Quick Action Guide
New York will shortly mark the 6th anniversary of its unprecedented Marcellus Shale fracking moratorium. That is the reason why not one shale gas production well has ever been fracked in our state.
The moratorium remains in effect until a Final Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS) is adopted. The original Draft SGEIS was released nearly five years ago. A Revised Draft SGEIS was released nearly three years ago. It was never adopted or updated.
The "health impact analysis" in the Draft SGEIS is ancient by scientific investigatory standards. It ignores hundreds of recent studies, reports and investigations.
For all these reasons, the Draft SGEIS is simply too old and outdated to support a decision whether to permit shale gas fracking in New York.
Please sign a new coalition letter: http://toxicstargeting.com/MarcellusShale/letters/2014/6/23/coalition-le...
It respectfully requests that Governor Cuomo:
a) Withdraw the Marcellus Shale Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS) because it is nearly five years old, lacks any current information and would inadequately protect New York from fracking hazards.
b) Halt the State Department of Health (DOH) “review” of the outdated “health impact analysis” in the Draft SGEIS;
c) Require the DOH to undertake a comprehensive shale fracking “Public Health Impact Study” openly and transparently using all available current data;
d) Instruct DOH and DEC to utilize the findings of the “Public Health Impact Study” to propose and adopt a new Generic Environmental Impact Statement per the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's 2009 recommendation. See: http://www.toxicstargeting.com/sites/default/files/Marcellus_dSGEIS_Comm...
If those requests are fulfilled, shale gas fracking would not be permitted in New York for years to come.
Due to New York's shale gas fracking moratorium, natural gas production has plummeted in recent years. During all of 2013, only one gas well was drilled and completed for production in the entire state according to DEC's most recently released data.
Oil production has been plunging for 70 years and recently reached the lowest output levels in a century.
See production graphs below.
If New York's shale fracking moratorium can be extended for a few more years, our state's nearly 200 year era of fossil fuel extraction devastation could finally come to a dead-end.
With that goal in mind, please beat the bushes for signatories.
Thanks so much for your help. Onward and upward.
Walter Hang