Gain even more advocacy inspiration from additional eloquent citizen letters which request that Governor Cuomo kill the proposed Constitution Pipeline: 3-11-16 Even still more Cuomo Constitution Pipeline letters
Add your voice to the call for action by using our: Personalized Form Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo Deny All Section 401 Water Quality Certification Applications for Proposed Fossil Fuel Pipelines in New York
Join more than 800 signatories to our: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo End New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuels
Use this Quick Action Guide to inundate the Governor with calls to kill the proposed Constitution Pipeline. Call 518 474 8390.
I am immensely grateful to report that the proposed Constitution Pipeline still cannot be built because it lacks the critical Section 401 Water Quality Certification required for construction. Moreover, we are another critical week closer to the 3/31/16 No tree-felling deadline.
After that day, Constitution Pipeline Co., LLC cannot cut trees along the proposed route in New York until at least 11/1/16 even if government authorization is provided for the massive 124-mile project.
Many thanks to the thousands of dedicated Fractivists who have diligently written and called Governor Cuomo during the last three months. Your super-focused, highly sophisticated advocacy efforts, combined with our revealing data research and extensive media coverage, have been instrumental in preventing the Governor from granting the Section 401 Water Quality Certification required for the Constitution Pipeline to proceed to groundbreaking.
The Constitution Pipeline Company, LLC declared last week that it was delaying completion of its proposed project by a year. DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD THE FIRM SAYS. Their statement makes clear that they are desperate to start construction the moment they get the Section 401 WQC required to begin construction.
See: Constitution natural gas pipeline pushes back completion date
We must redouble our efforts. Everything we have worked so hard to achieve is on the line. New York will never end its addiction to fossil fuels so long as it continues to authorize more pipelines, gas-fired power plants and other giant infrastructure projects. That is what we are working to stop.
Governor Cuomo has not fulfilled our request that he DENY the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the Constitution Pipeline. As a result, the Governor could issue the Section 401 WQC ANY DAY.
FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) also has made no decision on Constitution Pipeline Company, LLC's second request to cut trees in New York.
Governor Cuomo has until approximately April 29, 2016 to exercise sole decision-making authority to DENY the Section 401 WQC for the proposed Constitution Pipeline. That would be one year since the Constitution Pipeline application was completed. If the Governor makes no decision by that deadline, he would lose the privilege and FERC would almost certainly grant the Section 401 WQC.
I implore you to bolster your efforts to require Governor Cuomo to DENY the Section 401 WQC by April 29, 2016. If that can be achieved, we would kill the Constitution Pipeline and set a critical precedent to end New York's addiction to fossil fuels by halting all proposed fossil fuel infrastructure projects.
Governor Cuomo continues to be deluged with powerful, personalized letters and calls which systematically echo the request that he DENY the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the Constitution Pipeline.
Keep writing and phonebanking Governor Cuomo at 518 474 8390 to request that he: a) TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION TO PREVENT ANY TREE FELLING in New York for the proposed Constitution Pipeline and b) DENY the Section 401 Water Quality Certification required for its construction.
Hammer home the Department of Environmental Conservation's documented inability to prevent at least 114 major fossil fuel pipeline explosions, fires, ruptures and toxic discharges, including many water quality violations that were never cleaned up to state environmental protection standards.
DEC must not grant the Section 401 WQC because the agency clearly cannot fulfill the requirements of the U. S. Clean Water Act.
See: Section 401 Certification
Thanks so much for all your help. Your letters are amazingly powerful and laser-focused.
3-11-16 Even still more Cuomo Constitution Pipeline letters
3-7-16 Still more Cuomo - Constitution Pipeline letters
Please note that each and every one of your letters to the Governor is cc'd to the DEC and Department of Health Commissioners. I am also forwarding all the letter compilations to the Governor under separate cover. I am also routinely updating Governor Cuomo about our coalition letter signatories.
Keep slugging.
Very gratefully yours,
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