximum extent feasible.

New York is in an ideal position to wean itself off of polluting fossil fuels because it has ample availability of natural gas and petroleum products as well as excess electrical generating capacity to meet energy demand for at least ten years.

Instead of reducing fossil fuel consumption, however, your administration has repeatedly approved new infrastructure projects that would perpetuate our state's addiction to oil and natural gas for decades to come.

Fossil fuels in NYS , Request to deny authorization of Dominion Pipeline

Dear Governor Cuomo:

My name is M K and I live at __ St.,Clinton, NY.

I write today because I believe strongly in the decreased use of fossil fuels and believed you were committed to addressing NYS 's role in leading the way to cleaner, safer energy choices. By approving air discharge permits without posting these for public review, you have made me lose faith in your being a champion for preventing the contamination of our valuable water resources.

At a time when scientific concerns are greater than ever that burning fossil fuels contributes to global climate change, there is a growing consensus that every state in the nation must reduce consumption of oil, natural gas and coal to the maximum extent feasible.

New York is in an ideal position to wean itself off of polluting fossil fuels because it has ample availability of natural gas and petroleum products as well as excess electrical generating capacity to meet energy demand for at least ten years.

Instead of reducing fossil fuel consumption, however, your administration has repeatedly approved new infrastructure projects that would perpetuate our state's addiction to oil and natural gas for decades to come.

See our recent media coverage:

REPORT: Divisive gas pipeline moving forward

Could new information derail the New Market pipeline?

WHCU - Radio Interview With Walter Hang: Dominion New Market Pipeline Project Approval 1

Environmental activists raise new concerns after pipeline expansion approved

Ithaca Enviro. Firm Says Petroleum Spill Never Fully Cleaned

News Conference 1/19/2017 - Dominion New Market Pipeline Expansion Project