Please become a signatory to our new: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Adopt a Statewide Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Project Approvals
We did it again.
Our new campaign to require Governor Cuomo to kill all proposed fossil fuel pipelines, compressor stations, power plants, storage facilities and other infrastructure projects in New York is off to a flying start with the release of two unprecedented public policy letters which generated front-page newspaper and extensive radio and TV coverage.
See news summary below.
Our Coalition is Growing Bigger Each and Every Day/Get More Signatories
Our new coalition letter already has nearly 600 signatories, including dozens of grassroots organizations, local elected officials, physicians and health care professionals, academics, business owners, religious leaders, artists, educators, students and concerned citizens from all over the nation. Thank you one and all.
Please beat the bushes for more signatories. We need at least 1,000 to preserve the credibility of our effort. Anyone can sign.
Heavy-Duty Support From New York State Legislators
We are being strongly supported by State Legislators who are signatories to a virtual twin of our coalition letter written by Assemblywoman Barbara S. Lifton. Her sign-on letter has 22 signatories who are Assemblymembers and State Senators, including many of the most respected and powerful senior leaders in Albany and across our state.
These legislators are taking a gutsy stand that requires great conviction and political courage. They will surely face industry push-back. As someone famously observed, "If you are not taking flak, you are not over the target."
Please call and convey your appreciation to our friends in the State Legislature. This means a lot in a tough fight. Handwritten thank-you notes are even better. Please support these brave elected leaders in every way you can. They are doing the heavy lifting to shape New York's energy future for the better.
Check out how Assemblymember Daniel J. O'Donnell trumpeted his support for the fossil fuel approval moratorium request: On Reaching New York's Climate Goals.
Assemblymember O'Donnell, thank you so much for all of your great work on protecting New York's environment and citizens from shale fracking and fossil fuel hazards. I commend your leadership.
Assemblywoman Lifton, I concur with your honorable colleague. You are a great tribute to the public service tradition of the New York State Assembly. Without your steadfast efforts, our state would have been fracked years ago. Thank you and your staff for all your immensely dedicated and effective work.
Take Urgent Action Today
Our immediate goal is to bolster signatories to the Legislators sign-on letter, particularly in districts where efforts are underway to kill New Market pipeline, Constitution pipeline, a gas supply line to the CPV (Competitive Power Ventures) power plant, Cricket Valley power plant, Greenidge power plant, Pilgrim pipeline, Northern Access pipeline as well as Crestwood Midstream and expansion of the Arlington natural gas storage facility.
Please note that New York State Legislators have an election on November 8, 2016. In the coming months, Legislators will be especially attentive to constituent concerns.
Please contact your State Legislators: "Greetings. I am calling to request that Assemblymember/State Senator ___ become a signatory to Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton's letter which requests that Governor Cuomo adopt a statewide moratorium on all fossil fuel project approvals."
Please be very respectful, but firm. Read the sign-on letter carefully. Refer to the specific language of the letter when you make your pitch. If you do not know the answer to complex questions, say "I will get back to you." Then contact me. Be patient, but do not take "no" for an answer. Be nice, but you can promise to "remember in November" if your request does not receive a favorable reply.
I am pleased to assure you that your requests are already bringing intense pressure to bear on key Legislators who are between the rock and the hard place on fossil fuel projects. Pour it on. Each signatory is huge.
See: Assemblymembers and Senators & Committees
I will follow up shortly with a detailed plan of action for Governor Cuomo and Big Green groups. Get ready to go hard.
The bottom line is that no elected official or environmental group can claim to be an opponent of global climate change without totally opposing massive new infrastructure projects that would perpetuate New York's addiction to fossil fuels for decades to come.
Finally, deepest thanks to each and every person who provided generous donations in support of our highly successful New York Marcellus Shale Campaign. Toxics Targeting's activism work is impossible without your on-going support.
Smile and dial.
Onward and upward,
Activists call for Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Ban in NY
Lifton, Hang call for moratorium on fossil fuel projects
Lifton: Ban more fossil fuel development in NY
Letter to Governor Cuomo calls for moratorium of fossil fuel infrastructure