Please sign our Final SGEIS Findings Statement Coalition Letter:
Please Keep Calling Governor Cuomo at 518 474 8390 until the Final SGEIS Findings Statement is issued.
You will hear a recording. Press 2 to leave a message or press 3 to speak with a live person. Either option is fine.
Greetings. My name is _____ and I live at ______.
I am a: humanitarian - physician - farmer - elected official - life-long New Yorker - dentist - teacher - business owner - registered voter - registered Democrat - unionized worker - environmentalist - artist - religious leader - lawyer - winery owner - PhD. - ________.
I totally oppose permitting shale fracking in New York because:
I live directly over the Marcellus Shale formation.
I live in the area of New York devastated by decades of conventional gas and oil extraction activities.
I drink well water that could be polluted by fracking.
I have zero confidence in DEC's ability to enforce New York's environmental protection laws.
For all these reasons, I respectfully request that DEC's Findings Statement for the Final SGEIS implement:
A. the No - Action alternative: "The denial of permits to develop the Marcellus Shale and other low-permeability gas reservoirs by horizontal drilling and high-volume hydraulic fracturing." This is what we want.
B. the DOH Public Health Review's key policy recommendation:
"Until the science provides sufficient information to determine the level of risk to public health from HVHF [high-volume hydraulic fracturing] to all New Yorkers and whether the risks can be adequately managed, DOH recommends that HVHF should not proceed in NYS."
C. a requirement that the DEC's final decision in this matter cannot be revisited without conducting a new Environmental Impact Assessment pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act.
Governor Cuomo, in conclusion I believe that you have a duty to safeguard all New Yorkers from existing gas and oil extraction hazards as well as future shale fracking threats.
I respectfully request that you clean up all known gas and oil production problems reported by your DEC, notably more than 5,000 abandoned and unplugged gas and oil production wells and thousands of gas extraction wastewater spills.
Thank you for considering all of my requests and for your public service.