Please become a signatory to our IMPORTANT NEW: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo End New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuels
Still no Section 401 Water Quality Certification decision on the Proposed Constitution Pipeline. Use this Quick Action Guide to kill all fossil fuel pipelines, power plant conversions and infrastructure projects proposed in New York.
Special Alert: I just heard on the radio that Governor Cuomo will reportedly be in Dunkirk, NY at 10:30 AM TODAY to discuss converting the local coal-fired power plant to natural gas. That would perpetuate New York's addiction to fossil fuels for decades to come instead of switching our state to renewable alternatives.
Please get to the event if you can. Bring your signs. Request that Governor Cuomo shut down the plant and help the community transition to a non-fossil fuel future by tapping into a dedicated $19 million fund. See details below.
Contact me for tips about speaking to the press if need be.
10:30 AM Governor Cuomo Makes an Announcement
Dunkirk High School
75 W. 6th Street
Dunkirk, NY
Built to Lead, the Governor's proposed 2016 agenda, states:
"Proposal: Make New York Coal Free by 2020
Coal is one of the highest greenhouse gas emitting and environmentally harmful fuel sources for power generation.
In fact, today, New York State has only three active coal fired power plants that produce less than 4 percent of the state's energy load and one plant is scheduled for closure in 2016.
To achieve the state's goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector 40 percent by 2030 the Governor seeks to close or repower (emphasis added) the two remaining coal burning power plants to natural gas (emphasis added) by 2020."
Converting massive coal-fired power plants to natural gas would burn fossil fuels in New York State for perhaps a half century. Those plants have to be shut down. Period.
The C. R. Huntley plant in Tonawanda, NY is scheduled to close this year, but two coal-fired power plants in Dunkirk and Lansing, NY are candidates for natural gas conversions.
Fortunately, there is now a pot of $19 Million to help communities transition from being dependent on local power plant tax revenues.
"To minimize economic impact on communities and workers the Governor will draw upon the state's existing $19 million mitigation fund to offset financial losses associated with the retirement of aging or obsolete power plants."
I implore local activists fighting natural gas conversions in Chautauqua and Tompkins Counties to use this information to their best advantage. Work with as many local officials as possible to get the dedicated funds . Then there would be no reason not to close the old coal-fired plants.
See page 130: Built To Lead: 2016 State of the State
Achieving these goals would help end New York's addition to fossil fuels. That is the purpose of our new coalition letter. Please become a signatory today: Coalition Letter Which Requests That Governor Cuomo End New York's Addiction to Fossil Fuels
Keep slugging. Thanks so much for all your immense help. Much more very shortly.
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